Chamberlain PSYC290 MyVirtualLife
Some highlights of the 5th grade report card (the one that is being sent on to middle school with Felicity’s portfolio of writing samples, and standardized test scores) were as follows:
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“Demonstrates strength” in all areas of reading, and in spelling and “appropriate for grade level” in writing.
In the comments section the teacher wrote: Sometimes Felicity can become quite upset with herself or others, particularly in stressful situations, and needs help calming down.
“Demonstrates strength” in the areas of speaking and listening and in content knowledge of social studies and science.
. “Demonstrates strength” in the areas of mathematical problem solving, understanding of data, number concepts, graphical applications, and arithmetic computation.
“Demonstrates strength” in the area of art.
“Appropriate for grade level” in the area of music.
Sometimes works independently, sometimes listens attentively and follow directions, and sometimes follows classroom rules.
Read on sociology answered questions.
9. Describe your child’s academic skills between ages 6 and 10 and assess how well these skills are developing. The 5th grade report card will be useful for this but you should also incorporate your own observations. What are you doing to help your child?
Looking from Felicity’s observations from when she was 6 years old until now as a 10 years old, I believe that her skills are well developed for a child advanced in their age. I notice of how intrigued about science so me and her father are enrolling her in a science camp — where she will learn about different types of sciences.Her math skills remained throughout grade school; I believe that doing math problems comes easy to her. This is why Felicity is currently placed in doing advanced math up to 6th grade level. With any interest that Felicity has about a subject in school, I look to see what type of involvement activities that we could partake that can feed her appetite for knowledge. I also tell her to save her allowance money for some of these activities, so she can understand the concept of hard work to get what she wants. She is interested in being in the dance/drill team, so I enrolled her in dance classes in the local youth recreation center. Overall, Felicity results in the evaluation as “demonstrates strength” in speaking, listening, math solving, art, and science while getting the appropriate for grade level in music
- Felicity’s observations from the time she was 6 years old until now, at age 10, lead me to feel that she has well-developed talents for a child of her age. She is being enrolled in a science camp by her father and I because we have noticed how fascinated she is with science and want her to learn more about it. She continued to excel in arithmetic throughout elementary school, and I think she naturally enjoys solving math issues. Felicity is currently assigned to doing advanced arithmetic at the sixth-grade level because of this.
- Anytime Felicity expresses an interest in a subject at school, I look for involvement opportunities that we can take part in to sate her thirst for knowledge. To help her comprehend the idea of working hard to achieve goals, I also advise her to save aside some of her allowance money for these activities. I enrolled her in dance lessons at the neighborhood youth recreation center since she expressed interest in joining the dance/drill squad.
- In terms of her overall performance, Felicity is rated as “demonstrating strength” in speaking, listening, math problem-solving, art, and science while scoring at grade level in music.
Step-by-Step explanation
- Felicity, a young woman of ten, is a gifted child. Since she was six years old, she has always been academically gifted and has a passion for learning. She continues to demonstrate a strong interest in these disciplines and has particularly well-developed talents in math, science, and the arts.
- Felicity is presently performing arithmetic at a 6th grade level, which is advanced for someone her age. She has a keen interest in science and is constantly inquisitive about her surroundings. She will be attending a scientific camp this summer so that she can broaden her knowledge of the various branches of science.
- She has won numerous accolades for her paintings and drawings, which demonstrate her exceptional artistic abilities. In order for her to continue honing her skill, we have enrolled her in art classes.
- Felicity is a great conversationalist who is constantly engaging in conversation with others. She can comprehend complicated ideas and has good listening abilities.
- Felicity has done quite well at school, and we are very proud of her. We are doing everything we can to help her education, including signing her up for courses and extracurricular activities that interest her. She has the capacity to accomplish big things in the future, in our opinion.
10. How well is your child adapting to social situations in the home and outside the home? Does your child have any behavior or emotional problems at this point? Why do you think these problems are occurring and what are you doing about them?
She adapts to social situations according to the circumstances of the situation. She does seems to losing focus when doing tasks at home at times. If you remind her to get back on track with completing the task, then her focus is regained. Similar to how she sometimes participates social interaction with other children, following the classroom rules, respecting the rights and property of others, Felicity would have to be reminding that she has to do the right from the wrong thing that she is doing. She does become emotional to the point that she shuts down and removes herself from the situation, when being asked to be on completing the task or focus on the task. I think because arguing that me and my partner do at times in the middle of the night. I believe that if she loses focus on the task, she will take the attention of her father’s and I arguing to herself. I do reassure that she or her sister, Chinasa, are not the reason as to why we are arguing. I try to spend more time with her and teach her responsibility of the consequences that she will get in for losing focus on the tasks and advantage not taking the opportunities to be involved
Answer; Socially , Maxine is very cooperative and friendly.
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- However, she happens to become very anxious in new social situations without a little bit of encouragement.
- Although Maxine does have a couple of friends and plays with them easily, i think Maxine is just a little shy but what we can do about the problem is inviting a couple of Maxine’s school buddies and family over so that she can interact with more people and hopefully won’t become so anxious anymore.
Parenting decisions.
