Identify the statements that describe sharecropping?
Identify the statements that describe sharecropping.
Answer: Sharecropping is a type of farming in which families rent small plots of land from a landowner in return for a portion of their crop, to be given to the landowner at the end of each year
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Access Free Writing ToolsWhat is sharecropping?
Sharecropping is a form of farmland ownership in which the sharecropper rents land from a landowner. The farmer works the land and is paid according to a share-rental agreement that specifies the crops they can grow, along with other conditions related to the use of the land.
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The risks of failure are shared by both parties, unlike with conventional rent or mortgage contracts where one party agrees to pay while another provides certain guarantees.
How is sharecropping similar to slavery?
The sharecropping system is similar to slavery in that slaveholders allowed the enslaved people to live on their land and work in exchange for a portion of the crops. However, sharecropping lasts for a set amount of time, unlike traditional chattel slavery, which is a lifetime.
However, in contrast with enslaved people who were legally free after receiving emancipation papers, sharecroppers remained bound to plantation owners because they could not pay back their debts.
What was one reason why sharecropping began in the South?
In the South, the infrastructure in terms of roads and railroads was already completed. Therefore, sharecropping was efficient in that it allowed one farmer to grow enough to get by while others rented out their land to grow more than they could.
What is another reason why sharecropping was less controversial in the South?
Sharecropping occurred mostly in the South because there were more poor people. That is why farmers mainly worked on smaller farms, and loans were available for those who needed them.
What problems are associated with tenant farming and sharecropping?
The following issues are associated with sharecropping:
- Poor working conditions and low wages.
- High tenant farming and tenancy levels make them vulnerable to mortgage foreclosures.
Through analyzing the “sharecropping contract,” what can be determined?
By looking at the contract of sharecropping, one can determine that:
Sharecropping has advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages include:
Sharecroppers can produce more crops with less work. Less debt is incurred because tenants pay a portion of the crops they grow. A well-balanced amount of cash flow is distributed during the growing seasons.
On the other hand, there are also disadvantages associated with sharecropping:
Sharecropper has less control over his land and its use.
How did the system of sharecropping affect landowners and laborers in the South?
Because land in the South was less expensive than in other areas, sharecropping allowed owners to own more land and have more enslaved people.
Enslaved people were also better off because of the existence of this system. Unfortunately, sharecropping caused poverty to become widespread among southern farmers and brought upon numerous problems such as:
- Landlocked tenants who had no money to pay their debts.
- Poor working conditions for both tenants and landowners.
- Minimal crop yield due to insufficient available labor.
The system of sharecropping that emerged after the civil war?
In the post-civil war era, a somewhat new sharecropping system emerged, known as “share tenancy.” Share tenants did not have to pay or give as many crops as before.
This was evident in the fact that the landlords did not own all the tools and assets needed for farming. Instead, sharecropping tenants and the landlord would be responsible for providing their goods and crops. This new development meant more freedom for both parties involved in the contract.
How did sharecropping affect African American families?
In the South, from 1866 to 1914, sharecropping was a dominant land use that influenced African American farming lifestyles, although its effects were felt across the region. Those farmers who adopted sharecropping did so because it gave them better access to credit and made them more efficient. Many African American farmers in this situation had little choice but to accept sharecropping’s structure and conditions.
Why was sharecropping so common among the poor?
Sharecropping is often viewed as a uniquely degrading system of labor exploitation. At its core, it is an arrangement in which a person gives some of their time to another person in exchange for goods or services. Sharecropping did not lead to abuse, unlike other forms of employment, such as wage labor and slavery. It was simply one way in which families with limited resources could earn income sufficient to sustain themselves and their children.
What is the difference between sharecropping and tenant farming?
Tenant farming is a type of sharecropping in which the landowner provides the land to the farmer, who works it and then gives a portion of his crop to the landowner. Unlike sharecropping, tenant farming does not do any additional labor for him after the tenant farmer has delivered their crop to the landlord.
What was one reason sharecropping began in the South?
The sharecropping system began in the South because of the invention of the cotton gin. After the invention of the cotton gin, a mechanism that separated cottonseeds from cotton fibers, it was much easier to extract cotton from a plant.
The new technology allowed more cultivation of the land for farming. Low-income families could not afford to grow their food without land to work, so they used their time sharecropping for others in exchange for food.
What was unfair about sharecropping contracts?
The sharecropping system had many flaws. The sharecropping contract was unfair because it gave the enslaved people the right to work in the cotton fields, and the plantation owners had no say in their actions.
The enslavers needed to be flexible on what they wanted from their slaves and should have been able to change their labor requirements due to changing conditions.
How did sharecropping develop as an agricultural system in the post-civil war south?
Sharecropping developed in the South because of the lack of money. With all the devastation from the civil war, there was not enough money to buy land, so people started to find jobs as sharecroppers on other people’s farms. Many people during this post-civil war era were poor and did not have enough money or food.
Under sharecropping agreements, what was expected from women?
Women were obliged to do most of the fieldwork and housework. Many women worked in the fields from planting to harvest season with no breaks in between. Women were only given one day off a week for cooking and cleaning. Because women worked so hard, they often had children out of wedlock.
What impact did sharecropping have on the farmers?
The sharecropping system created a dependency on the plantation owners. Because of this, many farmers had no money to buy seeds, fertilizer, and tools for their farms. Also, the sharecroppers did not have much bargaining power because they could not afford to hire their labor and depended upon their employers for food and shelter.

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