Which Statement Describes One of the Political Consequences of the Watergate Scandal
Which statement describes one of the political consequences of the Watergate scandal
(a) It reversed the gains made by Nixon’s Detente policy toward China.
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Access Free Writing Tools(b) It resulted in a significant expansion of protections for criminal defendants’ rights.
(c) It enabled Congress to take control of the Vietnam War policy away from the President.
(d) It represented a significant setback for the federal government due to public suspicion.
(d) It represented a significant setback for the federal government due to public suspicion
Step by step explanation
It is imperative to note that one of the political influences of the Watergate scandal is that it represented a significant setback for the federal government due to public suspicion. The scandal contributed to the revelation of numerous abuses of state power by members of the Nixon administration. It also led to the start of the impeachment process against President Nixon. He later opted to resign from office after the Supreme Court found him guilty of abuse of power. Therefore, the public lost confidence in the federal government and became suspicious of its every political activity ever since.
What is the Watergate scandal?
The Watergate scandal was a political event in the United States in 1972. The break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C., and its resultant investigation by Congress and a Special Prosecutor led to hearings on Presidential involvement. President Richard Nixon came under investigation for his role following the discovery of the secret White House taping system, which captured him ordering such illegal activities as directing a cover-up after meetings with his aides.
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What happened in the Watergate scandal?
The Watergate scandal began as a break-in at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) offices in the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C., and was detected on June 17, 1972. It is believed that James McCord, the head of security for the Committee to Re-elect President Nixon, ordered the break-in along with five other men. The group was arrested on June 17, 1972, by police responding to a call from one of the men involved. The men were also recorded talking about their involvement in the break-in and offered to be recruited into the CIA.
At first, Richard Nixon insisted that no one was involved with his family or administration, but after transcripts between Nixon and his campaign manager John Dean were discovered weeks before the November 1972 presidential election, a cover-up was taking place.
How did the Watergate scandal affect America?
1. President Nixon announced his resignation on August 8, 1974. Gerald Ford took over as the 38th President of the United States.
2. Americans began to question their leaders and reason critically about their presidency.
3. The Republican Party and the Democratic Party became more polarized after the scandal.
4. The nature of political discourse in America was changed forever, leading to a decline in trust in government.
When did the Watergate scandal start?
The Watergate scandal is a complex story with multiple parts and varying timelines. The story started in 1972 when the Democrats were organizing the Committee to Re-Elect President Nixon. They set up “Operation Gemstone,” which aimed to ensure Nixon’s re-election.
What was one effect of the media’s coverage of the Watergate scandal?
The media coverage of the Watergate scandal speeded up the President’s downfall as it exposed the unbelievable depth of the crimes committed. As the news broke out, people were shocked and outraged by what they heard. Nixon was forced to resign as a result, and his vice president and successor to the presidency, Gerald Ford, pardoned Nixon, preventing further legal action against him.
Why was the Watergate scandal important?
The Watergate scandal, along with other allegations against the Nixon administration, indicated what might happen in a future presidential administration. At the time, all Americans were shocked by the story, and when expectations grew that more scandals would come, some people started to worry about what could happen if Nixon became President.
Why did the Watergate scandal happen?
The Watergate scandal was a political scandal in the United States during the 1970s. It culminated with the resignation of President Richard Nixon on August 9, 1974.
The incident began when five burglars were caught breaking into and attempting to bug the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington D.C. on June 17, 1972. The investigation led to multiple indictments of members of President Richard Nixon’s administration and campaign staff for conspiracy, burglary, and illegal wiretapping before 1972’s presidential election.
What were the leading causes of the Watergate scandal?
1. The attempt to bug the Democratic Party in the Watergate building.
2. The attempt to cover up the bug is to lie about it and keep it under wraps.
3. President Nixon’s thoughts and attempts to not let the scandal blow up.
4. President Nixon’s attempts to shift the blame for the burglary onto the White House staff members.
5. President Nixon’s attempts to prevent Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox from getting access to recordings that might reveal his and his aids’ possible involvement in the Watergate break-in and cover-up, eventually leading to his resignation on August 9, 1974, rather than face impeachment proceedings.
What was the significance of the Watergate scandal?
