How to Write Exemplification Essays, Plus 50 Example Topics
Exemplification essays may sound scary and complicated at first. But the truth is that if you have already mastered how to write an argumentative essay, an exemplification essay should not be too challenging a task to handle.
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Access Free Writing ToolsAn exemplification essay is a type of argumentative essay. The only difference between the two is that with exemplification essays, you must be able to illustrate concepts with specific examples.
Generally, an exemplification essay takes a theory or idea and provides examples that can help prove or explain the thesis.
Exemplification essays allow students to gain a deeper understanding of theories and enable students to write with more skill, all while being able to internalize concepts wholly.
When creating an exemplification essay, you want to do your best to collect plenty of factual statements and figures that you can incorporate as examples in your essay.
How to Write an Exemplification Essay
To nail an exemplification essay, you should start with a strong introduction. The introduction should include the main point, also known as the hook and a strong thesis statement.
A strong exemplification essay introduction will consist of anecdotes, questions, quotes, and statistics. Note that in exemplification essays, you are supposed to use examples.
Several examples types are used in these essays. You can use typical-case examples, hypothetical examples, personal-case examples, extended examples, and general-case examples in your exemplification essay.
Exemplification essays are also pretty flexible, especially when it comes to their organization. You can organize the paragraphs in chronological order of importance, descending order of importance, or ascending order of importance.
Exemplification essays are intensive in light of the use of examples. You have to use them to demonstrate your ideas. More so, the subject you choose and the examples you pick should be relevant to your audience.
You must back up your idea or claim, for the reader to know that you are aware of what you are talking about. The structure of these essay types remains the same. It should include an introduction, body, and conclusion.
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Exemplification Essay Topics, Prompts and Questions
- In your opinion, which historical figure shaped the future of the US the most. Provide valid example
- Smoking is a choice. Should it be legalized?
- Do you think political parties should receive funding from the state?
- Give instances where religious cults harmed society.
- Does the loan system contribute positively to society?
- Do election forecasts influence voter behavior?
- Should the government curtail social media use?
- Can compulsive hoarding be cured?
- Will gender discrimination ever end?
- Did Henry VIII shape religion in England for the better?
- Is gender discrimination worsening or improving in contemporary society?
- How can someone have a successful career without a college education?
- Which is better for productivity? Working from home or the office?
- How has climate change affected the GDP?
- What are the differences and similarities between political correctness and free speech?
- Smoking is illegal in Bhutan. Should it be made illegal anywhere else?
- Is the rise of smartphone technology good or bad for business?
- How have smartphones impacted teenage behavior?
- Discuss the case of bribing in Africa
- How can energy be made for efficient?
- Should religious education be outlawed in the public school system?
- What amendments can be made to the constitution to reduce school shootings in the US
- What is free-range farming? Does it have a place in society?
- How can capitalism and socialism co-exist?
- Do you agree or disagree with the concept of Guantanamo Bay?
- Why should marijuana be legalized once and for all?
- Has Instagram worsened global materialism?
- Do cryptocurrencies have a place in the financial system?
- Should all governments give up their nuclear stations?
- What is euthanasia? Is it cruelty-free?
- Are welfare payments good or bad for society?
- Has immigration been detrimental to society or no?
- Discuss Brexit and how it will affect trade.
- Should the meat industry be scrutinized a little more closely? Discuss instances that support your answer.
- Is classical music dead?
- Should guns be legalized everywhere in the world?
- Mobile phones have changed society for the better. Give examples.
- The elderly should have the right to euthanasia if they want it. True or false?
- Should professional American football be halted due to the health problems associated with it?
- Do confidence levels improve as people age?
- Which is better? Group or individual based learning?
- How has the fast-food economy impacted social and family life?
- Discuss the challenges experienced by transgender people.
- Discuss technology and privacy issues
- What are some of the regulations that control the use of drones?
- Why the death penalty should be abolished globally.
- Are single-gender schools necessary?
- How can bullying be stopped?
- The effect of sports participation on academic success
- How has e-commerce changed the way we shop today?
Lidt of 50 definition essay topics to explore.
The Steps to Picking an Exemplification Essay Question
Exemplifications topics demand that you provide factual and specific examples, so they require concentration and the utmost care. To select an exemplification topic, you will have to:
Brainstorm to Decide on an Interesting Prompt
Carry out your research well to find an exemplification topic that will impress your instructor.
Remember to select one that will not be too challenging to write about because there is no point in wasting time doing something that you will find difficult to connect with.
Analyze the Topic that You Choose
Analyzing the topic will help you decide whether your chosen topic is broad or narrow. A broad topic will not require specific examples such as ‘life on earth’- with such a topic; it is unclear whether you are writing about human life or marine life. Read; example essay topics for the Romeo and Juliet story
An example of a narrow topic, on the other hand, would be ‘human life on earth and its impact on the environment thus far,’ which will have plenty of examples to include in the essay.
All in all, a narrow topic will provide clues about what type of illustrations you should include in your essay, so you should strive for narrow topics instead of broad topics.
Create an Outline
Once you have determined your area of interest, you will want to create an outline that contains a summary of your ideas on paper before you can start an in-depth writing process. Your outline should consist of things such as the thesis statement, introduction, body, etc.
Outlines are essential because they will allow you to determine the amount of work needed for each essay so that you can start eliminating topics that will ask too much of your time or energy. After creating an outline, you can then start writing. If you sre stuck with your writing, you can use our essay generetor to craft a quality exemplification essay.
Final Thoughts
When picking a topic for your exemplification essay, remember to choose a topic that is interesting because you are far less likely to create a boring or bad essay with a topic that you find enjoyable.
If this list contains your perfect piece, then great! If not, you can utilize this guide to help shape your topic ideas or brainstorm before you can pick your perfect prompt. Use a plagiarism checker and proofread your essay before submitting it.

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