- Our family has grown with addition of another baby. Some decisions we have made are that we allow Maxine to help partake in the care of the baby so that she can learn some responsibility and get closer to her baby sister.
- Maxine has shown great interest in music, so we got her a little kid keyboard so she can play on.
- She doesn’t know how to play most of the songs on the keyboard but she sits with it and works at trying to figure them out and practices them for an unusual amount of time.
Preschool assessment.
- Maxine is still above average in gross motor skills , still loving to run around an play and do anything with activity.
- Maxine also performed above the average to copying designs so we take her to more things that will stimulate this kind of development will be more trips to the museums and aquariums .
- Also with the questionnaire that i took, it says that i am quite warm and affectionate with Maxine but i also tend to be on the strict side of the spectrum.
11. Has your parenting changed since the preschool period and if so, why do you think it has changed and what effect might this have on your child? Refer to your textbook or lecture notes for evidence on typical changes in parenting that occur in middle childhood.
Answer; i have been more assertive with parenting her and her sister, since Felicity has been in preschool. I changed my parenting tactics because I wanted Felicity to become responsible and independent as she age. I want for her to go for what she believes in, instead of wanting to be involved in something because of her peers. I give her a lot of support in her desires. Just like Erikson’s psychosocial theory of where a parent should give a child support, in order for the child to be and feel competent. Also I want her to know that I am her mom, not her best friend or a cool person. I believe that is an aspect of where I became authoritative as well. She told me that I am not as nice as other parents. Since I keep a watch out of what she needs that would be a good benefit, comparing to those wants that would bring her down. You got Felicity’s 7th grade report card early in the summer. Some highlights of the report card: Felicity usually contributes to cooperative group activities and respects the rights and possessions of others, but needs to work on improving social interaction with peers. Her word reading, spelling and writing skills are strong. She got A’s in the gifted and talented English-Social Studies core course and in Spanish. Theteacher commented that Felicity was becoming very good at analyzing literature and was quite a good writer as well. She got an A in the gifted and talented math class and in science. The math and science teachers both wrote notes indicating they thought Felicity should be given extra enrichment in these areas. They recommended 8th grade Honors math, which was basically high school geometry, and an after school science club in 8th grade. Felicity already knows about these options and is interested. Felicity took art in 7th grade as an option, and got an A. The art teacher wrote a note attached tothe report card that said this was a real area of strength for Felicity. She listens attentively, follows directions, and follows school rules. She needs to improve time management, and needs to be more consistent about working independently in the classroom and on homework. She has fairly frequent problems completing assignments and turning them in on time
12. Describe any physical or behavioral signs of incipient puberty
Answer: Mary body started changing because of puberty. She has begun gaining weight in her hips. She also has started to show interested in opposite sex, whether it is class mate or a movie star
13. How would you characterize your child at this point in terms of the under-controlled, over-controlled or resilient categories? Have there been any changes since the preschool period and why might they have occurred?
Answer: Mary is still resilient as she was during her preschool years. Mary is far less aggressive than she was during her preschool period, and she is very cooperative. Mary is able to focus on tasks very well. Her teacher reported that she sometimes gets frustrated over challenging tasks, but is able to refocus and handle the challenge attentively. I believe as Mary develops cognitively and emotionally, she understands better what is expected of her as a young girl. She now understands what kind of behavior is feminine.
14. Using the 7th grade report card and your own observations, summarize your child’s academic skills at this point. What specific activities might promote some of these skills?
Answer; Mary got B’s in English, Spanish and Social Sciences, and teachers said that Mary could improve her grade by studying more according by her teachers. She got A’s in math and sciences, as well as in art. Mary is gifted in math and really talented in science. Her art teacher also mentioned that art is an area of strength for Mary. I believe Mary does a lot of reading. She even recently got interested in reading magazines, that I regularly print out articles that I think will interest her. I also spend after school time working with Mary to get her interested and involved in social studies. We also talk about morals, sexuality, which also will help Mary to understand the world around her and better her academic skills. I believe this will help Mary to get better at languages and social sciences
15. What activities and experiences at ages 12 and 14 has your teen been involved in that might promote healthy behavioral practices, physical fitness and skill in sports?
Answer; Mary is involved in activities like hanging out with friends after school and play sports. I do help with transportation. After two years in a volleyball team, Mary didn’t make it to the high school volleyball team. I encouraged her to explore other sports, that might interest her. Mary likes hanging out with her friends, is very socially involved in various school clubs. Mary also plays tennis with her aunt. She spends time during the summer playing and going to outings with her friends. Mary is also respectful. She demonstrated a very good behavior when a friend with different political and religious views had expressed different opinions.
16. Have there been any changes in your teen’s behavior toward you or your partner? Why are these occurring and how are you responding?
Answer; At 12, Mary was unsure and much more dependent on my partner and I. At 14, she blamed herself that my partner and I got separated. Mary’s relationship with my partner and I was more stable, now she is arguing more with both of us. I think family role, responsibilities and income have changed after my ex-partner and I got separated. Mary is experiencing stress at this point, and probably has anger towards my ex-partner and I. Still, I do respond positively to Mary. She tends to lock herself in her room for hours, and I am always inquiring if she wants to talk or if anything is disturbing her.
