Essay on Importance of Reading, with Outline
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Why is Reading Important Essay Outline
Thesis: Reading is essential in the life any child or adult since it is a pre-requisite to success.
Paragraph 1:
- Learning how to read is a sequential process.
- In every step, there is the building of skills or the mastery of previously learned skills.
- For instance, in the first few years in the life of a child, he or she is taught on how to convert words into a sound in a process referred to as decoding
Paragraph 2:
- The process of decoding is the basic foundation of every child’s reading skills.
- To most children, the process takes place automatically or naturally.
- Some children have problems with decoding and might, therefore, require extreme teaching by the teacher.
Paragraph 3.
- According to Nelson, Lindstrom & Foels (2015), approximately 85% of children are diagnosed with a challenge in reading or related skills in language development.
- Some or all of these disabilities can be classified as neuro-developmental meaning that they cannot go away but only managed.
- In cases where a child’s disability in reading is identified at an early age, they can be taught how best to deal with the situation.
Paragraph 4:
- The identification of learning disabilities in a child at an early emphasize the importance of reading.
- Reading is not only an essential activity for children but also adults.
- Reading exposes an individual to new things, ideas, information and how to solve problems.
- Sometimes, reading ends being a hobby to many people or even a career.
Paragraph 5:
- Reading forms a fundamental part of self-improvement.
- Through reading, people become better and understand the world more.
- It is through this vital activity that people gain a deep understanding of a specific topic that is of interest to the reader.
- For instance, one can read an article or any other piece of writing on how to improve one’s self-confidence or how to memorize things.
Paragraph 6:
- Reading improves understanding to the reader.
- The more one reads something, the more they understand.
- For instance, one might read about reptiles and their habits.
- Sometimes, one might practice what they have read it in real life to see what might happen.
Paragraph 7:
- Reading is crucial as it helps one to prepare to take action.
- Usually, before taking action on anything, one seeks guidance and help.
- Guidance can be obtained from people who have gone through similar situations.
- In the 21st century, the need to receive guidance and help goes a long way in making huge decisions after weighing on their pros and cons.
Paragraph 8:
- It is through reading that there is gaining experience from other people.
- Since different people from varying backgrounds write books, reading exposes a reader to different experiences.
- Through such experiences, a reader may hasten their success towards a goal since they might avoid similar mistakes made by other people.
- Books contain successes, failures, and advice from different people and it is assumed that life is too short to repeat mistakes committed by people in the past.
Paragraph 9:
Reading also develops imagination and helps people build their self-esteem.
- As one reads, the descriptions of things, places, and people they read about is translated into pictures by their brain.
- The knowledge gained in this manner can be applied in everyday life.
- A restate of the thesis
- A summary of the main points
- A take-away statement made based on presented facts or information
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Essay on Importance of Reading
Reading is one of the most critical activities any child can engage in for his or her success in life. However, in the course of life people are faced with different challenges that outweigh the desire to read, and without proper guidance, they might never overcome these obstacles. Almost every individual has been involved in the learning process where one is taught how to read and write. In this case, the most significant process is learning how to read and write a specific language. Reading is essential in the life of any child or adult since it is a pre-requisite to success.
Learning how to read is a sequential process. In every step, there is the building of skills or the mastery of previously learned skills. For instance, in the first few years in the life of a child, he or she is taught how to convert words into sound in a process referred to as decoding (Arrington et al., 2014). Later on, they are taught how to comprehend and understand the meaning of the words they utter by organizing them into sentences and passages.
The process of decoding is the basic foundation of every child’s reading skills. To most children, the process takes place automatically or naturally. However, some children have problems with this process and might therefore require significant teaching by their teacher or caretaker. The mostly affected people in this regard are young people who have disabilities in reading and need serious interventions. According to Nelson, Lindstrom and Foels (2015), approximately 85% of children are diagnosed with a challenge in reading or related skills in language development. Some or all of these disabilities can be classified as neuro-developmental, meaning they cannot go away but can only be managed. In essence, a majority of these children can be taught how to read to become proficient readers who can understand the basic strategies needed for success in school. In cases where a child’s disability in reading is identified at an early age, they can be taught how best to deal with the situation.
