200+ Research Proposal Topics
What is a Research Proposal?
A research proposal is one of the essential elements of your academic career. It is a document that outlines the purpose, methodology, and results of your upcoming study. Research proposals have specific requirements concerning formatting, length, and information that must be included to be considered. Failure to follow these guidelines will likely result in rejection.
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Key Sections of a Research Proposal
When coming up with research proposal topics, you ought to know what to include in the proposal- understand the key elements that should go into your proposal. The key sections to have are:
- Title – Give your topic an attention-grabbing title. The title should be concise to state your intent.
- Abstract – This brief summary of your topic is written in two or three paragraphs. It should be informative and easy to read. Do not include citations or quotations in the abstract. State your purpose, methods, results, and conclusions.
- Table of contents – This section of the proposal is a list of the different sections of your proposal. It is a guide to your readers as they read through your paper.
- Introduction – In this part of your proposal, you ought to hook your readers’ interest. You may choose to use a question or state what the problem is in the introduction. This is also where you introduce your topic and explain how you will address it within the study.
- Literature review – In this section, you should discuss the history of research in your chosen topic, review related studies that have been done that are related to your study, and give an overview of the current literature on your topic.
- Objectives of the proposal – This section is where you state what you wish to study, explain why it is necessary or interesting, and tell the reader why your study will be important.
- Methodology – Here, you should describe how you accomplished your study and what procedures were used in conducting it. Provide details on sample size and selection techniques; also include variables being tested and measurements used in data collection.
- Scope of the research – Discuss the limitations of your study, including the length of time for data collection, testing procedures, and sample size.
- Limitations of the research proposal – This section is where you describe any limitations that might be associated with your study. Include as much detail as possible.
- Significance of the research – Summarize what will be gained by your study and why it was necessary to conduct it. This section should affect the reader and make them want to read on.
- Conclusion – Here, you should summarize your research and discuss the implications of your findings. What do they tell us about how we should do our jobs?
- References – This is where you list the sources from which you got information for your study.
- Appendices – This is where you include tables and charts that are related to your topic.
How to Select the Best Research Proposal Topic
It would help if you found a brilliant research topic to develop the perfect research proposal. But how do you create the best research topic? Here’s how:
- Ask questions – Research proposal topics are often based on a problem that must be solved. Ask yourself what questions need answers.
- Question the question – Make sure you can answer the question in your research proposal and that the answer will be meaningful.
- Put it in context – Decide if your question has implications for other areas of study, and be sure to find out if there are other researches on the topic.
- Have realistic expectations – Don’t try to tackle everything at once. Choose a precise topic and narrow down your focus as much as possible.
- Let your curiosity lead you – Attending conferences, seminars, workshops, or reading articles in trade journals may give you insights into areas of study that interest you or where there may be gaps in existing knowledge that need investigating.
By doing these, you are sure to come up with a killer research topic for your proposal.
What is Topic Selection?
Topic selection is a critical part of writing a good research proposal. It is the first step in writing a proposal. You should select your topic very carefully, as it will help you complete the entire paper. Here are some tips to help you in selecting your topic:
- Your topic should be simple.
- Your topic should be interesting.
- Your topic must be attractive to outside readers of your paper.
- You should well research your topic.
Below are brilliant examples of research proposal topics.
Psychology Research Proposal Topics
These are the psychology research proposal ideas you can work on. Psychology is a broad topic meaning there is a wide range of research ideas. Below are some of the impressive psychology topics you can cover:
- REM sleep psychology.
- How to control aggression in street demonstrations.
- How the society models our behavior.
- Anger psychology.
- Differences and similarities between cataplexy and sleep paralysis.
- Impacts of ignoring emotional needs in children when they grow up.
- The balance between restraining factors and criminal intentions.
- Causes of dehumanization in the Stanford prisoner experiment
- The role played by unfamiliar environment in Milgram’s shock experiment
- Measures of controlling aggression during street demonstrations
- Conformity, compliance, and obedience as a function of social status
- Physiological differences in brains determined by gender
- Consequences of following continuous sleep disruption at the REM phase
- An analysis of memory and cognitive processes in a patient with retrograde amnesia
- Factors contributing to multiple personality disorder onset
- Top social factors and life events endangering mental health in the US population
- Symptoms and impact of ADHD on life quality
- Environmental factors role in triggering depression
- How much discipline is enough for harmonious development of a child’s personality?
- Midlife crisis in men and women: similarities and differences
- Child abuse as the causative factor for multiple psychological afflictions in later life
- Impact of ignoring a child’s emotional needs on adult life
- What impact does self-worth perception have on academic achievement?
- Consequences of bullying in school on self-perception
- How much study effort is ok for different ages?