17. Do you see any examples of how cognitive and physical changes in early adolescence (ages 12-14) relate to your teen’s social or emotional behavior?
Answer; There are definitely changes that relate to Mary’s social and emotional behavior. Like when Mary began gaining weight in her hips because of puberty, she refused wearing certain kind of clothing that she thought that would make her look fat. Her physical changes made her feel emotionally insecure about her looks. She has a sense of imaginary audience, a feeling that everyone’s attention is on her, and she is sensitive about criticism and is extremely self-conscious. As Mary grew, she learned to respect the rights and possessions of others, and demonstrates kind behavior to others. I think her cognitive development helped her to listen to the argument of the friend that didn’t have opinions about politics and religion that were similar to Mary’s opinions
18. Think about your teen’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses and how they are reflected in his or her school grades and activities from 14-16 years of age. What careers or courses of study might be best suited to your teen’s abilities and interests?
Felicity still has the interest in science and math, she does fun activities to rejuvenate her skill for those following subjects.. Her grade reflects it to the point that she is eligible for AP Physics and Chemistry for her senior year. I believe she is finding an interest in art, since she was awarded by a pleased to please from her teacher by her ability to compose a drawing to a feeling. Her addition with joining the vocal group has help her with enjoying her music class, with getting a good grade of B
Answer; Liam is a big fan of science and math. He’d make an excellent doctor or scientist.
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Liam is a big fan of science and math. He’d make an excellent doctor or scientist. To assist Liam figure out what he wants to be, I went him to meet some of my old college mates who work in science and math professions. Hopefully, he’ll do what he enjoys!
19. How important have your teen’s relationships with peers been to his/her social development, emotional well-being and school achievement from 14-16 years of age?
How important have your teen’s relationships with peers been to his/her social development, emotional well-being and school achievement from 14-16 years of age? I glad that Felicity has been great with making new friendship and improving her relationship with her peers, because I think it is vital in her growing up. I think she is open minded when having friends — do not judge with where they came from. However I do advise her she needs to be around people who would help and encourage for her to be successful and not in trouble into the wrong path. Felicity learn how to deal with View answer and explanation difficult situations, she experienced some of them to learn from them and instead of taking an irrelevant involvement that could put them in danger. She has been good with focusing her time into more important things. She has an active social with being invited to events with her friends. Felicity has been confided in me in telling me of being interest in dating and having crush on a guy from her class. I do tell her to be selective in her interests in guys and friends, so they can not just influence her to their liking. I like that she gives a division to separating her social life from her academics, because she is excelling well in her classes due to having that discipline.
Answer: Liam is a big fan of science and math. He’d make an excellent doctor or scientist.
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Liam is a big fan of science and math. He’d make an excellent doctor or scientist. To assist Liam figure out what he wants to be, I went him to meet some of my old college mates who work in science and math professions. Hopefully, he’ll do what he enjoys!
20. How has your teen adjusted at 14-16 years of age to typical adolescent issues such as risk-taking, drugs, alcohol, and sexual interests, and how have you responded to your teen?
When Felicity told that she was “talking” (guess having deep interest) of a guy that she was dating, I knew that I should tell her about sex and tell her not to give herself up, instead let the boy to know that she is worth it. In addition, I told her that it is a special thing to give it to your husband. I believe that she can make reasonable decisions by herself, but as her mother, I would be willing to advise her to show her the great path. The times that I caught Felicity trying to dress promiscuously, I told her that the guy should be interest in you as a person and not for your body. I do think that her friends does put a bad influence on her, because they pressure her to drink alcohol, smoking recreational marijuana, and get her into rebellious activities such as skipping school. Felicity was also in a car accident. I do not allow her to get off easy. I punish her by taking her previleges away.
Answer: When Felicity told that she was “talking” (guess having deep interest) of a guy that she was dating, I knew that I should tell her about sex and tell her not to give herself up, instead let the boy to know that she is worth it. In addition, I told her that it is a special thing to give it to your husband. I believe that she can make reasonable decisions by herself, but as her mother, I would be willing to advise her to show her the great path. The times that I caught Felicity trying to dress promiscuously, I told her that the guy should be interest in you as a person and not for your body. I do think that her friends does put a bad influence on her, because they pressure her to drink alcohol, smoking recreational marijuana, and get her into rebellious activities such as skipping school. Felicity was also in a car accident. I do not allow her to get off easy. I punish her by taking her privileges away
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When Felicity mentioned that the guy she was dating was “talking” to her, which I took to mean that he had a strong interest in her, I knew that I needed to talk to her about sexuality and encourage her not to give up on the boy but rather to let him know that she is someone he should be interested in. In addition to that, I explained to her that it is a really precious thing to offer your spouse anything like that. I feel that she is capable of coming to sensible conclusions on her own, but as her mother, I would be prepared to provide her advice in order to point her in the right direction. When I saw Felicity attempting to dress in a promiscuous manner, I counselled her that the guy should have an interest in who she is as a person rather than what she looks like physically. Because of the peer pressure she faces from her friends to partake in risky behaviors like drinking alcohol and using marijuana for recreational purposes, as well as to engage in defiant behaviors like skipping school, I do believe that her friends have a negative effect on her. Another person involved in the collision was Felicity. I do not give in and let her have an easy time of it. I humiliate her by robbing her of all of her advantages.