The identification of learning disabilities in a child at an early age emphasizes the importance of reading. Reading is not only an essential activity for children but also adults. It exposes an individual to new things, ideas, and information, and equips them to become effective problem solvers. Sometimes, reading ends being a hobby to many people, or even a career. It is from reading that exploration arises.
Reading also forms a fundamental part of self-improvement. Through it, people become better in understanding the world around them. It is through this vital activity that people gain a deep understanding of specific topics that are of interest to them. For instance, one can read an article or any other piece of writing on how to improve one’s self-confidence or how to memorize things. Such self-improvement techniques arise from reading (Ross, 2017). It is thus through reading that it becomes possible for one to create a structured path towards better understanding of issues and well-informed decision making.
Further, reading is crucial as it helps one to prepare to take action. Usually, before taking an action on anything, one seeks guidance and help. Guidance can be obtained from people who have gone through similar situations. However, some people turn to reading as a source of knowledge and guidance about a situation. In the 21st century, the need to receive guidance and help goes a long way in informing decision making. For example, one can read on how to cook a meal, how to play football, or even the best places to go for a vacation. In such situations, reading help people prepare before they take any significant steps.
It is also through reading that one may gain experience from other people. Since books and other reading material are written by different people from varying backgrounds, reading exposes a reader to different experiences. Through such experiences, a reader may hasten their success towards a goal since they might avoid similar mistakes made by other people. Books contain successes, failures, and advice from different people and it is assumed that life is too short to repeat mistakes committed by other people in the past (Arizpe, 2015). In the case of success, one might read on the best ways to make money and avoid certain mistakes along this path. Learning about and getting to understand people who have succeeded is essential for someone who intends to follow the same path.
Reading also develops imagination and helps people build their self-esteem. As one reads, the descriptions of things, places, and people they read about is translated into pictures by their brain (Cam Everlands Primary School, 2019). While reading a story for instance, a reader puts him or herself in the shoes of a character and imagines how the character feels. The knowledge gained in this manner can be applied in everyday life. In the same breadth, as noted by One World Literacy Foundation (2013), the more a person reads, the more educated they become. More education culminates into increased confidence which effectively increases self-esteem. One gets to expand their thinking capacity and become more creative as they read about how diverse life is and expose themselves to new information and ideas. A well-read person can provide answers to an array of general knowledge questions, a factor that significantly boosts self-confidence.
Reading is an essential milestone in the life of any child since it is a pre-requisite to success. Learning continues to be a necessary activity in the life of any individual. The first thing that children are taught when they go to school is the ability to read and write. Those children that have reading disabilities are taught using different techniques to ensure that they succeed. It is through reading that people learn how to avoid mistakes committed by other people, prepare to take action, improve their understanding, develop their imagination, and improve their self-esteem.
Arizpe, E., & Smith, V. (Eds.). (2015). Children as readers in children’s literature: the power of texts and the importance of reading. New York, NY: Routledge.
Arrington, C. N., Kulesz, P. A., Francis, D. J., Fletcher, J. M., & Barnes, M. A. (2014). The contribution of attentional control and working memory to reading comprehension and decoding. Scientific Studies of Reading, 18(5), 325-346.
Cam Everlands Primary School. (2019). “10 benefits of reading”. Cam Everlands Primary School. Retrieved February 23, 2019 from
Nelson, J. M., Lindstrom, W., & Foels, P. A. (2015). Test anxiety among college students with specific reading disability (dyslexia) nonverbal ability and working memory as predictors. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 48(4), 422-432.
World Literacy Foundation. (2021). “Reading Improves Literacy”. World Literacy Foundation. Retrieved February 8, 2021 from
Ross, C. M. (2017). Summer reading lists: the importance of reading. BAOJ Neurol, 3, 040.
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