- Does a no-homework policy (like in Finland) have positive effects on student performance? Is such a model applicable to the US?
Criminal Justice Research Proposal Topics
Here you can choose the topic of your criminal justice research proposal. The criminal justice world is full of research proposal ideas you can work on. Examples may include:
- The effects of various factors on the re-offense rate among the elderly in the prison system.
- The findings and implications of combining the human factors engineering approach with a sociological approach to studying human behavior.
- The effects of probation and parole at different stages.
- Sex offenders and their families: Causes, consequences, and treatment.
- How do high schools prevent teenage pregnancy?
- How mass media and social media influence crimes
- Solving violence in prisons
- Political science
- The relationship between police and people of different backgrounds.
- Ethical and legal issues in international intervention
- The impact of prison on children of incarcerated individuals
- How mandatory minimum sentences hurt or help
- How Can Economic Crimes Be Reduced?
- Gun Control Debate
- Human Trafficking Combat Methods
- Power Abuse Among Police Officers Analysis
Sociology Research Proposal Topics
Sociology is a vast topic. You can write about various sociology topics, including social justice, human behavior, and so on. Below are some of the exciting topics you can write on sociology:
- How can a slight policy change affect small environments?
- What are the causes of crime, and how can it be resolved?
- Why do people offend? This includes how people react to offense and how it affects the individual.
- How does a person get into criminality?
- How are the disabled treated in society?
- Gender profiling today
- Causes and consequences of early marriage
- Sexuality in Disney movies
- Does the human race define welfare?
- Is emotional intelligence as important as they say?
- Are men better professionals than women, or is it just a stereotype?
- Causes and results of abusive marriages
- Should same-sex couples be allowed to adopt kids?
- Does homeschooling affect the quality of education?
- Does homeschooling hinder the socialization of children?
Criminology Research Proposal Topics
Criminology is a broad topic. You can write about many subjects in Criminology, such as crime, punishment, justice, etc. Below are some of the exciting topics you can handle in Criminology:
- How does punishment work in the United States?
- Different forms of punishment and how they are carried out
- Different types of crimes and their effects.
- The stages to crime evaluation and also the stages to rehabilitation.
- The effects of crime in society today and how we can prevent it from happening again.
- Personality traits that trigger criminal behavior.
- Community deterioration and crime rates.
- Does experimental criminology affect social policy?
- Families and Crime.
- Child Sexual Abuse.
- Education and Criminal activities
- How religion influences delinquent activities
- Fingerprints and it’s meaning in investigation.
- Crimes in the sphere of computer information: criminological analysis of the offender’s identity.
- The concept and characteristics of crime among juvenile and youth.
- Preventive activities of investigative agency in the process of detection and investigation of crimes.
- The ethical basics of police activities in a modern society.
- Criminality among women: characteristics and prevention.
- Domestic crime and methods of it prevention.
- Criminological problems preventing robbery.
- Stages and methods of criminology research.
- Victims and social consequences of crimes.
Educational Research Proposal Topics
Education is a broad topic, and countless things are happening globally. This means you can discover new perspectives that are appealing to talk about. The following are some great ideas for research proposal topics you can write in the Education field.
- How playing and fun help kids grow properly
- Effects of violence in games and movies on education.
- How can students and teachers work together to improve education?
- How to tackle courses you don’t like.
- Is it really necessary to have sex education?
- Social learning and how it affects education
- How Psychology Can Help Improve Education
- Why Education Should Teach us More About Our Health
- Best Studying Methods for Students
- Does Family Impact The Level of Education a Kid Will Achieve?
- Distant education in the era of COVID-19 pandemic
- The role of technology in distant learning
- Student-student communication in distance education
- How can career counseling support high school students?
- How does Race to the Top program affect students’ outcomes?
- The effect of outcomes-based education on children’s mental health
- How to prevent students from being distracted by smartphones?
- Do virtual classrooms lack a personal connection between students and teachers?
- Is the whole brain teaching method effective for college students?
- How can teachers ‘protect’ their students from procrastinating?
- Should Autism be considered an illness?
- How can career counseling support high school students?
Early Childhood Development Research Proposal Topics
The development of children is influenced by both nurture and nature. In addition to the genes acquired from their parents, child development is affected by the home environment, parenting, and early experiences. Here are some of the childhood development proposal topics you can write about.
- How children grow and change in their first 12 years
- The cognitive, emotional, and social aspects of childhood development and growth.
- Does the environment have a significant role in child development?
- Why child development renders a crucial role in shaping the entire life of a person.
- Are children more creative and intelligent than the average students?
- Why child development was largely ignored throughout the History
- The social, emotional and cognitive aspects of child development and growth
- The benefits of studying how a child grows, change and learns things.
- Does environment really play a significant role in child development?