21. As the program ends, what pathways does your child appear to be on in terms of physical, cognitive, social, emotional and moral development? To what extent could you have predicted these pathways based on what you knew of your child’s earlier development? Describe some specific ways in which you think your parenting mattered for your child’s development, based on evidence from the course regarding the contributions of parents to child development.
Felicity has had a very good provocation in all areas of development. Watching her growing in age, I encouraged her to grow in areas she was interested in, at the same time suggesting activities that she might develop an interest or passion for. Since a very young age, Felicity had all facets of development growing actively. As a little girl, she read, she had good interaction with peers, solved puzzles, love drawing and activities View answer and explanation that experienced science. Felicity and I also talked about different topics of morality – how to treat and respect others, discussed laws of the society and rights of a person. I have predicted what person Felicity would grow to be, because my parenting style remained steady in sternness from her infancy to adulthood, and her temperament and personality changed whole a lot. I practiced authoritative parenting, and I believe that it affected her positively — that she had the ability to focus on things that would brighten her future. I was a very responsive parent to Felicity, by being understanding to her needs, and very involved in her life. When she felt down, or needed help with her time management, I would reach out to her to encourage her to open up when she was depressed or stressed out. I would work with her to establish better study habits. I also set restrictions that Felicity had to obey when she broke my rules.. Those restrictions were all necessary for Felicity to be a responsible person. I would not let her to come let her night, or allow her to drink at the parties. I would not make any changes to my parenting style, because she would need to know who is her parent rather than a friend.
Answer: All aspects of Michael’s growth have been stimulated to a high degree. Watching Michael develop, I encouraged him to grow in areas only he was interested in while also proposing activities he could develop an interest in or love for. Michael’s growth was rapid in all areas from an early age. When he was younger, he enjoyed reading, playing with friends, solving puzzles, and participating in sports like catch and football.
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Michael and I also addressed other moral issues, such as how to treat and respect others, as well as societal rules and an individual’s rights. Because my parenting style remained the same from infancy to adulthood, and Michael’s temperament and personality didn’t seem to vary all that much, I could have guessed who Michael would become. I used authoritative parenting techniques on Michael, and I believe it had a beneficial effect on him. When it came to Michael, I was a very attentive father who understood his needs and was actively involved in his life. However, I believe that my spouse and I splitting up had some sort of detrimental impact on Michael. He was unable to manage his emotions for a short period and would strike out at anyone who got in his way. As he grew older, this behavior faded away. My goal was to make him understand and feel less upset whenever he was down or needed help with his weak subjects, math and science. When he was feeling down or anxious, I would always urge him to talk about it. I’d collaborate with him to come up with more effective research strategies. I also imposed limitations on Michael, and he was required to adhere to them. The limitations Michael had to deal with were all part of the process of him maturing into a respectable young man. As he became older and more self-sufficient, I began to provide him greater liberties, but only when he behaved well. Michael has proven to me that he can be trusted, and I have high hopes for him in the future.
22. Describe some specific ways in which your child developed that appeared to be influenced by factors outside your control, such as genes, random environmental events or the general influence of contemporary middle-class American culture.
Felicity was drinking a few times after parties, which was influenced by outside dominance, basically peer pressure. I believe Felicity is also social, however it is only on her terms or the comfort. Of course, I had always encouraged interaction with others, so she could be able to improve socially interacting with peers of her age. How Felicity is embracing of contemporary middle class American culture are 1) peer pressure. In the Nigerian culture, we do what is expected us in the comparison of being peer pressured. 2) How she dresses – some time she wants to be dress revealing, because for attention reason. With insecurities of girls of her age in the society, she had the point of view of she was exposed as being beautiful
23. Bonus Question: Are there any issues you had with your parents, your school work, your friends, or your romantic involvements in the last year of high school that continued to be issues for you in college? Reflect on your own personality, interests and cognitive abilities at the time you graduated high school. How did these personality characteristics and abilities manifest themselves in subsequent years? How have they changed since your high school days, if at all?
Yes, I had some issues with my parents. Basically, it was cultural issues of how they were brought up and how me and my siblings partake in social involvement with our friends. Other than that, I did not have problems with them like other teens had with their parents. I was always on top of my school work. I had one relationship during high school when I was around 15 or 16, but did not last long because I was more into school than the relationship. I was quiet, but sociable when needed to be in high school. I can say that I was a sheltered person far from the opposite from Felicity.
24. This stage of adulthood presents many opportunities to make good choices and bad choices for yourself. What are some behaviors or choices you repeatedly make that you might need to improve? These may include habits, negative perceptions, unmanaged stress, or other health-related behaviors. How might these behaviors be obstacles to later-life success?
