Essay on Informative Speech about Stress Management, with Outline
Informative speech on stress purpose: To inform the audience about the effects of stress on students – both psychological and physical effects -efficient coping mechanism to manage it.
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Informative Speech on Stress Outline
Thesis: You can manage stress and make your college life more enjoyable.
Paragraph 1:
Stress is caused by the amount of schoolwork.
- College can be so demanding due to a heavy workload.
- One can easily get overwhelmed with the many co-ops, final papers, midterms, exams, tests, and projects.
Paragraph 2:
Stress is caused by pressure to do well.
- A student may experience pressure to do well from within themselves.
- Pressure to do well can also be external as it may come from such people as your family.
Paragraph 3:
Stress is caused by change in environment.
- Going away to college means leaving behind everything that is familiar.
- Some students have never been away from home.
- It can be a difficult adjustment to make.
Paragraph 4:
There is need to address stress as it may have emotional, physical, and cognitive effects on the human body.
- Emotionally, it may make one avoid others, feel bad about oneself, have difficulty quieting or relaxing one’s mind, feel overwhelmed, or become easily moody, frustrated, and agitated.
Paragraph 5:
Stress can be managed by recognizing its source and exercising.
- Keep a journal by writing down everything that you feel.
- Incorporate exercise into your daily routine.
Paragraph 6:
Stress may be managed by letting it go.
- Let the stress go.
- Stressing over small things is unnecessary and tiring.
- Self-reflect and adjust your attitude.
I urge you to remember all the tips as well as the causes. You should not ignore the fact that stress occurs in everybody’s life. You have to manage it one way or another regardless of the reasons.
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Informative Speech about Stress Management
You all have had that moment when you feel your stomach is in knots, your muscles are tense, and you feel defeated, unhappy, and low. When you try to think of a solution or a way out, you go blank. You are stressed. The American Institute of Stress defines stress as physical, mental or emotional tension (The American Institute of Stress, 2017). I have high interest in the topic of stress management particularly how it applies to college students because a typical college student is faced with all different kinds of stress. I would like to share with you some factors that cause stress and how you may manage it and make your college life more enjoyable.
The first reason for stress I would like to talk about is the amount of schoolwork. College can be so demanding due to such a heavy workload that students are expected to keep up with. One can easily get overwhelmed with the many co-ops, final papers, midterms, exams, tests, and projects. Without a good strategy for tackling these assignments, a student can easily develop stress. This is especially when there are tight deadlines to meet.
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A second factor is pressure to do well. A student can experience pressure to do well from within themselves through their inner drive and motivation that pushes them to succeed. Most try to do their best and to get good grades. According to Richards (2017), 71% of college students say that their grades have a direct effect on their level of stress. Pressure to do well can also be external as it may come from your family, your friends, your coaches, your teachers, and your professors. Wanting to live up to the high expectations that they place on you can be very stressful.
A third factor is change in environment. This may affect some college students more than others depending on the proximity of their home areas to their colleges but generally, going away to college means leaving behind everything that is familiar. For instance, you have to leave behind your family and friends. Some students have never been away from home, which can be a difficult adjustment to make. In the new college environment, they yet have to deal with such other issues as peer pressure and acceptance.
There is need to address stress as it may have emotional, physical, and cognitive effects on the human body. Emotionally, it may make one avoid others, feel bad about oneself, have difficulty quieting or relaxing one’s mind, feel overwhelmed, or become easily moody, frustrated, and agitated. Physically, one may experience nervousness and shaking, loss of sexual ability and/or desire, frequent infections and cold, insomnia, rapid heartbeat and chest pain, tense muscles, pains, and aches, upset stomach, headaches, and low energy. Cognitively, stress causes pessimism, poor judgment, inability to focus, disorganization and forgetfulness, racing thoughts, and constant worries (Casarella, 2019). The extent of these effects on a stress victim depends on the stress level.