- The influence of parents, peers and caregivers on the development of a child
- Are children really more intelligent and creative than average adults?
- Why play is significant in helping children learn and understand life
- Why speaking to a real person is more important for a child’s growth than just playing games
- Child development: heredity and environment
- Social and cultural aspects of child development
- Factors affecting child development
- Child development: history, theory, and research strategies
- The child development theory of middle childhood
- Child development and Jean Piaget’s Theory of cognitive
- Language and social skills in child development
- Divorce and consequences for child development
- How parenting styles affect child development
- Gender roles and child development
- How classroom environments affect child development
- The Importance of play in promoting healthy child development
- The child development through exercise
- Adolescent mothers and effects on child development
- Violence during early childhood and child development
- Maternal employment and child development
- Child development and the effects of the internet
- Understanding the stages of child development and rate
- Are fathers crucial for child development?
- Healthy child development depends on quality child are
Business Research Proposal Topics
Business research papers are crucial for entrepreneurs taking a business degree and those who aspire to be business leaders. They enable you to understand the fundamental economic principles, financial markets, various markets, and their effects on the global economy. Below are some of the exciting business research topics.
- Pros and cons of outsourcing workforce.
- Merits of increasing brand awareness.
- Methods to increase motivation among employees.
- The relation between employee productivity and wages.
- Business differences in developing countries Impact of startups on local economies Management approaches in different cultural places
- How does management affect an organization’s performance?
- The effects of advertisement on consumer behavior
- In what ways can human resource promote industrial harmony?
- How does corporate sustainability affect the organizational process?
- Weighing the pros and cons of startup and established companies
- The strategy of corporate sustainability
- The roles of budget analysis and budgetary controls on an organization’s operation
- What is sustainable development and what is its impact on modern businesses
- The role of financial managers in maintaining records of business expenses
- How does employee motivation increase the earnings of organizations?
- The importance of a digital marketing strategy to small businesses
- Understanding the process of taxation and its relation to the profit of the business
- How to handle a crisis in an organization
- The impact of gender discrimination on employees’ performance
- The effects of a company’s environmental practices on consumer trust
- The ways a company can create a healthy and more balanced work environment
- Does workplace diversity play an important role in productivity?
- The rise of foreign exchange market in the era of globalization
- Going digital and its effects on international business
- The influence of culture in marketing and branding
- The advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing the business
- The many ways for foreign companies to handle scam
- The effects of good business communication in business development and growth
- Communication and its relation to marketing effectiveness
- How effective communication can help in dealing with global companies
- The theories of communication and their different roles in the corporate world
Social Science Research Proposal Topics
Social science topics deal with scientific research into the social relationship and the human society. The significant fields in this category are Geography, Politics, Anthropology, Law, History, Linguistics, Sociology, and Psychology. These fields provide a broad area of research proposal topics you can handle in social science. They include:
- Effects of divorce on children.
- Nature of parenting in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender families.
- How does racial stereotype affect consciousness and self-esteem?
- The relationship between patriotism and social status.
- Should male workers have the same workplace rights as females?
Nursing Research Proposal Topics
Nursing is a broad field and requires more time to find a good research topic to pick. Your research topic should be relevant, engaging, specific, meaningful, and original. Below is a list of potential research proposal topics on nursing.
- Impact of antibiotics on child immunities.
- How to reduce infant injury during delivery.
- How to prevent malnutrition in children.
- How to treat mental disorders nonchemically during pregnancy.
- Age-related factors in the cardiovascular deterioration.
- Antibiotics impact on childhood immunities
- Effects of childhood exposure to environmental pollutants
- Effects of second-hand smoke inhalation in early life
- Genetic factors of diabetes in children
- How to diagnose and manage respiratory illnesses in children
- How to improve child care at inpatient facilities
- Analyzing the history of nursing and their role in health care
- Comparing culture’s effect on nursing in different countries
- Effective strategies to maintain emotional health for nurses
- History of treatment for eating disorders and current treatment analysis
- Analyzing effects of telephone-provided care during postnatal treatment
- Case studies of positive birth experiences
- Case studies of positive postnatal experiences
- Prevention of falls and injuries in senior patients
- Strategies to improve oral health conditions in senior patients
- Strategies to improve recognition of dehydration in aging adults
- Disorders in female sexual health
- Effectiveness of breast cancer screening measures
- Environmental factors that lead to high infertility rates
- Benefits of using antipsychotics when preventing delirium
- Chemical stimulant treatments of ADHD
- Detection and risk factors of bipolar disorder
- Effects of social media on mental health
- Effectiveness of pain management strategies in cancer patients
- History and best practices of cognitive hypnotherapy in pain management
- Medication trends in pain management relevant to nurses
- Methods of enhancing staff relations in health care
- Stem cells and their usage in the treatment of pediatric diseases
- Early-life exposure to air pollution: health effects
- Prenatal exposure to nicotine: health effects
- Cells and molecules in lung health and disease: understanding the function
- Neurotrophin and neurotransmitter receptors: a molecular study
- New therapeutic approaches to developmental diseases of the nervous system
- Movement disorders in children: understanding and treatment
Mental Health Research Proposal Topics
Mental health is a state of well-being in which every person realizes their potential, can work productively and fruitfully, can cope with everyday life stress, and can contribute to his community. While mental health research has taken significant strides, there is still a long way to go in spreading mental health awareness. The following are topics you can research on mental health.