Entering adulthood is an experience filled with trial-and-errors. Most individuals in this life stage develop risky behaviors and poor coping mechanisms. It is a stage where most people deal with chronic stress from either college or work which then leads to a myriad of ill-health behaviors. One aspect of my life that I need to change is my poor eating habits and lack of a fitness routine. This is directly related to how I manage my time and also to satisfy the constant need to re-balance my life. When dealing with responsibilities and tasks, sometimes we tend to forget about our health. Developing these poor eating habits may cause a toll on our body which may, later on, manifest as a disease or health condition. As we grow older, we also tend to experience failures which is a normal part of our growth but there are tendencies wherein we develop negative emotions that typically lead to having low self-esteem and low self-confidence. Instead of self-deprecating or belittling ourselves, we must learn to see failures as stepping stones that can further enhance and develop our skills. Adulthood is not an end destination for us to rush our growth and development, it is actually a stage of refinement.
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Key concepts:
- It refers to the life stage wherein it typically begins around 20 years of age.
3 distinct stages:
- Young Adulthood
- It is considered the most critical period of development. It bridges both the adolescent stage and independent adulthood.
- It is a period wherein an individual faces significant challenges related to transitioning into a much higher and bigger set of responsibilities.
- Emerging Adulthood
- It refers to the pre-adulthood period wherein an additional 4 to 6 years is theoretically applied for a person to continue with his maturation process. It is a period of discovering, learning, and further enhancing life-related matters such as family relationships, friendships, and political awareness.
- Middle Adulthood
- It involves individuals at the age of 40 to 60 years old.
- It is a sub stage of adulthood that bridges both young adulthood and late adulthood. Responsibilities from young and emerging adulthood are continually enhanced at the same time more skills are acquired.
- Late Adulthood
- It involves individuals at the age of 60 years onwards.
- It is where the onset of functional decline begins.
25. Make a list of “good behaviors” and “bad behaviors” you displayed in your REAL life before college. Do you believe these behaviors can later map onto “Good outcomes” and “bad outcomes”? How or why?The list of good behaviors that I made include
List of good behaviors that made in life include;
-Making sure that to be apart of opportunities that can beneficial for me to use in the future instead of wasting my time in wasteful situations that only hinder my future impressions onto great opportunites.
-Do not make a judgement on an activity before trying, because as a result, I could find good features of how the activity is decent to get into.
-Finding the balance of how to relax as taking a break from stressful situations, but have the ability to get back on it.
Bad behaviors:
-Allowing people to take advantage of me and be influence to partaking in the bad situation.
-Instead of working hard for the situation, I took to the path that can be described as easy way out. Procrastination and doubting myself, because I would be left out on a good thing because I did not take advantage of what was offer My good behaviors could map into developing good outcomes, because I know what I need to do to be a focused individual. Bad outcomes will not be good outcomes, because they could lead in bad consequences to the point that it will be a process to make it to turn around.
26. What are some good decisions you can make in your life now that you hope will continue to lead you to good outcomes down the road? Think about physical health, money management, decisions, emotional well-being, relationships and social behaviors, and even identity choices and personal values that would play a role in later stages of your development.
Good decisions that I made in my life that I hope would lead me to good outcome in my future is my way of opening up to people into career endeavors and network my way into those possible positions. I make sure that I kept good care of myself, just as being active in my social life and in my health. I try to keep myself for not to stress out, since I know how stress can affect my life when I get older. I also kept myself involve with people that would encourage me to do better and are successful, in which could help me to be successful in what I want to be. Imagine you sit down to dinner with your long-time friend and she tells you she is having jealousy issues in her marriage. Her husband, whom you get along with, is upset that she has gotten to be too close with a male coworker, and he is interpreting their friendly banter as flirting. What advice might you give to your friend to help her alleviate the situation? I will tell her to limit the closeness of the interaction that she has with a co-worker, so the co-worker would know that you are married and he should respect that union as such. Next, I would tell her that she should reassure him that this interaction should be professional because you are married, and also to not to break any rules in the workplace. Next, then you should apologize to your husband also bring up the suggestion of counseling to restore trust in their marriage
Answer: Without knowing more specifics about the case, I’d have to say that my initial impression is to think the husband is a little out of line. It makes a difference how close his wife and her coworker are, since I could picture her husband fearing a lack of closeness or, worse, cheating. I’m not sure how complicated their marriage is, so I can’t say whether it’s a good or happy relationship, but if it is, there shouldn’t be any issues. Would her husband be offended if she became romantically involved with a female coworker? I believe that minor jealousy can occur in any relationship at times, but when it becomes out of hand and is not addressed, severe difficulties can arise.
