Tips on How to Write an Autobiography
Each human being has a story to tell. And you don’t have to have lived well into your 70s or be a celebrity; to have a beautiful story to tell. As you may want to share your anecdotes and experiences with the world, the best way is through an autobiography. Autobiographies are among the most widely read categories in nonfiction writing.
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Why do people read autobiographies?
Humans are naturally curious beings, and because of this, many people love to read and learn about others’ lives. The intimacy offered by hearing about firsthand experiences from a subject causes the readers to relate with the author. This, in turn, means that you are likely to reach many with your story by writing an autobiography. You may wonder if writing up your autobiography will capture the events and experiences of your life as vividly as they did occur.
The answer is yes because it is not any different from writing a work of fiction.
The only difference is that you will be offering factual information. That said if you have no previous experience writing any piece of work, whether fiction or nonfiction, you may feel intimidated. Even if you have before, an autobiography may present a different challenge, and you may not know where to start.
Here are some tips on how you could start writing a successful autobiography.
1.Read someone else’s work
Reading someone else’s life story is one of the best ways to learn how you could write your own. Examples of well-written autobiographies include ones authored by; Maya Angelou, Benjamin Franklin, as well as Nelson Mandela. These excellent autobiographies also represent people from various walks of life, as well as fields of profession. You can find ones written by sports figures, singers, politicians, religious leaders, singers, among many others.
Therefore, you can choose to read the story of someone who inspires you from any of these categories. You may also choose to read different autobiographies to compare the writing styles used. This will give you a feel of what a good autobiography sounds like and lend you a few ideas on writing your own.
2.Get an understanding of your target audience
Another essential step to undertake when you start writing your autobiography is to figure out who your intended audience is. The readers will determine the tone and style that you use. For instance, an autobiography intended for your grandchildren will be written using a different tone than that designed for the public.
Your family may understand and be familiar with the events outlined in your book. Therefore you may decide to make it less detailed. On the other hand, when narrating your experiences to the general public, you may need to add detail and exciting facts to capture their attention. This will also enable them to understand what you are describing to them.
3. Map everything out
The beauty of writing an autobiography is that nobody else can tell it as well as you. You are the subject. Therefore the only person who knows your life experiences best is yourself. Rather than jumping straight into writing, take a step back, and reflect on your life.
In doing so, you will be able to recall and identify pivotal experiences, events, as well as people in your life. Moreover, it will be possible to remember essential dates that changed the course of your life in a chronological sequence. The timeline is very crucial when writing your story.
The best way to do this is to sit with a writing pad and pen and then plan out what you intend to include in your autobiography. After laying the foundation, then you should proceed to write down any occasion, situation, or experience that may have had a significant impact on the course of your life. Don’t start with only what you think will appeal to your reader; every detail, no matter how small, matters.
After writing down everything that comes to mind, you can hence begin to measure the weight of these events. For instance, you don’t have to start by detailing your birth; if you don’t think your life’s main events started there. It is appropriate to start right before you started experiencing significant events in your life.
Similarly, you could choose to add details regarding your genealogy if it provides context or further clarification to other things mentioned in your book.
4.Pick out the best after brainstorming
Life comes with a lot of experiences, both significant and insignificant. All these experiences are what make your life beautiful and memorable. These are the events that you need to include in your autobiography. An extensive story may have had minimal influence on your life, while a seemingly small event may have a significant impact on your life.
Therefore, as you start writing your autobiography, you will need to critically go through all the events that you had written down. Figure out which ones are significant enough to include in your autobiography. Remember that your reader can only read so much. For this reason, ensure that what you write shaped your life significantly in order to keep your readers interested.
You could include events such as a career realization and such like. Also, including your childhood will play a significant role as it is the foundation of your life.
5.Be authentic
As you start on your autobiography, it is so vital that you use your own voice. Authenticity is essential as your reads will be attracted to your personality, as it comes across in your story. Tell your stories in an amusing, relatable, and precise way to your audience. Be open and let your readers feel intimately connected to your work.
Ensure that you use simple vocabulary that is easy to understand. Using complex vocabulary may make it difficult for your reader, discouraging them from reading until the end. You already have knowledge on how to write an Autobiography; that is not enough, learn also how to write your essays more easily and effectively.

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