- Does Obesity affect mental health?
- Is mental illness more dominant in men or women?
- How can we ascertain if they are mentally ill or not?
- What is the relationship between depression and weight loss?
- The lasting psychological trauma of rape.
- The relationship between depression and weight loss
- The rise of eating disorders in teenagers and adolescents
- The glamorization of mental illness in modern media
- why mental health education is relevant in our society
- Relationship between physical health and mental wellness
- Advances in mental health education and research in the last decade
- Living with mental health in the age of social media
- The importance of including mental health topics in the school curriculum
- The need to create safe spaces for people living with mental health issues.
- Friendships in men and how they contribute to mental health?
- The role of parenting in building good mental health in children
- Effect of exercise on a patient’s mental health
- Mental health developmental stages in children from birth to 5 years of age
Explore brilliant sports research paper topics.
Economics Research Proposal Topics
The ultimate goal of economists is to study how to utilize scarce resources to maximize value and generate profit. Economics is a broad field and focuses on issues such as consumption and production, investments, saving, opportunity cost, borrowing, trade markets, and employment. Given the broad issues that economics covers, the following are topics you can research.
- The effects of change in income on consumer choices.
- The relationship between unemployment and economic growth in USA.
- The relationship between productivity and internet connection in a workplace.
- What are the losses and gains of international trade in developing countries?
- The relationship between government spending and inflation in Nigeria.
- The effect of labor force participation on the economy and budget – A comparison
- The impact of marital status on the labor force composition: A case of [your country] economy
- The relationship between salary levels and ‘economic convergence’ in [your country]?
- Analyzing salary inequalities in [your country] and the forces behind such inequalities.
- The evolution of consumption in [your country] over the last 10 years: Trends and consumer behavior.
- The relationship between economic growth and unemployment in [your country]
- Global recession and factors that contribute to it.
- Impact of government expenditure on economic growth in [your country]
- A comparison of the United States unemployment to the rest of the world
- Sports Marketing and Advertising: the impact it has on the consumers.
- Economic Development in the Tourism Industry in Africa
- Globalization and its significance to business worldwide.
- Economic risks connected to investing in Turkey.
- The decline in employment rates as the biggest American economy challenge.
- Impacts of labor unions on labor markets
- Impacts of consumer behavior on market growth
- Globalization of trade and the impacts on the economy
Political Science Research Proposal Topics
Political science is a broad field. Writing a research proposal in this field can be complicated if you are to develop your topic. However, there are several categories where you can find a research topic, including comparative politics, philosophy research topics, public administration, and public law topics. Some of the top research proposal topics on political science include:
- How does technology impact the voting process?
- How wars shape countries for decades to come.
- Racism and its effects on modern politics.
- The internet and its role in shaping modern politics.
- Are whistleblowers traitors or saviors?
- Cultural Pressure Between the United States & Japan
- Anglo-Saxon Traits in American Government
- Can nationalism be classified as a proper school of leaders in history?
- Prosecution Ethics of Top Tier Officials
- Is Criminal Pardon Acceptable?
- European and American Federal Crimes Comparison
- Differences Between Political and Armed Conflicts
- Is Religion A Social Power?
- Corruption Elimination Methods
- Federalism traces in the Unitary Governance Model
- Compare European and American Federal Crimes
- Modern Leaders Global Interdependence
- Prosecution Ethics of Top Tier Officials
- Compare and contrast political science with pure history.
- Civil rights controversies in the United Kingdom
- Freedom of speech in the United States
- Talk about abortion and its political implications
- Discuss the death penalty in the US
Sociological Research Proposal Topics
Sociological topics deals with the development, and study of the structure and functioning of human society. Below are some of the promising research topics on sociology.
- Relationship between educational level and race.
- The feminist revolution.
- Effects of child abuse
- The relationship between education and poverty.
- The modern role of leadership and responsibility.
