Bibl 104 Quiz 2

Published by James Muriuki on

1.  Each cycle in the book of Judges  portrays a downward spiral. This spiral includes Gideon’s foolish vow. 


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Answer: False 

2.  According to our textbook, one  reason for the northern kingdom’s downfall is that they rejected the ministries of the prophets who sought to enforce the covenant. 



Answer: True 

3  In the ________________ campaign, God miraculously extended the day. This allowed Israel time to rout the enemy. 

A. Northern 

B. Southern 

C. Western 

D. Eastern 

E. Central 

Answer: Southern 

4.  Boaz was not only Ruth’s kinsman  redeemer, he was also the one carrying the Davidic lineage. 



Answer: True 

5.  According to our textbook, one reason for the northern kingdom’s downfall is that they rejected the covenant itself. 




6.  The beginning chapters of 1 Samuel draw a sharp contrast between Eli and his ungodly sons and the godly prophet Samuel. 



Answer: True 

7.  In the north, Jeroboam built two sanctuaries (temples or high places) at 

A. Dan and Bethel 

B. Shiloh and Samaria 

C. Penuel and Jericho 

D. Mount Tabor and Mount Gerizim 

Answer: Dan and Bethel 

8. In the _______________ campaign, the town of Jericho was captured. 

A. Northern 

B. Southern 

C. Western 

D. Eastern 

E. Central 

Answer: Central 

9.  The Jewish Feast of ____________      originates in the story of Esther. 

A. Sukkoth 

B. Yom Kippur 

C. Rosh Hashana 

D. Purim 

Answer: Purim 

10.  The Judge _________________ made a rash vow to the Lord saying, “whatever” came out of his house to greet him upon his return from battle “will belong to the Lord, and I will offer it as a burnt offering.” 

A. Gideon 

B. Othniel 

C. Jephthah 

D. Ehud 

Answer: Jephthah 

11.  Whose bones were buried in the Promised Land at Shechem? 

A. Moses 

B. Aaron 

C. Joshua 

D. Joseph 

E. Caleb 


12.  What did the Transjordan tribes do that led to a dispute in Israel? 

A. They formed a military alliance with   Egypt. 

B. They built an altar. 

C. They instituted their own set of   priests who were known as Pharisees. 

D. They permitted their daughters to   marry Canaanite men. 

AnswerThey built an altar

13.  Elijah was primarily a prophet to the Southern Kingdom. 



Answer:  False 

14.  Half of the tribe of Manasseh settled land on the East bank of the Jordan River. 



Answer: True 

15.  ____________ killed the unsuspecting commander Sisera with a tent peg and a mallet. 

A. Deborah 

B. Barak 

C. Jael 

D. Ehud 

Answer: Jael 

16.  When the nation of Israel divided,the Kingdom to the south was known as 

A. Israel 

B. Judah 

C. Samaria 

D. Jerusalem 

Answer: Judah 

17.  The book of Joshua concludes by recording the second covenant renewal ceremony at Shiloh. 



Answer: False 

18.  Joshua’s miraculous water crossing affirmed his leadership to the people of Israel. 



Answer: True 

19.  The Judge ______________ tore down his father’s Baal altar that was kept on the family farm. 

A. Samson 

B. Ehud 

C. Othniel 

D. Gideon 

Answer: Gideon 

20.  The books of _____________ form the transition from the era of the judges to that of the kings. 

A. 1 and 2 Samuel 

B. 1 and 2 Kings 

C. 1 and 2 Chronicles 

D. Judges and Ruth 

Answer: 1 and 2 Samuel 

21.  According to our textbook, in 2 Samuel the narrative shifts from the godly prophet Samuel to the reign of King Saul. 



Answer: False 

22.  The second covenant renewal ceremony includes Joshua’s affirmation: “As for me and my family, we will worship the Lord.” 




23. The middle of 1 Samuel draws a contrast between the godly prophet Samuel and King David. 



Answer:   False

24  David’s character is highlighted  in that he refuses to kill Saul. This shows his respect for the office of king and the significance of God’s anointing. 



Answer: True 

25.  Joshua’s theophanic encounter  affirmed his leadership to the people of Israel. 



Answer:  True  

26.  The main body of the story of the Judges revolves around __________ cycles of apostasy, repentance, and  deliverance. 

