Which of the following was true of the Assyrian Empire? (more than one answer might be correct)
Which of the following was true of the Assyrian Empire? (more than one answer might be correct)
(a)Noted seafaring culture
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Access Free Writing Tools(b)To its greatest extent incorporated Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the eastern Mediterranean coast
(c)Was destroyed by a Greco-Persian alliance in 656 BC
(d)One of the great military cultures in ancient history
(e)Their main export crop was tomatoes
(d)Centered in Lower Mesopotamia
(b). To its greatest extent incorporated Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the eastern Mediterranean coast
(d). One of the great military cultures in ancient history
During ancient times, the Assyrians were one of the essential peoples in Mesopotamia. They resided around the mouth of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in northern Mesopotamia. Throughout history, the Assyrian Empire rose and fell countless times.
The Assyrians were arguably most known for their fearsome army. They lived in a warrior society where combat was an everyday occurrence. The Assyrians were formidable fearless fighters because of their lethal chariots and iron weaponry.
The Assyrians specialized in siege warfare. They used battering rams, siege towers, and other techniques such as diverting water supply to seize a city. Before 1270 BCE, Assyria was a minor trading village in Mesopotamia north of the Tigris River.
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However, from that moment until its fall in 612 BCE, it was one of the world’s greatest civilizations. During its reign, the astute Assyrian military stretched its influence to include territory as far west as Egypt and east as Persia. As Assyria’s frontiers expanded, so did its prosperity.
In Assyria, farming was done in rural areas and small agricultural settlements near large towns. Food was in demand due to the massive population. Barley and other grains aided in meeting this demand. It was by far the most popular crop. As a result, barley became so valuable that it was frequently employed as a form of payment. Other crops grown include melons, apples, beets, wheat, emmer, millet, flax, and onions.
The Assyrian empire fell around the end of the seventh century under the invasion of Babylonians from southern Mesopotamia and Medes, newcomers who were to establish a kingdom in Iran. The Battle of Nineveh (612 BC). Babylonia led an alliance against the Assyrian capital, Nineveh, determined to eliminate Assyrian control in Mesopotamia. After a three-month siege, they had taken total control of the city, and Assyrian King Sinsharushkin was assassinated.
What was the Assyrian empire?
The Assyrian Empire was one of the first ancient empires in the world and had a profound influence on its contemporaries. The Assyrians were originally Semitic people living in Mesopotamia, but they slowly overtook their neighbors and eventually controlled most of the region by 850 BC. They prospered through trade and military conquest and eventually ruled an empire that extended from Cyprus to Egypt.
How did the Assyrian empire develop?
The Assyrians were traditionally considered aggressive people who were content to conquer and assimilate their neighbors. However, this is a simplified version of their history that does not reflect the complexity of their society. Most of their empire was from the fertile crescent, and they were part of an international trade network that included Babylonia, Egypt, Cyprus, and Elam.
You can read on the origin of upper and lower Egypt here.
When did the Assyrian empire emerge?
The second millennium B.C.E. is when the first dynasties of Mesopotamia emerged. The first dynasty was established by Ashurnasirpal I, who reigned from c. 883-859 BC during the First Assyrian Empire.
He conquered large portions of Asia Minor and founded a capital city in Nineveh that was to become one of the most important cities in history. After him, many rulers followed suit, expanding their empires and developing one of the greatest empires in history.
Why was the Assyrian empire important?
The Assyrian empire was very important, primarily because it was the first empire in the ancient world. It paved the way for the rise of empires like Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The Assyrians were a people who were willing to conquer other peoples for their own beliefs and culture to prevail. Because of battle prowess and military might, they became one of the most powerful empires in history.
What type of government was the Assyrian empire?
The form of government in the Assyrian Empire was an absolute monarchy. Mesopotamia was not a unified state but a collection of city-states and independent regions. Kings usually headed city-state governments.
What caused the Assyrian empire to fall?
All empires had a downfall, and the Assyrian Empire was no different. The empire was plagued by internal revolts, which would cause the death of one ruler and the rise of a successor who would not be as favorable to Assyria. Additionally, some of their neighbors began to exploit them by taking advantage of their wealth and resources.
How did Assyrian emperors treat their subjects?
In the early Assyrian Empire, Sargon II treated the citizens respectfully and rewarded them for their work. He was known as a “servant leader” who allowed his subordinates to explore new ideas. Later in the empire, under Emperor Tiglath-Pileser III, the Assyrians took over several cities in other countries and conquered people from non-Assyrian regions. The emperors kept these people as slaves and forced them to supply their masters with food.
What caused the Assyrian empire to fall?
All empires had a downfall, and the Assyrian Empire was no different. The empire was plagued by internal revolts, which would cause the death of one ruler and the rise of a successor who would not be as favorable to Assyria. Additionally, some of their neighbors began to exploit them by taking advantage of their wealth and resources.
What were the positive achievements of the Assyrian empire?
The following were the positive achievements of the Assyrian empire:
1. The Assyrians patronized the fine arts and used them to spread their glory far and wide.
2. The Kings used the division of labor system to rise in importance.
3. The Assyrian kings did a good job at keeping enemies out of their borders, which was an important part of maintaining peace in their empire.
4. The Assyrians were an efficient government and could seemingly hold their empire together with little to no problems.
Why was the Assyrian empire army strong?
The Assyrian army was the strongest because of its military tactics, the people in it, and its tactical weapons.
What are some examples of the Assyrian army brutality?
The Assyrian army was well respected as a powerful and brutal force, as they were known to kill or deport thousands of people who did not surrender. Some Assyrian rulers would threaten their citizens to get them to join the army in capturing nearby lands and forcing the subjugates into slavery.
How was the Persian empire different from the Assyrian empire?
The Persian empire was an offshoot empire of the Macedonian empire, an empire founded and led by Alexander the Great. His death in this empire caused a great divide between the Macedonian and Persian empires. The Persians were geographically located further west than their neighbors, so they could expand their borders more quickly than their eastern neighbors.
How did the Assyrian empire end?
The Assyrian empire ended slowly, from the time of Ashurbanipal until the final fall of Nineveh around 612 BC. The Persians took advantage of the split between Assyrians and Medes by conquering both groups in a series of battles and eventually taking over the Assyrian Empire.

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