- Long term impact of cultural appropriation
- Impact of media on human behavior and attitude
- Key social justice issues impacting society
- Factors contributing to extreme polarization in society
- Impact of sensationalized media coverage and perceptions of current events
- How political differences impact family relationships and friendships
- Impact of social media on human relationships
- Factors that contribute to spousal abuse
- Characteristics of childhood friendships that last a lifetime
- Relationship factors that commonly lead to divorce
- Prevalence of shared custody arrangements with children alternating weeks with each parent
- Impact of living together prior to marriage on long-term relationship success
- Should same-sex couples be allowed to adopt kids?
- Social media and video games as a cause of aggression among teenagers
- The effect of cultural appropriation in the long term.
- The effect of media on human attitude and behaviour.
- How political differences affect friendship and family relationships.
- Important social justice issues affecting society.
- Public distrust in political appointees and elected officials.
- The unique separation challenges that those who work from home face in their workplace.
- Industrial Revolution and its impact on a relationship and family structure
- The relationship between success in school and socioeconomic status.
- To what extent do low-income families rely on the school to provide food for their children?
- The outcome of classroom learning compared to homeschool pupils.
- The role of school attendance on children’s social skills progress.
- How to promote equality among school children from economic handicap backgrounds.
- The effects of bullying on the person’s mental health.
- The relationship between social depression or anxiety and social media presence.
- The effects of school shootings on students’ mental health, parents, staff, and faculty.
- What is the connection between environmental conditions and group behaviour?
- How can the condition of an environment affect its population, public health, economic livelihoods, and everyday life?
- The relationship between economic factors and environmental conditions.
- The relationship between juvenile crime and the social, economic status of the family.
- Factors that determine gang membership or affiliation.
- How does upbringing affect adult anti-social behaviour?
- How does cultural background and gender affect how a person views drug abuse?
- The relationship between law violation and mental health.
- The effect of globalization on various cultures.
- What influences the problematic attitudes of young people towards their future?
- The role models of the past decade versus the ones in recent times.
- The effect of changes in the educational field on new students.
- Discuss the effects of social media on college students.
- Discuss the role of countries, languages, and nationalities at schools.
- How can the harassment and bullying on social media be controlled?
- Discuss the reasons behind childhood obesity.
- How are children and teenagers affected by the mass media?
- Discuss the inequalities in health care and social classes.
- How can humans establish rational relationships with nature?
- What are the negative effects of industrial wastes on the environment?
- Compare the wage gap between the genders in different states.
- Why should we promote equal opportunities for men and women?
- What does it mean to be transgender?
- Discuss the empowerment of women in sports
- What can be done to make the environment safer for women?
- Discuss the negative effect on children adopted by a family of different ethnicity.
- Why should parents take a parenting class before having children?
- Why must students at religious schools be forced to take standardized tests?
- What is the relationship between class and religion?
- Are ethnicity and nationality the same thing?
- Do race, nationality, and ethnicity affect self-esteem?
- What is the difference between ethnic culture and race?
- Discuss changes within the urban environment.
- Discuss class, gender, and age as a factor of inequality.
- How are urban sustainability and global environmental crisis related?
- What are the social responses to urban social movements?
- Explain the social impacts of implementing the rural revival program.
- What is the end of rural society and the future of rural sociology?
- Discuss migration dynamics in the development of rural South Africa.
- Discuss the reasons behind the population growth in rural America.
Social Work Research Proposal Topics
Social work research is the structured investigation of problems associated with the social work field. Some of the research proposal topics on social work include:
- Most common challenges encountered by Lesbians, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender youths in the United States schools.
- Dealing with child abuse in orphanages.
- Healing steps for victims of domestic violence.
- Risk factors for dangerous grief.
- Strategies for building resilience in social workers.
- The importance of group therapy for children in foster homes
- Impacts of clinical depression on teenage girls
- Lack of child support and its impact on child care in America
- A look into depression and the stigma associated with it.
- ADHD within foster homes and its impacts on children
- Disability and how it affects the lives of middle-aged parents
- The recurring case of displacement and its violent effects on street children
- Understanding the trauma associated with child-parent separation
- How divorce positively impacts the health and lifestyle of children
- A close analysis of the myths associated with Welfare mothers
- Addressing the issue of substance abuse amongst teenagers
- Death and how it impacts the collective well-being of the family
- Absence of child support and its impact on child care in America.
- The social displacement of Autistic children.
- Effect of clinical depression on adolescent children.
- The influence of continuous mobility in the lives of orphan toddlers.
- Analyzing the feeling of depression and the stigma about it.
- Analyzing the trauma of parent-child separation.
- Discuss the concept of substance abuse among teenagers.
- Identify the similarities and distinctions between ADHD and Dyslexia.
- A comprehensive study of anti-depressants and their present efficiencies.
- The influence of America’s carceral structure on the minority and low-income group homes.
