The Road to Revolution in America
What was the road to revolution?
The road to revolution for the American colonies was largely a series of economic influences from British policies. The British government imposed several taxes on their American colonists. These taxes included a tax on sugar and molasses imported into America during the French and Indian War and a stamp tax on all printed items in America.
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Access Free Writing ToolsRelationships between the American colonists, the British Crown, and Parliament soon deteriorated after the French and Indian War ended in 1763. After winning the war, the British government had more money than they needed, so they began to impose taxes on their American colonists.
The colonists’ efforts to resist Britain’s measures were impeded by the fact that each colony was an independent political entity with its governor, legislature, and judicial system. Each colony set its policies regarding taxation and land affairs. When confronting Britain on these issues, it was difficult for each colony to work together because of conflicting opinions among the colonies on how best to react to Britain.
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What was the cause of the road to revolution?
The causes include:
1. The Founding of the Colonies
The American colonists came to America seeking religious liberty and political autonomy. These were expressed in two documents; the Mayflower Compact, a document of unity written by the settlers of Plymouth Colony, and the Virginia Charter, which was an agreement among the leaders of James City Colony, Henrico County, and Jamestown.
The settlement in Plymouth Colony was known as “the first permanent English settlement in North America.
2. French and Indian War
The French and Indian War was a conflict between Great Britain and France. It began in 1754, when the French general, Edward Braddock, attacked the British fort at Fort Duquoin near what is now Pittsburgh. Although he was defeated, the British gained a small amount of money from this battle. In 1755 France sent an expedition headed by Jacques-Pierre de Tonty to capture Fort Duquesne. Both wanted the territorial expansion of their sovereignty.
3. Growing Unity Among the Colonies
Merchants began to move inland from the coast, and investment in the colonies’ economy increased. As a result of these economic ties among the colonies, there was a growing sense of unity among Americans. There were early signs of defense cooperation during King George’s War (1744-1748). In 1754, Benjamin Franklin secured aid from Albany, New York in a land expedition against the French in western Pennsylvania.
4. Boston Blockade
The Boston blockades were British attempts to put pressure on the colonists. In response, colonists began to arm themselves. When the American Revolutionary War broke out in 1775, the colonies were already well-armed from colonial self-defense measures, such as colonial militias.
5. Decline in Colonial Trade Relationships With Britain
As trade relationships with Britain declined and inflation increased in Great Britain, many Americans began to feel that their interests were being taken over by a distant government.
What women did during the road to revolution
Women were not just housewives during the times of revolution. Although many women stayed home and cared for their families, some also participated in the war efforts. They would help get food for their families and make clothes for the soldiers. Some women even joined their husband’s army regiments. Women were very important to the economy since they cared for their families and helped them get supplies if their husbands were drafted or killed in battle.Women contributed to road to revolution.
The important effect that the french and Indians war have on the road to revolution
The French and Indian War hugely affected the road to revolution. Before this war began, colonists were happy with how they did things. However, colonists felt threatened by the British forces once the war began. This caused them to begin to tighten their belts, but when they were asked by their government to pay taxes, they did not want to do this.
Six steps were taken during the road to revolution
1. The Stamp Act (March 1765)
The Stamp Act was passed by parliament in 1765. This act was a tax on all printed items for British merchants to pay the costs of this war. This was very costly for colonies, especially ones based on agriculture, such as New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The colonies had already been getting into serious conflicts with Britain over taxes, but this act put them over the edge.
2. The Townshend Acts (June-July 1767)
The Townshend Acts were a series of laws passed by Parliament in 1767. These acts targeted cloth and paper imported into the colonies. Other laws targeted the American colonists’ ability to trade with other countries and the ability of the colonists to keep guns and ammunition.
3. The Boston Massacre (March 1770)
On March 5, 1770, a fight broke out in a pub between American colonists and British soldiers. Five colonists died, and the others were badly injured. This fight made relations between the British and the Americans even worse.
4. The Boston Tea Party (December 1773)
The Boston Tea Party was a political meeting on Dec 16, 1773. A group of colonists disguised as Native Americans rowed to a British ship and dumped about 200 containers of tea into Boston Harbor. This showed that the colonist had had enough of Britain’s way of doing things.
5. The Coercive Acts (March-June 1774)
The Coercive Acts were a series of laws passed by Parliament in 1774. These acts included the Boston Port Bill, the Massachusetts Government Act, and the Quartering Act. The Massachusetts Government Act limited colonial government affairs to those that affected British interests.
The Quartering Act gave the British military control over building and housing in North America.
The Boston Port Bill stated that all British merchants who lived in Massachusetts would have to leave. This made many merchants move inland from places such as Boston because they did not want to leave their homes.
6. Lexington and Concord (April 1775)
Lexington and Concord were where the first shots were fired during the American Revolutionary War. Lexington and Concord was a town in Massachusetts where the British army was located. The colonists had heard about this and decided to attack it to take back their country.
The colonists’ fight for independence started here on April 19, 1775, when two groups of rebels, known as Minutemen, were spotted by British troops moving towards Lexington.
7. British attacks on coastal towns (October 1775-January 1776)
The British started attacking coastal towns such as Newport, Rhode Island. They would attack the town and then burn the houses. Once they burned the houses, they would start looting the town.

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