Liberty PHIL 201 Quiz 1 – Philosophy is mostly interested

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1. Philosophy is mostly interested in discovering new factual data.

Answer: False

2. Philosophy and art are different in that philosophy argues for a view while art usually just expresses it.

Answer: True

3. Philosophy evaluates everything including issues of faith.

Answer: False

4. The goal in doing philosophy is to start as best as one can from a completely neutral position on every issue.

Answer: false

5. Cultivating a worldview, as Foreman describes it, is something everyone has done.

Answer: True

6. What are the 2 benefits of examining and evaluating beliefs

Answer: 1. Understanding life enhances our enjoyment of it.It makes life more joyful by satisfying our intellectual appetites.
2. Fulfills our epistemic duties.

7. Philosophers largely agree on most issues. That is why they get along with each other so well.

Answer: True

8. A process of education that forces students to think through and clarify their beliefs by asking them questions is called the:

Answer: The Socratic Method

9. List and explain the 5 reasons provided for why it is important to develop a philosophical mindset.

1. Philosophy aids in understanding life better
2. Examining and evaluating our beliefs fulfills our epistemic duties, makes life more joyful by satisfying our intellectual appetites and pays proper recognition to the powerful effect our beliefs have on our actions and emotions.
3. It aids in the task of clarification.
4. Arguing.
5. Cultivating a Worldview, A comprehensive system by which our knowledge can be categorized and examined.

10. Philosophy aids theology by:

Answer:  providing a systematic way to organize theology

11. To offer a defense for the Christian faith from outside attacks is the task of:

Answer: True

12. According to the reading, it is possible to do hermeneutics without doing philosophy, however you never should.

Answer: false

13. The problems listed in the reading with the view that “Christians don’t need philosophy, we have the Bible,” include the following:

A. those who adopt this view end up misusing the bible

B. This view fails to realize that all truth is God’s truth

C. this view is ineffective in answering the philosophical questions for many people

D. all the above

Answer: all the above

14. A principle of interpretation where one finds a principle in scripture and applies it to an example in current times.

Answer: hermeneutics, the study of the general principles of biblical interpretation.

15. The presentation says we should be prepared to explain the literary and historical context of a passage of scripture if we are going to use that passage as support in an argument.

Answer: True

16. The presentation says the Bible adequately addresses almost every philosophical issue and question.

Answer: True

17. In the presentation, which of the following was NOT within the guidelines recommended for the “critical use” of scripture in doing philosophy:

Answer: support all your philosophical beliefs with scriptural quotes

18. In the presentation, “critical usage” of scripture means:

Answer: to take into account the historical context and literary context

19. The presentation suggests that a neutral approach is unattainable because we all need a starting point for doing philosophy.

Answer: True

20. The word “philosophy” comes from a combination of two Greek terms. Give the meaning that goes along with each term.

Answer: “the love of wisdom.

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