- What are the drawbacks of the carceral system of America?
- Housing abandonment and societal opinion- Evaluate.
- Secondary traumatic stress and the risk factors associated with it.
- Drug rehabilitation program- Pros and Cons.
- Discuss the suicide prevention protocols in your locality.
- Explore the perspectives of women living with mental illness, stigma and receiving community services.
- Leadership practice, organizational culture and new managerialism: strengths, challenges, variations and contradictions in service agencies.
- An analysis of the narrative of the maternal experience of women who experienced Child Sexual Abuse by a family member.
- Impact of gender and culture: to contribute satisfactory factors long-term marriages.
- The construction of housing as a social problem: A factors, mediating strategies.
- An exploration of the relationship between school and girls’ self-esteem.
- Investigate the factors influencing the use of narcotics and other substances by adolescents
- Develop a framework to assess racial and ethnic inequality in the workforce
- Investigate the relationship between cultural acclimatization and educational performance in adolescents
- Examine methods of improving the participation of adolescents in the development of the local community
- Investigate the inclusion of the justice system in cases of child welfare
- Analyze the relationship between economic difficulties and complex grief
- Discuss the effectiveness of family therapy in a mental health setting
- Evaluate mentoring programs developed as part of your local behavioral health service
- Look into the support for lesbian and gay human rights in a range of societies
- Discuss the issues associated with long-term care for older women of an immigrant background
- Evaluate the risk factors associated with secondary traumatic stress
- Evaluate the experiences of oncology patients having received prognoses
- Investigate the social effects of giving birth to an infant with fetal alcohol syndrome
- Examine the psychosocial effects on children whose parent has been diagnosed with cancer
- Examine the mental health services and how they are adapted for use by military veterans
- Discuss the effectiveness of peer support programs for young adults with cancer
- Is post-traumatic stress disorder treated by means of brief preventive interventions?
- How can employee engagement be improved by means of improved organizational functioning?
- Discuss the development of successful smoking cessation programs
- Investigate means of assisting adolescents with substance abuse issues
- Examine how early upbringing affects later academic achievement in children
- Discuss what is being done to eradicate community violence in low socioeconomic areas
- Evaluate the effects of gender dysphoria in institutionalized adolescents
- Discuss means of early intervention in teen pregnancy cases
- Investigate the use of peer-based support in teenage pregnancy
Business Management Research Proposal Topics
Finding a good business management research topic takes effort and time since there is a vast area to choose from. Some of the best research topics on business management include:
- The impact of production strategies on the profitability of an organization.
- The effect of credit management on the profitability of manufacturing companies.
- Employee benefits and effects on their productivity.
- Effective time management as a tool for organizational survival.
- Impact of employee commitment on organization performance.
- Manpower planning and development as an effective tool for achieving organizational goals.
- Impact of pricing policy on profitability level of an organization
- The impact of production strategies on profitability of an organization
Scientific Research Proposal Topics
Scientific topics are easy to research since many reputable and current journals are published online. Here are some of the exciting topics you can write about.
- Do viruses continuously evolve to become less virulent?
- What is an antiviral drug, and how does it differ from the vaccine?
- Is it realistic that people can live on another planet?
- How can metal oxides improve cell phones?
- How well do childhood vaccines prevent diseases?
- Why solar system researchers insist this field is so important for people?
- What is Big Bang and why scientists pay so much attention to this question?
- What is the role of meteorites for our universe investigation?
- How commercial space flights will influence on the universe exploration?
- Why there are so many junks in space and how to solve this problem?
- What are the most popular careers in chemistry nowadays?
- How chemicals can cause allergies and how these materials can help to defeat such problems with health?
- Is it possible to create environmentally-friendly materials, for instance, plastic?
- What is the role of sugar in the chemical industry?
- What are the most spectacular new researches in medical chemistry?
- What are the main problems of hydraulic fracking?
- What is a disposable product and how it can harm our ecology?
- How to reduce the level of exhaust pollution in big cities?
- How to improve the weaknesses of honey bee colonies?
- What are the main differences between organic and traditional farming?
- Are small farms more ecological and safer than large farms?
- How to defeat different types of weeds?
- Can robots help medical staff to improve the quality of healthcare?
- Should armies use drones for strategic purposes?
- What is the power of bitcoin and what future expects it?
- How computers can help to discover the human brain?
- Is it ethical to hold experiments on people?
- Can scientists develop a drug to cure AIDS?
- What are the main differences between parallel and series circuits?
- How nuclear fusion investigation can help humanity?
- How gravitation influences animals and humans?
- What are the benefits of probabilistic quantum cloning?
Globalization Research Proposal Topics
Globalization discussion covers a wide area since it touches almost every aspect of the current world and how its effects differ from one region to another. Some of the research topics in globalization include:
- Globalization and population problems in (your country).