During the investigation of who was responsible for the crime, it became clear that President Nixon had been involved in many other nefarious activities, some of which were illegal.
What was the effect of the Watergate scandal on the central intelligence agency (CIA)?
The ruse is based on the fact that the agency itself had collected information on many of the people involved in Watergate and Nixon. It also had recordings of telephone conversations in which Nixon and others discussed illegal activities and planned to cover them up. In a decision by its high court, the agency was forced to hand over this material to special prosecutor Cox after he requested it for use in his investigation against Nixon.
The ruse is based on the fact that it was unclear who was in charge: Nixon had fired the person who should have been supervising the agency.
Ultimately, all of this led to Nixon’s resignation from office and the end of his political career.
How did the Watergate scandal affect American politics?
- The decline in trust in government
- A new era of transparency in government and, ultimately, a more responsive government
- An increased need for legislators to pass legislation that is considered inclusive by the general public
- Increased tension by press involvement in politics and vice versa
- During Watergate, new issues were brought to light, such as campaign finance reform, ethical standards for presidents, and civil rights reforms.
- Many Americans felt betrayed by the government due to their harsh treatment of Nixon. This led them to be distrustful of any political institution.
In what ways did the participants in Watergate attempt to cover up the scandal?
1. Shredded evidence: The Committee to Re-elect the President’s (CREEP) employees would dispose of documents, burn them in the office incinerator, or dump them into the Potomac River.
2. Hiding evidence: CREEP employees would destroy documents by stuffing them in mail chutes and stuffing boxes that contained shredded paper into a truck’s specially made compartment.
3. Planted evidence: The CREEP would plant false evidence to make it look like a Democratic crime.
4. Paying off witnesses: The CREEP would bribe people to give false testimony and pay off the trial judge.
5. Hiding witnesses: The CREEP would kidnap witnesses so they could not testify in a trial against Nixon and his men.
6. Obstruction of justice: The CREEP tried to obstruct justice by interfering with investigations of the scandal and preventing the media from reporting on it.
What did the Watergate scandal lead to?
It led to the resignation of President Nixon, who was spared impeachment and conviction by resigning.
How did the Watergate scandal affect politics?
It led to the resignation of President Nixon, who was spared impeachment and conviction by resigning.
How did the Watergate scandal affect policies surrounding campaign finance?
It led to a reform called the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1974, regulating campaign contributions.
What was one of the long-term effects of the Watergate scandal?
It caused distrust of government officials and candidates for public office and led to more legislation about issues that impact people’s daily lives, especially campaign finance.
Why did conservatives have the last laugh in the Watergate scandal?
Well, it’s not like they had the last laugh, Richard Nixon was never brought to justice for his crimes, and he even went on to profit off his crimes by writing a book. The last laugh goes to the American People because they got a President (Jimmy Carter) who was honest, hard-working, trustworthy, and ethical.
Why was the Watergate scandal a criminal act?
The Watergate Scandal was a criminal act because they were breaking so many laws, the most important of which would be the burglary of offices in Washington DC.
What was the basis of the Watergate scandal?
How did the public react to the Watergate scandal?
The incident was very shocking to the American public because it was the first time our leaders broke the law and took away the people’s rights. It shows that our government is not perfect, even though they all thought it was.
It made Americans question everything about their government and trust every politician to be perfect without doing anything wrong. This scandal will always be remembered as a turning point in history because of its big impact on society and how we treat our political leaders today.
Why did Congress pass new laws after the Watergate scandal?
After Nixon resigned as President in 1974, Congress passed specific new laws. These new laws were put into place to prevent any future scandals like Watergate from happening again.
What was the Watergate scandal in a nutshell?
Watergate was a series of crimes that happened during the Richard Nixon administration. These crimes were orchestrated by the President himself and his executive officials. These crimes included:
1. The President illegally bugged one of the political parties’ headquarters
2. Attempted to cover up a burglary at the Democratic Party headquarters where they stole secret documents
3. Hid information from Congress and the American people about these crimes
4. Paid hush money to avoid further investigation into his involvement with these crimes.
What were the two most significant changes that happened due to the Watergate Scandal?
1. The public no longer has trust in their government and leaders.
2. The public now questions every politician and whether they are doing the right thing.

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