Europeans Ignored Cultural Divisions When Setting Colonial Boundaries Because?
Europeans ignored cultural divisions when setting colonial boundaries because?
(a) Europeans had no interest in or concern about African cultural decision
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Access Free Writing Tools(b) African’s cultural division was to complex for Europeans to understand
(c) Respecting African cultural identity might have affected Africa’s economy negatively
(d) Africa’s citizens did not have a strong sense of national or cultural identity
(a) Europeans had no interest in or concern about African cultural decision
What was the main reason behind the European colonization of Africa in the 1800s?
European powers had a desire for African resources and lucrative trade routes. On the other side, European countries were heavily involved in the slave trade and wanted to continue their business in Africa.
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How did industrialization in Europe lead to the colonization of Africa?
Industrialization led to a significant rise in the demand for raw materials and laborers. This led to the development of the plantation system throughout Africa, especially in British and French colonies. The Industrial Revolution also expanded the desire for labor power in Britain, France, and Ireland, making Africa more attractive.
What part did Henry Stanley and David Livingstone play in the European colonization of Africa?
The promotion of Christianity in Africa had a considerable role in the early colonial regimes. Livingstone was the first missionary to promote Christianity in Africa, and Stanley is known for his role in the exploration and pioneering work.
What were the effects of the colonization of Africa?
Many of the effects that resulted from the colonization of Africa were felt throughout the world. They include:
1. Increased commerce and trade between Europe and Africa
2. A significantly higher literacy rate on the African continent
3. The introduction of Christianity, Islam, and other world religions to many parts of Africa that had previously practiced indigenous religions
4. An increase in colonial prestige, which led to a decrease in colonialism in other parts of the world
5. Increased involvement of Africans in international affairs as leaders recognized their valuable contributions
How was the colonization of India different from Africa?
The level of violence used by the colonialists was higher in India. In addition to not allowing the natives to form political organizations and preventing them from owning property, the British restricted them from acquiring weapons and forced them to work for the British.
The British used a lot of force and broke up many native tribes to conquer the region, which they were reluctant to do.
They were more willing to use force in India because there were so many more people, and they wanted land that they could exploit for money-making purposes.
What were the negative effects of colonization in Africa?
1. It Led to Pain and Suffering
The colonization of Africa led to such poverty, hunger, and suffering that many Africans became enslaved people from neighboring nations.
2. It Led to the Separation of Races
The British used force to separate the black African races from one another and make them uncomfortable with each other. Colonization made Africans loose their ethnic identity due to being subjected to torture.
3. It Increased Racism
Many Europeans saw Africans as inferior because they did not have the same religion or social customs as the Europeans, who were generally not good people.
4. It Led to War
Warfare has been a big part of Africa for hundreds of years. The Europeans caused the Africans to fight more amongst themselves by bringing in technology that would give them an advantage, such as guns and other weapons that Africans could not produce independently.
5. It Led to the Spread of Diseases
The Europeans brought the disease with them to Africa because they lived in areas where there were no diseases that affected humans. The viruses affected African crops and animals, which caused food shortages and hurt the economy.
Why was the colonization of Africa, Asia, and the Americas shared by Britain, France, and Spain?
Because it made them more prosperous and more powerful in terms of economy and prestige
Why was the colonization of Africa an ethical issue?
1. It Was The Creation of Slavery
The economics of the colonial slave trade led to the emergence of a ‘slave trek’ system in Africa whereby enslaved people were captured and marched to European ships waiting at the African coastline to transport them to the Americas.
2. It Caused Suffering and Shame
From 1875 – to 1900, it is believed that over 100 000 African men (Togoland alone had a population of 70 000), women, and children were imprisoned by German forces on a prison island off the coast of Cameroon. The prisons on the island were overcrowded, and people were suffering from hunger and sickness.
3. Personal Autonomy
Africans lost their ability to make choices and be independent due to colonial forces that took over the continent. Freedoms such as being allowed to keep their language or religion or their form of governance were taken from them.
4. Cultural Genocide
The colonial forces destroyed the culture of all African ethnic groups, including customs, arts, music, dress, and languages.
5. Populations Cut In Half
Population loss through diseases, hunger, conflict and low birth rate resulted in the loss of human capital.