Step-by-Step explanation
Without knowing more specifics about the case, I’d have to say that my initial impression is to think the husband is a little out of line. It makes a difference how close his wife and her coworker are, since I could picture her husband fearing a lack of closeness or, worse, cheating. I’m not sure how complicated their marriage is, so I can’t say whether it’s a good or happy relationship, but if it is, there shouldn’t be any issues. Would her husband be offended if she became romantically involved with a female coworker? I believe that minor jealousy can occur in any relationship at times, but when it becomes out of hand and is not addressed, severe difficulties can arise. There is no sexual tension or interest between me and a male coworker who is also in a committed relationship. This relationship is important to me since it not only allows me to gain a trustworthy male perspective outside of my significant other’s, but it also allows me to have healthy and normal non-sexual interaction with the opposite gender. Perhaps her husband just feels left out or that he isn’t meeting her wants, which is why she is forming a bond with someone else. Another explanation is that he is lonely because he doesn’t have many other intimate relationships, or that he needs more leisure or hobbies to balance out their life. People get overly absorbed in love relationships and lose sight of things, which might separate you from other relationships such as friends and family. There’s always the dominating jealous spouse cliché, who may or may not be a cheater and is jealous out of guilt, or she may have a history of infidelity as well. If she and her husband want to address their jealousy and work through it together, communication and understanding are essential. Otherwise, it will rip them apart. My recommendation is that she sit down with her husband and explain why he is insecure and jealous, as well as how they can assist him deal with it, rather than simply breaking ties with the coworker. It’s critical to maintain your composure and refrain from assigning blame or making accusations.
27. Imagine you sit down to dinner with your long-time friend and she tells you she is having jealousy issues in her marriage. Her husband, whom you get along with, is upset that she has gotten to be too close with a male coworker, and he is interpreting their friendly banter as flirting. What advice might you give to your friend to help her alleviate the situation?
I will tell her to limit the closeness of the interaction that she has with a co-worker, so the co-worker would know that you are married and he should respect that union as such. Next, I would tell her that she should reassure him that this interaction should be professional because you are married, and also to not to break any rules in the workplace. Next, then you should apologize to your husband also bring up the suggestion of counseling to restore trust in their marriage.
Answer: Without knowing more specifics about the case, I’d have to say that my initial impression is to think the husband is a little out of line. It makes a difference how close his wife and her coworker are, since I could picture her husband fearing a lack of closeness or, worse, cheating. I’m not sure how complicated their marriage is, so I can’t say whether it’s a good or happy relationship, but if it is, there shouldn’t be any issues. Would her husband be offended if she became romantically involved with a female coworker? I believe that minor jealousy can occur in any relationship at times, but when it becomes out of hand and is not addressed, severe difficulties can arise.
Step-by-Step explanation
Without knowing more specifics about the case, I’d have to say that my initial impression is to think the husband is a little out of line. It makes a difference how close his wife and her coworker are, since I could picture her husband fearing a lack of closeness or, worse, cheating. I’m not sure how complicated their marriage is, so I can’t say whether it’s a good or happy relationship, but if it is, there shouldn’t be any issues. Would her husband be offended if she became romantically involved with a female coworker? I believe that minor jealousy can occur in any relationship at times, but when it becomes out of hand and is not addressed, severe difficulties can arise. There is no sexual tension or interest between me and a male coworker who is also in a committed relationship. This relationship is important to me since it not only allows me to gain a trustworthy male perspective outside of my significant other’s, but it also allows me to have healthy and normal non-sexual interaction with the opposite gender. Perhaps her husband just feels left out or that he isn’t meeting her wants, which is why she is forming a bond with someone else. Another explanation is that he is lonely because he doesn’t have many other intimate relationships, or that he needs more leisure or hobbies to balance out their life. People get overly absorbed in love relationships and lose sight of things, which might separate you from other relationships such as friends and family. There’s always the dominating jealous spouse cliché, who may or may not be a cheater and is jealous out of guilt, or she may have a history of infidelity as well. If she and her husband want to address their jealousy and work through it together, communication and understanding are essential. Otherwise, it will rip them apart. My recommendation is that she sit down with her husband and explain why he is insecure and jealous, as well as how they can assist him deal with it, rather than simply breaking ties with the coworker. It’s critical to maintain your composure and refrain from assigning blame or making accusations.
28. Do you see yourself as the kind of person who will stay in the same type of job for a long time, perhaps into retirement, or as more of a job hopper in order to climb the professional ladder? Explain why you see yourself this way and what factors would influence your decision.
Initially, I can see myself to work in the same company but I would obviously find opportunities of seeking into a higher position. I would not mind to move other locations, however, I would like to work in the same company to have a better chance of retirement and the benefits that going along with it. I would like for the company to see that I am stable person, regarding of working in the same company for years and years of working at the same company. What would make me to stay with the same company is the location, benefits that the company offers for long term employees, safety, work fairness, and accessibility
Answer: I see myself as someone who would also stay in my profession until retirement. I don’t know what will happen in the future, but I had this mindset to stay on the job that I am very passionate about
Step-by-Step explanation
The specific explanation for the answer:
I initially took my course because of my family’s influence, but as time goes by, I can really appreciate being a healthcare professional. Being in this job is hectic and tiring, but I entered this program with the mindset that this job will sustain me, thus I need to be passionate about it. As time goes by, I appreciated all the information and teachings that I have learned throughout my studying life. I learned how to be creative, resourceful, communicate with patients and co-workers. I also learned how to deal with situations that need clinical reasoning skills since being in a job that requires you to take care of life, you need to be equipped to address the needs of the patients. I value my job more than anything right now, and I can’t see myself switching to another job, but I can definitely aim to progress my status in my job, but being in the healthcare world is enough for me, as long as I can see patients being discharged or them recovering, fully functional, I guess I will have to stay with my job since this is also one of the things that I have nurtured and mastered to do in the present and in the upcoming future.
