Bibl 104 Quiz 3

Published by James Muriuki on

1  The list of individuals who composed material in the Psalms includes Solomon. 


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Answer:   True 

2.  The book of Job concludes with God prospering Job once again and blessing him with twice the wealth. 



Answer:   True  

3.  Proverbs are typically based on education and knowledge. 



Answer:   False

4. According to our textbook, the      _____________________ is a reoccurring theme or motif found throughout the book of Ecclesiastes. 

A. Providence of God 

B. Sovereignty of God 

C. Omniscience of God 

D. Verity of God 

Answer: Sovereignty of God 

5.  In the book of Job the Lord presents his servant Job as a model of righteousness before Satan. 



Answer: True

6  _______________ often teach practical lessons about everyday living. 

A. Hymns 

B. Wisdom Psalms 

C. Psalms of Thanksgiving 

D. Psalms of Confidence 

Answer:    Wisdom Psalms 

7  Most proverbs take the form of a four-line unit, with the first line corresponding to the fourth line and the second line corresponding to the third line This correspondence is through some form of parallelism. 



Answer:    False

8.  In response to his friends’ advice, Job admits that he is a sinner but that his sins are not categorically vile. Job asserts that he may have committed mortal sins but he certainly did not commit venial ones. 



Answer:    False  

9. The book of Proverbs consistently  presents the sluggard as a fool and the diligent person as wise. 



Answer: True    

10.  According to our textbook,  _________________ is one of the more popular topics in the book of Proverbs. 

A. Forgiveness 

B. Failure 

C. Friendship 

D. Faithfulness 

Answer:    Friendship 

11  The ____________________ are expressions of trust in the Lord and praise to the Lord for the security He provides to those who trust in Him. 

A. Royal Psalms 

B. Imprecatory Psalms 

C. Psalms of Confidence 

D. Psalms of Ascent 

Answer:    Psalms of Confidence 

12.  According to our textbook, the value of _______________ is a reoccurring theme or motif found throughout the book of Ecclesiastes. 

A. Education 

B. Wealth 

C. Experience 

D. Wisdom 

Answer:    Wisdom 

13.  The Proverbs are wise sayings that express deep truths in capsule form. 



Answer:    True 

14.  “The one who conceals hatred has lying lips, and whoever spreads slander is a fool.” (Prov. 10:18) is an example of 

A. Synonymous parallelism 

B. Antithetical parallelism 

C. Synthetic parallelism 

D. Comparative parallelism 

Answer:    Antithetical parallelism 

15. “Genuine righteousness leads to life, but pursuing evil leads to death.” (Prov. 11:19) is an example  of 

A. Synonymous parallelism 

B. Antithetical parallelism 

C. Synthetic parallelism 

D. Comparative parallelism 

Answer:    Antithetical parallelism 

16.  The Proverbs tell us how to live life successfully. 



Answer:     True

17.  According to our textbook, allegorical interpretations of the Song of Songs are correct since they are based on careful exegesis of the text in the Song of Songs.



Answer:   False 

18.  Job’s three friends were Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar. 



Answer:    True 

19. According to our textbook, perhaps the greatest benefit the believer can gain by studying the Song of Songs is the reminder that love is a gift from God and should be enjoyed as a gift. 



Answer:    True

20.  “Qohelet,” a term meaning 

A. “one who follows or accompanies.” 

B. “one who writes or transcribes.” 

C. “one who thinks or ponders.” 

D. “one who gathers or assembles.” 

Answer:      “one who gathers or assembles.” 

21  While the time of writing for the  book of Job is uncertain, internal evidence points to a time before the  Mosaic law. 



Answer:    True 

22. While the wise sage of  Ecclesiastes has traditionally been identified as King Solomon, the name of Solomon is never explicitly referenced within the book. 



Answer:     True 

23. Job’s friends assume he must have done something terribly wrong, unjust, or unwise to experience such an incredible tragedy. 



Answer:   True

24  ___________________ predictively refer to Christ, the anointed messianic King. 

A. Royal Psalms 

B. Kingship Psalms 

C. Psalms of Ascent 

D. Messianic Psalms. 

Answer:    Messianic Psalms. 

25.  The psalms are divided into  _____________ books. 

A. Three 

B. Five 

C. Seven 

D. Ten 

Answer:    Five 

26.  The key literary characteristic  within the individual proverb is ______________. 

A. symbolism 

B. parallelism 

C. hyperbole 

D. metaphor 

Answer:      parallelism 

27.  According to our textbook,      _____________________ is a reoccurring theme or motif found throughout the book of Ecclesiastes. 

