Answers 4952141 2
1. The information contained in performance appraisals helps managers:
A. write job descriptions.
B. compute the firm’s overall performance in terms of a rate of return on investment.
C. evaluate job applicants.
D. make decisions about promotions, compensation, training, and firing.
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Access Free Writing ToolsAnswer: make decisions about promotions, compensation, training, and firing.
2. The _________, which is developed from the previous four steps of the human resource planning process, addresses how the firm will accomplish a wide array of human resource functions such as recruiting, selecting, training and developing, appraising, compensating, and scheduling its employees.
A. strategic plan
B. tactical plan
C. job specification
D. Gantt chart
Answer:strategic plan
3. Kandew Electronics requires all employees who work as research specialists in its electrical engineering department to have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering (BSEE). This educational requirement would most likely be stated in the job _________ for this position.
A. analysis
B. description
C. designation
D. specification
Answer: specification
4. The most likely reason a firm would pay its sales representatives a commission rather than a salary is that it wants to:
A. provide sales representatives with a strong incentive to generate more sales for the company.
B. keep the pay system as simple as possible.
C. be able to deduct the cost of compensating the sales representatives from its taxable income.
D. give the sales representatives a stronger incentive to collaborate with each other and act as a team
Answer: provide sales representatives with a strong incentive to generate more sales for the company.
5. The ____________ protects individuals over the age of 40 from discrimination based on age with respect to issues such as hiring, promotions, job benefits, and assignments.
A. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
B. Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1998
C. Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938
D. Employee Rights and Responsibilities Act of 1983
Answer: Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
6. This year, International Accountants, Inc. implemented a new benefits system that gives employees the flexibility to choose among different benefit options, as long as the total cost of the benefits does not exceed a certain amount. The type of benefits package offered to International Accountants employees is a(n):
A. flexiplan.
B. cafeteria-style fringe benefits plan.
C. democratic benefits package.
D. open options benefits plan.
Answer: cafeteria-style fringe benefits plan.
7. This is Anne’s year! She finally broke through the glass ceiling – meaning she has reached an executive level position with her company, with a salary upwards of $200,000. Recently a competitor firm has approached her offering her $15,000 less in salary, but the job would come with an upgraded car, memberships in two country clubs of her choice, an additional two weeks paid vacation with use of the company’s villa in Jamaica, and paid financial counseling. With respect to compensation, Anne:
A. will not consider this offer because it is not worth $15k less in salary, and it would impact her ability for B. future offers.may consider this offer because it is not just about compensation, it is about the job content.
C. will not consider this offer because it lacks soft benefits.
D. may consider this offer because accepting fringe benefits instead of a higher salary may positively impact her tax consequences.
Answer: may consider this offer because accepting fringe benefits instead of a higher salary may positively impact her tax consequences.
8. A firm would implement a policy of holding exit interviews if it wanted to:
A. find out why so many of its good employees were quitting.
B. implement a golden handshake policy.
C. allow immediate supervisors one more chance to convince retiring workers to stay on the job.
D. make sure workers who agreed to telecommute understood their new responsibilities.
Answer: find out why so many of its good employees were quitting.
9. Which of the following statements about human resource management opportunities and challenges is most accurate?
A. the age composition of the labor force is becoming younger
B. workers are becoming less loyal to their firms, resulting in higher turnover
C. workers are now demanding that more of their compensation be in wages and salaries and less in fringe benefits
D. the number of workers who have received training in high tech fields far exceeds the number of job openings in these areas
Answer: workers are becoming less loyal to their firms, resulting in higher turnover
10. A ___________ plan gives employees some ability to adjust hours when they work, as long as they work the required number of hours.
A. cafeteria-style plan
B. flextime
C. varitime
D. Gantt scheduling
11. Off-the-job training:
A. is further development that occurs at the workplace, but after scheduled work hours.
B. focuses only on the skills needed to perform the job.
C. may include higher education.
D. is training that all employees should take-on, on their own, in order to stay competitive in their career field.
Answer: may include higher education.
12. Humphrey Communications uses a flextime plan, however, all employees must be on the job from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. These hours are referred to as the:
A. core time.
B. mandatory attendance time.
C. shared facilities time.
D. compressed time.
Answer:core time.
13. Computer and robotics training is sometimes performed in a nearby classroom type setting. We refer to near-the-job-training as _____________.
A. vestibule training
B. orienteering
C. apprenticeship training
D. mentoring
Answer: vestibule training
14. Hillary is a human resource manager with Golden Years Elder Care Services. The company is considering offering some new services, and she wants to know how many current employees have certain types of skills and training to adequately perform the new services. A document that would help Hillary answer this question is the firm’s:
A. strategic plan.
B. human resource inventory.
C. organization chart.
D. social audit.
Answer: human resource inventory.
15. Which of the following statements identifies a key difference between a job description and a job specification?
A. A job description is concerned with the short-run objectives of a job, but a job specification is concerned with the job’s long-run objectives.
B. A job description is based on a human resource inventory, while a job specification is the result of a performance appraisal.
C. A job description is a statement about the job, while a job specification is a statement about the person who does the job.