Harnessing my skills in a certain area of expertise has been my everyday practice ever since college, up to now that I have my job. It is a continuous, everyday learning experience that I cherish since every patient is always new learning. Not every patient is similar, everyday you encounter cases that are not familiar to you or are novel to your mind, and that is why I appreciate learning and staying in my profession since it never gets tiring, you get to learn every day. It’s not the usual 8-hour job, sitting and going home type of routine. Every patient I encounter has a life story to tell, and I am very happy whenever I get to treat patients and establish rapport since I also learn a lot from them, most especially about life experiences and their hardships if they had these disorders and conditions.
A lot of factors that I already considered on why I tend to stay on this job. First is the title/degree I’m holding. Being a healthcare professional has a high status, and growing up in a family who are all working in the healthcare field, I am satisfied that I took up my course. Next is salary. I get to live alone, have a car, pay my bills without having any problems on where to get money for the next day. I am financially satisfied with my salary. Lastly would be the learnings that I get from everyone. I love science and anything health-related, that is why I am motivated to go to work every day because every day is a learning experience for me.
29. What are some actions that you, or someone you know, could take to create a healthy, successful marriage?
I believe that you could expect less but desire more from your partner in marriage. Your partner would take you by surprise with knowing more than you were expecting. In marriage, I believe that you should have initiatives along with rewards. You also should have daily communication with your partner. Implement changes in your relationship when you do have compromising situations. Lastly, I think that both partners would manage in what they need, and keep low or get rid of what they do not need.
30. Consider the timing of when people have children. For those who have children during Adolescence or Emerging Adulthood, how might their life outcomes differ from those who have children during Young Adulthood or even Middle Adulthood? If you could choose the age at which you have children, which age would you choose, and what sorts of variables within your control would you take into consideration?
I would rather children in my young adulthood around my middle 20s, but as long as I am married, rather than having children in my middle adulthood. Because I believe that health risks can occurred in the child and the mother, due to her age and how strong would her body would be able to carry the child to full term. I would want to have the energy to take care of my child and healthy for them to see them grow.
Answer: A baby is more likely to be born to someone who is in their early to late adulthood and who is more experienced and steady. Adolescents have very little experience and stability to rely on when it comes to having children because they are unlikely to have a house or stable employment at this point. I believe that the best time to have children is when a person has a secure career, enough income to support a child and a spouse, as well as a secure home to live in. Because everyone is different, this might happen to someone while they are young, middle-aged, or in their late adulthood.
Step-by-Step explanation
A baby is more likely to be born to someone who is in their early to late adulthood and who is more experienced and steady. Adolescents have very little experience and stability to rely on when it comes to having children because they are unlikely to have a house or stable employment at this point. I believe that the best time to have children is when a person has a secure career, enough income to support a child and a spouse, as well as a secure home to live in. Because everyone is different, this might happen to someone while they are young, middle-aged, or in their late adulthood. Before starting a family, I feel the parents must be financially, psychologically, physically, and emotionally healthy before starting a family. When a pregnant woman is under a lot of stress, it can create developmental and physical difficulties in her unborn child. Additionally, not being financially stable may endanger the health of the infant by not having enough money to meet the demands of the child.
32. Regardless of whether you are a parent or step-parent in your virtual life that you are leading, why do you think many parents report difficulties in maintaining or increasing intimacy with their adult children? In your answer, consider that for some parents their children often provide a perceived source of validation of their own beliefs, values, and standards. What are some reasons why or how children might resist their parents’ desires to maintain a close intimacy with them?
I think that the generational differences between child and the parent could be one of the reasons as to why many children aren’t as close to the parents as desired. Children feel like the reasoning of their parents are so outdated to their current situation in the world. They do not feel that the parent do not understand. Also they feel that they do not want to disappoint their parents in their choices.
Answer: We can think of the nurture and nature forces to ponder on the question further. In lifespan development, the theories of Karen Horney, Erich Fromm, Erik Erikson, and Bandura are especially useful. We can use these theories to base the answer on.