A. Remembering Others 

B. Remembering God 

C. Remembering Sunday 

D. Remembering the Times. 

Answer:    Remembering God 

28.  ____________________ are prayers expressing thanks to God for specific answers to prayer or for deliverance  from danger. 

Wisdom Psalms 

Thanksgiving Psalms 

Messianic Psalms 

Psalms of Indebtedness 

Answer:   Thanksgiving Psalms 

29  “Good news from a distant land is  like cold water to a parched throat.” (Prov. 25:25) is an example of 

Synonymous parallelism 

Antithetical parallelism 

Synthetic parallelism 

Comparative parallelism 

Answer:   Comparative parallelism 

30.  The __________ focus on the Lord’s  kingdom rule over His creation. 

Kingship Psalms 

Royal Psalms 

Messianic Psalms 

Psalms of Confidence 

Answer:      Kingship Psalms

31.  Job’s responds to God in faith  knowing it is enough that God is in control. 



Answer:     True 

32.  The ______________ are songs of praise the people sang as they made pilgrimage to Jerusalem. 

Psalms of Confession 

Royal Psalms 

Psalms of Ascent 

Wisdom Psalms 

Answer:   Psalms of Ascent

33  According to our textbook,  _________________ is one of the more popular topics in the book of Proverbs. 

Trust in the Lord 


Godly fear 

Marriage and Sexuality 

Answer:    Marriage and Sexuality 

34  “Pride comes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall.” (Prov. 16:18) is an example of      

Synonymous parallelism 

Antithetical parallelism 

Synthetic parallelism 

Comparative parallelism 

Answer:    Synonymous parallelism  

35  The Hebrew word hevel, literally  means 

“wind” or “breath” 

“weighty” or “heavy” 

“vapor or mist.” 

“empty” or “vacant” 

Answer:     “vapor or mist.” 

36.  According to our textbook,      _________________ is one of the more popular topics in the book of  Proverbs. 

Positive Mindset 

Personal Reputation 

Powerful Faith 

Personal Discipline 

Answer:     Personal Discipline 

37  Most of the book of Proverbs is  attributed to ______________. 

King Saul 

King David 

King Solomon 

A teacher named Qohelet 

Answer:    King Solomon   

38  Bildad, one of Job’s three friends, suggests that God may use suffering as a means to keep men from sin, to chastise, and to maintain a healthy degree of  reverence before the Almighty. 



Answer:   False 

39  Job accuses God of prejudice and curses the day of his birth. 



Answer:     False 

40  The _____________ are prayers of  extreme emotion and anger calling on God to bring severe judgment on the enemies of God and the psalmist. 

Psalms of Confession 

Royal Psalms 

Psalms of Ascent 

Imprecatory Psalms 

Answer:   Imprecatory Psalms 

41.  A _________________ is a prayer offered in times of trouble, pleading for God’s help, intervention, and deliverance. 

Psalm of Confidence 

Wisdom Psalm 



Answer:     Lament 

42.  According to our textbook, the      _____________________ is a reoccurring theme or motif found throughout the book of Ecclesiastes. 

Hope of Salvation 

Thirst for Knowledge 

Quest for Glory 

Enjoyment of Life 

Answer:   Enjoyment of Life 

43  Most English Bibles translate  “Qohelet” as 

either “Pastor” or “Reverend.” 

either “Teacher” or “Preacher.” 

either “Professor” or “Doctor” 

either “Presenter” or “Lecturer” 

Answer:   either “Teacher” or “Preacher.”

44.  The list of individuals who composed material in the Psalms includes David. 



Answer: True 

45  “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6).  This wisdom holds true as a general rule, not an absolute promise. 



Answer:   True 

46  In Proverbs child-rearing is a family affair but discipline begins with the individual. 



Answer:   False  

47.  According to our textbook,      _____________________ is a reoccurring theme or motif found throughout the  book of Ecclesiastes. 

Life without confidence 

Life Under the Law 

Life Under the Sun 

Life without faith 

Answer:     Life Under the Sun 

48.  Proverbs are general truths, not  specific promises or guarantees from God. 



Answer:   True 

49.  According to our textbook, the      expression “_______________” refers to the activities of man as observed   and experienced from a human perspective. 

life under the sun 

eat, drink, and be merry 

for everything there is a season 

sign of the times 

Answer:    life under the sun 

50  Job’s friends respond to his  suffering by saying, “Why don’t you curse God and die?” 



Answer:  True 

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