D. A job description is a brief summary of what a job involves, while a job specification is a detailed and technically complete statement of what a job involves.
Answer:A job description is a statement about the job, while a job specification is a statement about the person who does the job.
16. A(n) __________ is a financial incentive a firm offers to encourage employees to accept an early retirement offer.
B. green fair-way
C. golden handshake
D. silver lining
Answer:golden handshake
17. A firm that wants to reduce its office costs, broaden its base of available talent and improve job satisfaction could achieve all of these goals by:
A. recruiting only from internal sources.
B. making greater use of scientific management techniques.
C. implementing the Hay system of compensation.
D. allowing more workers to work from home.
Answer:allowing more workers to work from home.
18. One implication of today’s flatter corporate structures is that:
A. employees are more likely to get a lateral transfer, before a promotion.
B. firms are becoming less interested in hiring contingent workers.
C. a greater number of workers are now classified as middle managers.
D. workers are expecting more of their pay in the form of stock options.
Answer:employees are more likely to get a lateral transfer, before a promotion.
19. The _______________ was created by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and has since become a formidable regulatory force in the administration of human resource management.
A. National Labor Relations Board
C. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
D. Affirmative Action Transition Commission
Answer:Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
20. A major advantage of a piecework pay system is that it:
A. creates a powerful incentive to work efficiently.
B. requires a minimum of paperwork and record keeping.
C. encourages cooperation and teamwork among employees.
D. is a system that is strongly supported by both unions and management.
Answer:creates a powerful incentive to work efficiently.
21. A problem with the Hay system of compensating workers is that:
A. because it is relatively new, most workers and managers are unfamiliar with it.
B. the EEOC has declared it illegal because it discriminates against older workers.
C. it is difficult and expensive to administer because of the extensive paperwork needed to compute wages and salaries each pay period.
D. it can lead to resentment because more productive employees may earn less than employees who do not perform as well but have worked for the company longer.
Answer:it can lead to resentment because more productive employees may earn less than employees who do not perform as well but have worked for the company longer.
22. A newer form of performance appraisal is called the ___________ because it encourages feedback from all around the employee including those who report to him/her.
A. 360-degree review
B. roundabout assessment
C. environmental review
D. multilevel assessment
Answer:360-degree review
23. One of the most important responsibilities for professionals in the human resources field is:
A. understanding the ethical perspective of each employee.
B. filing employee medical claims.
C. to always “right past wrongs.”
D. staying current with employment-related legislation.
Answer:staying current with employment-related legislation.
24. The time when all employees must be present in a flextime plan is referred to as:
A. compressed time.
B. shared time.
C. core time.
D. company time.
Answer:core time.
25. Referring to the Making Ethical Decisions box titled, “Are Unpaid Interns Too Interred?” the passage reflects on:
A. The strategy of hiring unpaid interns, but offering them benefits instead of a pay check.
B. Whether it is unethical for companies to pay interns because it deters another person from having a continuing job.
C. How it is a current dilemma that very few internships are set up to provide valuable job experience for the intern.
D. How to evaluate an internship. Does it provide good work experience? Is it a dead-end job, or a future opportunity?
26. Which of the following statements about sexual harassment is most accurate?
A. Only men can be charged with sexual harassment.
B. Sexual harassment cannot be proven unless the employee’s submission to such conduct was made explicitly a term of employment or was used to influence the results of the employee’s performance appraisal.
C. One flaw with the current laws concerning sexual harassment is that they do not take into account the possibility of same-sex harassment.
D. In evaluating charges of sexual harassment, the courts place a great deal of emphasis on whether the behavior was unwelcomed.
Answer: In evaluating charges of sexual harassment, the courts place a great deal of emphasis on whether the behavior was unwelcomed.
27. If management and union officials cannot resolve a grievance, a(n) _________ is asked to listen to the arguments of each side and to make a decision that both sides will have to comply with.
A. confirmer
B. counselor
C. arbitrator
D. mediator
Answer: arbitrator
28. A labor dispute between the AFL-CIO and Gainesville Brewery is into its eighth month. The AFL-CIO has called on its membership and the general public to refuse to purchase Gainesville products. The AFL-CIO is calling for a:
A. general boycott.
B. secondary boycott.
C. primary boycott.
D. public boycott.
Answer:primary boycott.
29. Drug problems among workers is costing the U.S. economy upwards of ______ in lost work, health care costs, and even crime and accidents.
A. $100 million
B. $50 billion
C. $414 billion
D. $50 thousand
Answer: $414 billion
30. As a management executive left the meeting between his team and the company’s union representatives and headed straight for the CEO’s office, he reviewed where things seemed to breakdown. Union reps came to the table with three different offers to resolve the insurance and vacation benefits problems laborers were experiencing. Management offered its own resolutions – two different ones, to be exact. The problem was that a bargaining zone did not emerge. Neither side was willing to consider each other’s alternatives. As he reached the CEO’s door, he was ready to concede that the negotiations were probably headed to _______________.