Step-by-Step explanation
Horney’s, Erikson’s, and Bandura’s theories may explain how parents’ beliefs, values, and standards, and their children’s behavior reflect the influence of parenting styles and environment. Bandura’s social learning theory explains how social behavior can be observed and imitated. Thus, regardless of how nurturing one’s parenting is, parents are not the only ones who can influence their children. Importantly, as children move away from their immediate environment and interact in their microenvironment to a macroenvironment, they can be susceptible to other people’s attitudes, perceptions, and behavior whether parents like it or not. In other words, it may be difficult for parents to maintain intimacy with their adult children because their children are operating in a world that is now separate from parents’. Moreover, Horney’s theory on attachment styles explains that the attachment styles that influence our personality are shaped by how our caregivers satisfied our needs when we were younger. Considering this, some parents may have been authoritative, permissive, or uninvolved which may have contributed to our anxiety towards relationships with others, including ourselves. These parenting styles can also make it difficult for children to accept intimacy from parents and/or others later in life even if parents suddenly become intimate toward their children. Fromm’s theory on our basic human needs may explain that if our parents have not provided us with our psychological needs, we tend to seek freedom and belongingness outside our immediate environment. Likewise, Erikson’s psychosocial theory explains the conflict between intimacy and the isolation stage. As his theory argues that personality develops according to six predetermined stages, the conflicts on previous stages can influence or maintain conflicts on the succeeding stages. For instance, if an infant develops mistrust, develops shame and doubt as a toddler, and fails to go past it as he grows older, he is likely to experience isolation during his young adulthood. We cannot deny that the stages earlier than young adulthood play major roles in psychosocial development. Thus, the role of parents is crucial in those stages. But as we have learned from social and behavioral theories, the reason why parents are challenged to maintain intimacy toward their adult children is not entirely because of parents’ behavior especially when their children were younger. Thus, this distance between them and their children does not solely reflect parents’ personalities and experiences as individuals and as parents; it’s an interaction between parenting and children’s micro and macroenvironment
33. Sometimes older adults hesitate to give their adult children or other family members unsolicited advice or feedback because it might cause tension in the relationship if that feedback is negative. How do you feel about giving younger adults your advice or opinions, particularly if it might cause tension? Are there times when it is appropriate or inappropriate to give someone unsolicited advice? Draw on your own experiences or even your virtual person to provide examples.
I do think that older adults think that they are more of know it alls, because they believe that they went through a similar experience when they were the adult’s age. I do not mind if the adult is giving advice as improve for the future time or how to tackle the situation. I would say it is not appropriate to give unsolicited advice if the person is sensitive and does take things the wrong way. When it is a somber moment, then I would advise to not give unsolicited advice. If the person do not ask for the advice, then I would say that you should not dish out the advice. I would state when it is appropriate to give the advice to help the person to improve themselves.
Step-by-Step explanation
Answer; I feel that older adults feel they are much more understandable since they believe they had a similar encounter when they were the adult’s age. I don’t mind if the adult gives suggestions on how to better myself for the future or how to deal with the circumstances. If the person is vulnerable and takes things the wrong way, I would advise against giving unsolicited counsel. When there is a gloomy mood, I would advise against giving unsolicited advice. If the individual does not ask for advice, I would say that you ought not give it. I would suggest when it is proper to give counsel to aid the individual to better themselves. Sometimes older adults are hesitant to give unsolicited counsel or commentary to their adult siblings or other family members since it may cause friction in the relationship if the opinion is negative. It’s time to accept that they know more than you and what’s best for you. As a result, you should not only heed what your role entails but also respect what they want you to do. They will request many things that are in your best interests, even if you don’t comprehend them at the time.
34. Based upon the theory and research about mid-life crises discussed in your textbook and class, how might you explain a 40-something-year-old family member’s sudden change towards unpredictable behaviors and emotionality?
I would explain with their unpredictable behavior with the stress of dealing with a lot of things that they believe that they would not be able to accomplish achievements or questioning things that they done in their younger life. A person could be emotionally due to the events of where their life will turn out in the future and if they made good decisions in the past to have a sound future.
Answer: Since you have not provided a reference to answer this, I have made a way to answer the question based on my own knowledge and a bit of research.
A person in his or her 40s could be experiencing a mid-life crisis. It is especially triggered by unexpected unfortunate events that a person encounters in this age, such as grief, job loss, sickness, and whatnot. These sudden changes to his/her behavior may also be due to the realizations of feelings of dissatisfaction or regrets to his or her past decisions in life. During this age, they may feel restless, frustrated, and anxious after assessing what they have been doing all these years. Mid-life crises affect a person’s psychological, social and emotional dispositions.
35. How can involvement in civic or religious activity buffer you against stress effects? Give some examples from your personal life.
Religion involvement help to cope with stress not having judgement from an outer source. I feel that religion and the teaching would be a guide to learn how deal with a situation in my life. I would also feel comfortable with talking to my pastor than a medical professional. The way that it helps with stress is having a sense of purpose, getting a connection with the lesson, give the availability of releasing control, expanding a support system of who can support in conquering your stress and also to live a healthier life.
Answer: There are a few ways that civic or religious activity can buffer you against stress effects. For one, it can provide a support network of like-minded individuals who can offer emotional and practical support. Additionally, it can give you a sense of purpose and meaning, which can be helpful in times of stress. Finally, it can provide opportunities for self-care and stress relief, such as through meditation or prayer. In my personal life, I have found that involvement in my faith community has been a great way to reduce stress. I have made lifelong friends through my faith, and they are always there for me when I need them. Additionally, my faith gives me a sense of purpose and meaning, and I find solace in prayer and meditation. Finally, my faith community provides opportunities for self-care, such as through retreats and service projects. Additionally, simply being around other people who share my values has been a great way to reduce stress.
36. What are some reasons why you or your friends might continue to work past the age of retirement?
Answer: One of the reasons I would work past retirement age is to keep myself engaged.
Step-by-Step explanation
One of the reasons I would work past retirement age is to keep myself engaged. I believe that working for many years and then suddenly being unable to work could be too much for a person, particularly if I want to feel valuable outside of my interests. Some people turn their pastime into a full-time job.

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