Which of the Following Traits Evolved First / Earliest in Evolutionary History?

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Which of the following traits evolved first / earliest in evolutionary history?

The correct answer is Bilateral symmetry.

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Bilateral symmetry evolved earliest in evolutionary history.

 What is evolutionary history?

The sum of all the changes organisms has undergone since life first appeared on Earth.

 Understanding the concepts of evolution

How do fossils provide evidence of evolutionary history?

Fossils allow the reconstruction of a species’ changes (changes in traits) over time. For example, the evolution of the horse can be traced by observing the changes in its fossil forebears.

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What is the evolutionary history between fungi and plants?

The fungal-plant relationship is a bit of a relationship that has taken place for hundreds of millions of years. There were two types of plants and fungi in different groups, with most plants being from the group known as eukaryotes and fungi from the group known as prokaryotes. Many changes in the environment have led to many changes in these two groups. Still, some mutations throughout the time have made them similar, always making it difficult to distinguish between them even now.

Summarize how mass extinctions affect the evolutionary history of life?

Mass extinctions are sudden events that happen in all groups of animals or plants, causing a huge loss of species. It is thought to only happen about every 26 million years, it has been happening for the last 450 million years and still continues today. These extinctions have changed all life on Earth in many ways, from the environment to nutrients that the plants and animals got from the environment.

Mass extinctions have affected different groups of animals differently, like cause some to grow larger and others to be smaller. Mass extinctions have caused a decrease in oxygen in the atmosphere, but plants usually make that up.

Mass extinctions can also result in a huge change in temperature, ocean level, and even nutrients available to all species.

What do systematists examine to determine the early evolutionary history of animals?

Systematists go through fossils to find out about the early evolutionary history of animals. They will look for different kinds of fossils, looking at the shape of various bones and teeth in different animals. Some fossils are easier to find than others; for example, it might be hard to find fossil remains from tiny animals that have been washed away by time or other animals that fossilized sediments have buried.

How does the acorn worm represent a turning point in our evolutionary history?

The acorn worm is an animal that is almost identical to a millipede but is a member of the arthropod, and insect groups, instead of the echinoderm and vertebrate groups. It had been going on before the other animals but was more often eaten by predators like birds, so it had to adapt to survive.

It moved its body away from its head to be protected from predators; it also had different adaptations that helped it survive better. It had a hard shell that made it resistant to predators. It also had a long tail that helped it to balance itself on uneven surfaces.

This is the first time we see evidence of animals evolving. The acorn worm represents a turning point in our evolutionary history because it shows how small changes can lead to large evolutionary changes in an animal. This process is even faster if there are fewer predators around.

What are the one-way scientists get information about the evolutionary history of species?

Scientists get information about the evolutionary history of species through fossils. They use their past knowledge to find out relationships between living animals and to see where they came from.

What is the evolutionary history of primates based on?

The evolutionary history of primates is based on fossils that have been found and living examples of primates. 

Which change in the evolutionary history of horses is documented by the fossil record?

The answer is found in the teeth structure of horses. Horses evolved from animals with flat molars and rough surfaces. Now they have high crowned teeth which resemble those of mammals today and help break down foods before digestion.

Explain how genetics reveals the evolutionary history of animals?

One important tool in understanding evolution is the study of genetics. Genetic changes occur most often when animals are isolated geographically and reproduce among themselves. Examples of genetic change include how a population of giraffes became taller than their ancestors because of the lack of competition for resources, also, how the population of domestic dogs has become shorter and has greater intelligence due to the increased genetic variation over time.

Explain how comparing proteins of two species can yield data about the species’ evolutionary history?

Different proteins have different structures and are made up of different combinations of amino acids. Also, because the protein is the functional unit of life, all organisms have the same protein building blocks. However, amino acids vary in how they join together to create proteins. It is possible to find two species that are very similar in function but use different building blocks in their proteins. This difference may be due to a genetic change that occurred during evolution.

What unique taxon do we use to classify protists according to evolutionary history?

Protists are classified into four groups based on their evolutionary history. These groups are protista, monera, procaryote, and Eukaryota.

How does evolutionary history inform your stress response?

Our bodies react to stress by releasing stress hormones, which mobilize us to fight or run away from a dangerous situation. However, an organism’s response to stress can be changed by its evolutionary history. For example, species with strong immune systems are known to have greater resistance to diseases and may not need a strong response from the stress hormones.

What is the significance of evolution in Earth’s history?

Evolution has shaped life on Earth and continues to do so. It explains the diversity of species, how they interact with each other and their environment, how they are related to each other, and even why species become extinct.

 How is mercury’s evolutionary history like that of the moon? How is it different?

Mercury has a similar evolutionary history with the moon in that both are smaller than the Earth, have a similar composition and density, and formed at about the same time. Mercury’s evolutionary history is different from the moon because it has a greater tilt on its axis.

Why is the fossil record an important piece of evolutionary history?

The fossil record is important in understanding evolution because it documents the changes that have occurred over time. Fossils are preserved under certain conditions, which means that they can only be found in certain locations and at certain times. So, they can only give a limited view of evolutionary history.

How can gene sequences be used to prove evolutionary history?

Genes are very important in understanding evolutionary history because they contain information about how organisms are related to each other. Scientists can use gene sequences to prove how certain organisms are related and how species evolved from earlier ones. There is also the evolution proclamation.

What are the mass extinction events that occurred in the evolutionary history of animals?

There have been several mass extinctions in the evolutionary history of animals. One of the most famous was the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction, when most dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago.

How is an organism’s evolutionary history related to how it is classified?

An organism’s evolutionary history is related to how it is classified in three ways:

  1. It can tell a scientist what type of organism it is and how it fits in the classification hierarchy.
  2. It can tell the scientist about any similarities the organism may have to other organisms.
  3. An organism might be classified differently from one scientific period to another, depending on its evolutionary history.

How will evolutionary history affect community responses to climate change?

Cooperation is a key characteristic of biological communities. It allows the community to adapt to environmental changes and reduce its risk of extinction. According to evolutionary theory, communities change as new species evolve, and some species become extinct in time. These changes can have dire consequences for the community’s survival and its ability to adapt to climate change.

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