A. Three 

B. Six 

C. Four 

D. Eight 

Answer:   Six 

27.  When the nation of Israel divided the Kingdom to the north was known as 

A. Israel 

B. Judah 

C. Samaria 

D. Jerusalem 

Answer: Israel 

28  In order to conquer the land of  Canaan ______________ military campaigns were undertaken. 

A. Two 

B. Three 

C. Four 

D. Five 

Answer: Three 

29. In the books of Kings, the various  kings of the nation are evaluated by the Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic  covenants so the exiles will learn from this history and be deterred from  future covenant disobedience. 



Answer:  False 

30. Each cycle in the book of Judges portrays a downward spiral. This spiral includes Barak’s reluctance. 



Answer: False 

31.  Elijah’s prophetic successor was  Elisha. 



Answer: True 

32  In general, Elijah’s miraculous  ministry resulted in the return of the nation to covenant faithfulness. 



Answer:  False

33.  The emphasis on true worship in 1 & 2 Chronicles explains why the word “___________” is found thirty-two times. 

A. God 

B. Heart 

C. Temple 

D. Love 

E. Holiness 

Answer: Heart 

34  In Joshua’s farewell address he explains to the people of Israel that they will remain in Canaan and  prosper in the land only when they comply with the Mosaic covenant. 



Answer:  True 

35.  The political capital of the  Northern tribes was at 

A. Megiddo 

B. Hazor 

C. Shiloh 

D. Samaria 

Answer: Megiddo 

36.  According to our textbook, the uniqueness of Samson was 

A. his imposing physical stature. 

B. the religious fidelity of his   parents. 

C. his sharp intellect represented by   his composition of riddles. 

D. the Nazirite vow that was imposed on   him from birth. 

Answer: the Nazirite vow that was imposed on   him from birth. 

37.  The book of Judges concludes with a civil war in Israel that almost exterminated the tribe of 

A. Benjamin 

B. Gad 

C. Simeon 

D. Dan


38  The distribution of Levites among the people and the establishment of cities of refuge were to help ensure spiritual, social, and civil justice in the future. 



Answer: True 

39.  References to Joshua’s death and  the elders that outlived him indicate that these final notations in Joshua  were added by another inspired writer, perhaps ___________. 

A. Phineas 

B. Aaron 

C. Caleb 

D. Eleazar the high priest 

Answer:  Phineas 

40.  Samuel’s anointing of David and  _____________________ introduce David as God’s choice to lead the nation  of Israel. 

A. David’s priestly heritage 

B. David’s victory over Goliath 

C. David’s humble occupation as shepherd   

D. David’s impeccable character 

Answer:  David’s victory over Goliath 

41. According to our textbook, one reason for the northern kingdom’s downfall is their intermarriage with pagan nations. 



Answer:  True 

42.  According to our textbook, the story of _____________ is a ray of hope during the period of the Judges. 

A. Deborah 

B. Ruth 

C. Jael 

D. Delilah 

Answer:    Ruth 

43.  The end result of the downfall of  northern kingdom was the Babylonian captivity. 



Answer:  False  

44. The spirituality of Samuel’s lineage is seen in Hannah’s prayer for a child and her vow to dedicate her   child to the Lord. 



Answer: True

45  Each cycle in the book of Judges portrays a downward spiral. This spiral includes Jephthah’s immoral  relationship with foreign women. 



Answer:  False 

46.  Theologically, the story of Ruth and Boaz illustrates the biblical concept of 

A. redemption. 

B. justification. 

C. sanctification. 

D. propitiation. 

Answer:   redemption. 

47.  The Judge ________________      equipped his men with trumpets, pitchers, and torches and surprised the unsuspecting Midian and Amalekite raiders. The enemy was thrown into confusion and led to an incredible Israelite victory. 

A. Othniel 

B. Gideon 

C. Samson 

D. Barak 

Answer:   Gideon 

48.  _____________ served as the nation’s religious headquarters for about 300 years. 

A. Zion 

B. Jericho 

C. Bethel 

D. Shiloh 

E. Nazareth 

Answer:   Shiloh

49. The end result of the downfall of the southern kingdom was the Assyrian captivity. 



Answer:   False 

50.  Saul’s disobedience of the divine  command to abolish the Moabites caused Yahweh to reject him as king. 



Answer: False 

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