A. collective bargaining
B. arbitration
C. a vote
D. mediation
Answer: a vote
31. The __________ is a tactic police, firefighters, and other workers who are not legally allowed to strike sometimes use to express their frustration and displeasure with working conditions or pay.
A. gold cold
B. steel deal
C. slow-mo
D. blue flu
Answer: blue flu
32. Geraldo works on the assembly line for a major automobile manufacturer. He was hired for the job without any specific training or skill. Geraldo joined a union with other assembly-line workers who perform a variety of jobs that do not require a highly specialized skill. Geraldo belongs to a(n):
A. industrial union.
B. craft union.
C. assembly union.
D. traditional union.
Answer: industrial union.
33. The Labor-Management Relations Act (or Taft-Hartley Act) can be best described as a law which:
A. gave unions much more power and led to a rapid rise in union membership.
B. gave employees the right to serve on the board of directors of their company, thus encouraging a more equitable treatment of workers.
C. eliminated the need for unions in many industries by providing workers with widespread rights and protection against unfair labor practices by employers.
D. placed limitations on union activities and gave more power to management in dealing with unions.
Answer: gave unions much more power and led to a rapid rise in union membership.
34. Unions were originally formed _________________.
A. to make certain that there were an equal number of nonmanagement and management-level employees within the company
B. to uphold the state and federal laws under which businesses operate
C. to seek protection against unfair treatment
D. to seek worker corporate voting rights, the same as stockholders
Answer: to seek protection against unfair treatment
35. The CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations) organized unskilled and semiskilled workers into:
A. craft unions.
B. a political party.
C. industrial unions.
D. union shops.
Answer:industrial unions.
36. In the late 1930s management at Bodenger Industries agreed to hire only those workers who were already members of the Steelworkers Union. Bodenger had agreed to a type of arrangement known as a(n):
A. closed shop.
B. open shop.
C. union shop.
D. restricted shop.
Answer: closed shop.
37. In recent years some unions have granted concessions and given up benefits secured in earlier contract negotiations in an attempt to save jobs. These concessions are called:
A. injunctions.
B. givebacks.
C. buyouts.
D. disbenefits.
Answer: givebacks.
38. In its early years, the AFL’s strategy was to:
A. grow as rapidly as possible by allowing people from all professions and walks of life to join.
B. limit its membership to skilled craftspeople.
C. limit its membership to unskilled and semiskilled workers.
D. form one big craft union which everyone could join; but it later split into several smaller organizations.
Answer: grow as rapidly as possible by allowing people from all professions and walks of life to join.
39. __________ provided dynamic leadership for the American Federation of Labor during its early years.
A. Karl Marx
B. Kenneth Adams
C. George Meany
D. Samuel Gompers
Answer: Samuel Gompers
40. Sexual harassment laws:
A. apply only to situations in which men make unwelcome advances to women.
B. are enforceable only in states that have enacted right-to-work laws.
C. apply to the conduct of women as well as men.
D. are applied only in situations in which a person must submit to unwanted advances in order to keep his or her job.
Answer:apply to the conduct of women as well as men.
41. If a union is present in a firm that has a(n) _________ shop arrangement, workers may join the union if they wish, but they are not required to join or pay a union fee in order to keep their jobs.
A. open
B. unrestricted
C. freedom of choice
D. agency
42. __________ is the use of a third party to encourage labor and management to continue negotiating in an effort to settle a labor dispute or achieve a mutually acceptable labor-management agreement.
A. Arbitration
B. Mediation
C. Reconciliation
D. Intercession
43. During the 1920s and early 1930s the Dallas Sheet Metal Shop was able to prevent workers from forming a union by requiring them to sign an employment contract in which they agreed not to join a union as a condition of employment. Dallas was making use of:
A. yellow-dog contracts.
B. blacklisting agreements.
C. injunctions.
D. implied consent decrees.
Answer:yellow-dog contracts.
44. Which of the following statements best summarizes the extent to which unions currently rely on strikes as a tactic when collective bargaining breaks down?
A. Unions have become increasingly reliant on strikes as other, less confrontational, tactics have proven unsuccessful.
B. Some highly visible strikes in recent years show that the strike is not dead as a labor tactic, but very few labor disputes actually lead to a strike.
C. Unions have almost completely avoided strikes since President Reagan replaced striking air traffic controllers with strikebreakers in 1981.
D. Strikes organized by unions are now less common than lockouts by management, indicating a major shift in attitudes between labor and management.
Answer: Some highly visible strikes in recent years show that the strike is not dead as a labor tactic, but very few labor disputes actually lead to a strike.
45. As an employee of the human resource department of a major corporation, you are concerned about the potential costs of drug abuse. You are contemplating testing employees for substance abuse. Before adopting such tests, you should know that:
A. this type of testing has been found to be illegal, but many firms do it anyway.
B. medical tests of this nature are not very accurate.
C. if you use these tests, your company will join over 70 percent of major companies that test workers and job applicants.
D. these tests are very expensive, and should only be given to those who may belong to groups judged to be at higher risk.
Answer: if you use these tests, your company will join over 70 percent of major companies that test workers and job applicants.
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