6. International Conflict
Germany was a major force in the colonization of Africa as it took control over vast territories of Africa and supported Germany at the end of World War I by helping to defeat France.
7. Losing Power in Africa
Through warfare and colonialism, Africans lost their power and independence throughout most of their continent.
What role did missionaries play in the colonization of Africa?
1. They Created Schools
Schools were created by missionaries so that Africans could learn white men’s technology and skills that would give them new opportunities and incomes.
2. They Led Religious Services
Missionaries were deeply involved in setting up churches for the African people, including promoting their own religious beliefs and practices.
3. They Provided Health Care
Missionaries provided health care to the African people, including preventing and treating disease.
4. They Trained Africans for Government Positions
Missionaries were instrumental in teaching an education and training Africans to hold positions of authority in their colonial governments.
5. They Promoted Christianity and Western Civilization
Missionaries promoted Christianity, western civilization, and white culture’s life over the traditional African ways of living.
Why did colonization of Africa begin in the congo?
Colonization began in the Congo because two major rivers were the Kasai and the Ubangi. The river systems of both rivers had enough water to form a large landmass.
1. Exploration and Trade
Colonization began because Europeans wanted to build forts on both rivers that could serve as safe harbors for trading ships.
2. Missionaries
The first missionaries who ventured into the Congo were from Belgium, France, and England. They built temporary homes along the rivers and tried to win converts among the indigenous population before leaving. The first permanent missionaries in the area were from Belgium, France, and Germany. These missionaries established churches with a mixture of natives, Arabs, and Europeans as members. They said that there is nothing more effective than using literacy to share the gospel, so they have started schools for children in their colonies.
3. Exploitation of Natural Resources
Exploiting the natural resources in their colonies was another reason for the European nations to colonize Africa. They needed raw materials like rubber, ivory, and mineral resources for their industries.
What was the primary reason behind the colonization of Africa?
The primary reason behind the colonization of Africa was to exploit its natural resources. They built a lot of railroads and expanded trade with Europe. They used the enslaved people to take over land, plant cotton, and carry out trade.
What was the main cause of inadequate food supplies in Africa during European colonization?
The main cause of food inadequacy during European colonization was the death of the local farmers as a result of western diseases. Another reason was that exporting crops to Europe destroyed local farming methods, making it hard to feed people in Africa. Another cause was that the land was fragmented amongst chiefs and local farmers; therefore, the land could not provide enough food for everyone.
What would the Berlin Conference: colonization and exploration of Africa related to in
In the interest of global trade, the United States Congress was considering a proposal to send an ambassador to Europe. They were trying to establish trade among European nations, which would benefit Americans. They wanted to know whether the Europeans wanted other countries in Africa or their resources. Because of this consideration, Ulysses S. Grant sent John Lothrop as Minister Plenipotentiary on June 14th, 1877, to attend the conference in Berlin.
What was the primary reason behind the colonization of Africa?
The primary reason behind the colonization of Africa was to exploit its natural resources. They built a lot of railroads and expanded trade with Europe. They used the enslaved people to take over land, plant cotton, and carry out trade.
How did imperialist colonization of Africa and Asia set them back politically?
By taking over their government systems, a European Nation could stop them.
Explain why colonization hurt Africa?
The colonization of Africa harmed the African people because it caused them much poverty. It was a huge landmass that had a lot of natural resources. The Europeans wanted to get these natural resources through exploration, trade, and exploitation.
What role did religion play in the colonization of Africa and South America?
Religion played a role in African and South American colonization because people from different religions were interested in expanding their religion to other parts of the world. This led to a great deal of conflict between Africans and Europeans.
What medicinal advances were made in the 19th century that helped with the colonization of Africa?
Medicinal advances were made in the 19th century that helped with the colonization of Africa. The first medicine was used in 1822, which led to a better understanding of diseases and their cures. In 1854, Dr. John Snow discovered cholera and came up with an effective way to treat it. English missionaries also introduced several new foods that had to be eaten in moderation, such as tea, coffee, and tobacco, which helped people live longer.
How did the end of slavery benefit colonization in Africa?
Enslaved people could be or become independent, which meant they didn’t have to depend on the decisions of their former masters.
The end of slavery helped establish an international empire as the formerly enslaved people, who were freed, had no other option but to stay with their new home countries and help with colonization

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