- In what ways does globalization influence consumer behavior?
- The positive influence of globalization on Japanese economics.
- Discussion of the three main types of globalization: technological, economic, and cultural.
- Analyze the history of globalization from the moment of its emerging until the present-day realms
- In what way the developed and underdeveloped countries can benefit from the growth of globalization?
- Globalization and China. Discuss the impact of globalization on Chinese political and economic development;
- Discuss the anti-globalization trends emerging in the United States
- Compare and contrast the aspects of regionalization and globalization. What makes these concepts different?
- Analyze the relationship between globalization and free trade;
- What are the main advantages and disadvantages of globalization at the international level?
- The role of Disney and other major companies in globalization;
Health-Related Research Proposal Topics
When choosing your research proposal topics on health issues, you should pick a captivating subject that will catch the reader’s attention and flaunt your knowledge in a particular field.
- When is body building considered healthy?
- Plastic surgery for beauty: should it be encouraged? Is it healthy?
- Should computers replace doctors?
- Depression in the society: can it be solved?
- Does violent music have any effects on young children?
- Changes in physical and mental health due to aging
- How modern lifestyle affects public health
- How environmental changes affect human health
- How urban pollution affects respiratory diseases
- Government investment in healthcare services in the EU versus the USA
- Inequalities in healthcare assistance and services
- Healthcare management and leadership
- Healthcare education and training
- Technical impact on the improvement of medical services
- How does the US government encourage the development of healthcare services?
- Investment in the improvement of the healthcare sector in the UK
- Mandatory overtime of the medical staff
- Inequalities that exist in Medicine
- Nursing shortage and its impact on the patient care
- Factors that influence the Autism development in children
- The efficiency of the ongoing breast cancer studies
- Necessary equipment to improve the treatment of AIDS
- Health care issues in the third-world countries
- The impact of smoking on cancer development
- Causes and effects of heart attacks
Finance Research Proposal Topics
You can research numerous finance topics – from organizational, risk management, and corporate governance. Some of these research topics are:
- An assessment of loan defaults and their impacts on a bank’s profitability.
- Internal control within an accounting firm.
- Cybersecurity issues affecting online transactions and online banking.
- Heightening accountability and clarity in corporate organizations.
- The integration of cryptocurrency and banks in a demonetized world.
- Human resource management research proposal topics.
- Relationship between corporate image and mobile phone advertising in the field of finance
- Macroeconomic variables and their effect on the financial market in relation to the GDP on consumer market plans.
- Financing requirements in agricultural commodity businesses and its challenges
- Impact of portfolio diversification on Banks’ Return.
- Impact of energy crises on economic growth and GDP fluctuation.
- Relationship between Government Expenditure and Government Revenues.
- Considerations for saving taxes and financial strategies
- Life insurance investment and the participation of investors in these investments
- Risks that could be posed to the banking sector, and how to mitigate them?
- The latest technology that are behind commercial banking
- How can we help prevent the onset of global economic crisis?
- Does the banking industry have the ability to lessen the consequences of the financial crisis?
- Potential solutions to ethical issues in the field of corporate finance
- The establishment of business entities and the use of business finance
- Modernization of business and the role of finance in business
- Selling our life insurance do we have a tax incentive that is effective in this case?
- Who are the people who mutual funds affect in the private and public sectors?
- Diverse investment options for various types of financials – Do you have an investment option you prefer?
- How do taxes affect financial decision?
- What are the most effective ways to effectively manage credit?
- The mobile banking industry and the problems
- The distinction between traditional and behavioral finance
- The effect of control over budgets on organization performance
- An analysis of the usage of financial state in evaluating the performance of a company
- Examining the effects of loan defaults and loan defaults on the financial viability of banks
- Examine the differences between traditional finance and behavioral finance.
- The impact of electronic banking on satisfaction of customers.
- An analysis of loan defaults and the impact it has on the bank profitability
- The impact of exchange rate fluctuations on the foreign economic activity of enterprises
- The essence and significance of monetary policy
- Organization of financial control in a market economy
- The role of funds in solving social problems
- Risk management in the financial sector
English Literature Research Proposal Topics
The easiest way to get an idea on your research proposal topic on English literature is to start broad and then work on making the topic more specific and attractive to the readers. Below are a few research topics on English literature.
- Artificial languages in literature.
- Good and evil in literature.
- Psychology in literature.
- Romance and sex in literature.
- Sarcasm and irony in literature.
- The American Dream in literature
- How do religion and literature correlate?
- The image of Death as a character in literature
- Literature as an instrument of propaganda
- How is mythology termed in literature?
- Discuss why Harry Potter became that popular.
