Answers Following Questions 402

Published by James Muriuki on

1. Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to deal with nervousness in your speeches?

A. Visualize yourself giving a successful speech.
B. Concentrate on communicating with the audience, rather than on your nerves.
C. Choose a topic you care about and prepare thoroughly for the speech.
D. all of the above

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Answer;  B. Concentrate on communicating with the audience, rather than on your nerves.

2. According to your textbook, rather than trying to eliminate every trace of stage fright, you should aim at transforming it into:

A. general anxiety.
B. visualized adrenaline.
C. professional stage fright.
D. positive nervousness.
E. confident apprehension.

Answer;  D. positive nervousness.

3. When your textbook describes public speaking as a form of empowerment, it means that public speaking is:

A. a way to manipulate people.
B. a way to make a difference in something we care about.
C. a way to make everyone see things through our frame of reference.
D. a way to demonstrate how clever we are.
E. a way to make bad ideas seem good.

Answer; B. a way to make a difference in something we care about.

4. To avoid plagiarism when using information from an Internet document in your speech, your textbook recommends that you keep a record of:

A. the title of the document.
B. the author or organization responsible for the document.
C. the date on which you accessed the document.
D. a and b only.

Answer;  D. a and b only

5. The _____ is a one-sentence statement that sums up or encapsulates the major ideas of a speech.

A. specific purpose
B. central idea
C. introduction
D. general purpose
E. outline

Answer;  B. central idea

6.  Audience-centeredness means that public speaker should

A. keep the audience foremost in mind throughout the speechmaking process.
B. use any means necessary to gain the assent of the audience.
C. avoid choosing topics that are controversial.
D. all of the above

Answer;  A. keep the audience foremost in mind throughout the speechmaking process.

7. As explained in your textbook, the three main parts of a speech are called

A. the opening, the center, and the end.
B. the introduction, the body, and the conclusion.
C. the attention-getter, the main section, and the ending.
D. the preview, the main points, and the close.
E. the beginning, the core, and the conclusion

Answer;  B. the introduction, the body, and the conclusion.

8. A carefully prepared and rehearsed speech that is presented from a brief set of notes is called a(n) ________speech.

A. extemporaneous
B. spontaneous
C. transitional
D. contemporaneous
E. informative

Answer; A. extemporaneous

9. Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to deal with nervousness in your speeches?

A. Visualize yourself giving a successful speech.
B. Concentrate on communicating with the audience, rather than on your nerves.
C. Choose a topic you care about and prepare thoroughly for the speech.
D. all of the above

Answer;  A. Visualize yourself giving a successful speech.

10. According to your textbook, rather than trying to eliminate every trace of stage fright, you should aim at transforming it into:

A. general anxiety.
B. visualized adrenaline.
C. professional stage fright.
D. positive nervousness.
E. confident apprehension.

Answer;  D. positive nervousness.

11. When your textbook describes public speaking as a form of empowerment, it means that public speaking is:

A. a way to manipulate people.
B. a way to make a difference in something we care about.
C. a way to make everyone see things through our frame of reference.
D. a way to demonstrate how clever we are.
E. a way to make bad ideas seem good

Answer;  B. a way to make a difference in something we care about.

12. Paul began his speech as follows:
They called Lou Gehrig the iron horse. The tireless worker played an astounding 2,130 consecutive baseball games even though he suffered 17 hand fractures during those years. This would be like one of us never missing a day of school for over 13 years. Can you imagine completing kindergarten through your senior year with perfect attendance? Never taking a sick day, never a college visit day, or even senior skip day. And, to match Gehrig, you would also have to end your school career with an A average.
What method for gaining attention and interest did Paul use?

A. revealing the general purpose
B. relating the topic to the audience
C. previewing the body of the speech
D. stating the importance of the topic.
E. summarizing the central idea

Answer;  B. relating the topic to the audience

13. Malcolm said “um” or “uh” every time he got to a new PowerPoint slide in his informative speech. His instructor told Malcolm to reduce the number of _________ in his next speech.

A. fillers
B. vocal inflections
C. intonations
D. vocalized pauses
E. inflections

Answer; D. vocalized pauses

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