- Is it advisable for literature to be gendered?
- Evaluate between utopian and dystopian literature.
- Discuss the work of Shakespeare.
- Can fan fiction be considered an independent part of literature?
- How do clichés work in literature
- How are the Byronic characters in literature?
- Discuss the good and evil of studying literature.
- How can you term irony and sarcasm in literature?
- How can literature be termed as an instrument of propaganda?
- The relation between literature and psychology.
- The influence of European culture in the Midwest literature.
- The differences between the literature of different countries.
- The effect of European culture on modern literature.
- How is the Image of death represented as a character in literature?
- Is there an appropriate gender in literature?
- Evaluate the Victorian literature.
- Evaluate the methods of teaching English literature.
- Investigate modern Indian literature in English translation.
- Evaluate women writers and the survey of English literature.
- Investigate the impact of the Bible on English literature.
- Evaluate the impact of the Classics on Literature.
- Define the scope of English literature in Educating people.
- Explain the influence of Darwin on Literature.
- Explain medieval English literature.
- How has the role of a woman changed in twentieth-century literature?
- What effect does Milton’s paradise lost have on 17th-century literature?
- The role of female writers in the literature
- The role of the supernatural and spirituality in literature
- The relationship between old and contemporary American literature
- Distinguish between performance and narration in literature
- Challenges of studying English literature.
- The power of wealth in modern literature
- The Female masculinities in old English Literature.
- The historical analysis of children’s literature.
- The idea of death in Renaissance literature.
- The utilization of language activities in teaching and learning of English Language.
- Discuss women in nation-building and influence on literature.
- The relevance of folktale in the learning of literature.
- The significance of drama and poetry in literature.
- An analysis of the Asian theatre and influence on modern literature.
- The examination of leadership in literature.
- The relevance of literature in the world.
- What is the need to study literature?
- Discuss contemporary American Literature.
- The African Realism and influence in Literature.
- How did colonization influence modern literature?
- Define 20th-century Latin American literature.
- Evaluate African Americans and their fight for equality in American Literature.
- Define realism, naturalism, and modernism in African American literature.
- Evaluate Allen Ginsberg and American Protest literature.
- Examine American literature and society.
- Provide your understanding of censorship in American Literature.
- Evaluate black American women writers and their influence on the world.
Research Proposal Topics in Information Technology
Information technology (IT) includes many facets of computer, communication, and data management, and it is rapidly evolving. IT research is important if you are looking to further technological developments, tackling problems, and enhancing the effectiveness and security of information systems. Below are some of the information technology topics you can research:
- Exploring the uses and challenges of blockchain technology in different industries.
- Cybersecurity measures for preventing advanced persistent threats to critical infrastructure systems.
- Utilizing artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve network security.
- What are the effects of cloud computing on storage and data processing?
- Examining the use of augmented and virtual reality in education.
- Examining artificial intelligence’s place in autonomous vehicles.
- Enhancing healthcare information systems’ data privacy and security.
- Examining quantum computing’s Effect on Cryptography.
- Creating useful data mining methods to draw useful conclusions from large datasets.
- Analyzing IT’s contribution to sustainable development and environmental protection.
- Examining the opportunities and challenges of 5G networks and other future technologies.
- Creating effective computer vision algorithms for the processing of images and videos.
- Investigating the potential of edge computing for real-time data processing.
- Examining IT’s potential to improve supply chain management.
- Developing user-centric information systems for the delivery of personalized healthcare.
- Investigating IT’s role in E-commerce: Trends in consumer behavior.
- Examining the ethics of face recognition technology.
Computer Science Project Proposal Topics
Students and researchers working on computer science projects have a great chance to use their theoretical understanding and problem-solving abilities to tackle actual problems. Below are some of the fascinating project proposal ideas about computer science:
- Creating an intelligent Chabot for E-commerce customer support.
- Making a recommender system for customized film recommendations.
- Using encryption techniques to build a secure password manager application.
- Using face recognition to create an automated attendance management system.
- Creating a machine-learning model for trend prediction in the stock market.
- Developing a virtual assistant powered by AI for smart homes.
- Creating a real-time tracking online food delivery system.
- Designing a system to detect fraud in online banking transactions.
- Creating a social network analysis tool for Influencer Identification.
- Developing a VR application for virtual museum tours.
- Creating a sentiment analysis tool for social media data analysis
- The development of a deep learning model for medical image analysis and diagnosis.
- Creating a multi-agent traffic management system for smart cities.
- Building a gamification-enabled e-learning platform.
- Building a conversational AI Natural Language Understanding (NLU) system.
- Installing a cloud-based document management system for businesses.
- Creating a system for human-robot interaction in industrial automation.
- Using a sentiment analysis system to monitor social media texts.
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