In this regard, the first step towards stress management is to recognize the source of your stress before you can address it. Once you realize why you are stressed, keep a journal by writing down everything that you feel. As observed by Lucier (2014), writing makes you feel more relieved and allows you to pinpoint any trends in your stress. After that, incorporate exercise into your daily routine so that your mind may be taken off problems you may have. This is as well good for your body.
Another step is to let it go. Think about the stressful situation and if it will not matter in five or ten years’ time, let it go. Stressing over small things is both unnecessary and tiring. You may also relieve yourself of stress by self-reflecting and adjusting your attitude. According to Lucier (2014), being optimistic and having a positive outlook has a direct connection about how one feels about even how they perform. Finally, you need to get enough sleep for you to have enough energy.
As I finish, let me point out that not all stress is bad. This speech has been focusing on bad stress and that is known as distress. There is also good stress, known as eustress, and it comes from adrenaline or excitement. However, to focus on managing negative stress, I urge you to remember all the tips as well as the causes. Finally, you should not ignore the fact that stress occurs in everybody’s life. You have to manage it one way or another regardless of the reasons.
Casarella, J. (2019). “Stress symptoms”. WebMD. Retrieved March 27, 2020 from
Lucier, K. L. (2014). College stress solutions: stress management techniques to *beat anxiety *make the grade *enjoy the full college experience. Avon, MA: Adams Media.
Richards, R. (2017). How to relieve stress: stress management techniques for college students. Roxanne Richards
The American Institute of Stress. (2017). “What is stress?”. The American Institute of Stress. Retrieved May 28, 2018 from
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Example 2
Informative Speech on Stress Management, with Outline
Informative Speech on stress management -to inform my audience on the effects of stress on students – both psychological and physical effects – and efficient coping mechanism to manage it.
Informative Speech Outline on Stress
Thesis: It is important to learn everything on stress including the effects of stress on students which can be psychological and physical and how one can efficiently cope with stress.
Paragraph 1:
Definitions of Stress.
- Medically, stress is defined as physical, emotional or chemical processes that have a significant negative impact leading to strain or physical illnesses.
- Psychologically, stress is considered as an emotional experience that is accompanied by predictable biochemical, psychological and behavioral changes.
Paragraph 2:
There are two forms of stressors in relation to stress, eustress and distress. Here, eustress refers to positive stress while distress refers to negative stress.
- One is said to be going through positive stress when the stressful situation is likely to lead to positive outcomes.
- On the other hand, distress is when the stressor is a possible threat that might lead to a negative outcome.
- Stress is said to be positive since it helps in facing or fixing situations that will finally yield positive results while negative stress leads to anxiety, depression, fear and despair.
Paragraph 3:
In many instances, students often face moments of positive stress. In this case, stress is not all bad since it might help learners perform a little better.
- When a student is stressed out there is a release of adrenaline into the bloodstream that heightens their senses.
- The heightened senses help in focusing on the task at hand.
- Therefore, sometimes stress can help a student in achieving tasks and meeting deadlines.
- However, if such stress is not controlled, there is a general increase in tension that causes the brain to fight against itself rather than working on a particular task.
Paragraph 4:
Most of the times, students are faced with moments of negative stress that impacts them physically and psychologically.
- The behavioral reactions of stress includes muscle tension, hostility, reduced appetite, and memory loss.
- On muscle tension, the stress hormones activate the sympathetic nervous system leading to tension when in class.
- On hostility, stress leads to irritation even at the slightest provocation where students lashes out with frustration for self-defense.
Paragraph 5:
There are three specific ways stress can impact the attitude and ability of a student to persevere through their educational pursuits.
- It can make the student so physically tired that they would find it hard to actively follow and be attentive during lessons.
- It may make a student resistant to abiding by school rules and regulations.
- It may worsen a student’s grades.
Paragraph 6:
Undoubtedly, students are the most common victims of stress.
- Therefore, managing stress is critical in the life of a student.
- You can manage stress by identifying the triggers and avoiding them.
- Some of the most common triggers are social triggers including balancing between academic and social life, adjusting to a new environment and living without family members among others.
Paragraph 7:
After identifying the most common triggers of stress, you should learn on the different ways of managing stress.
- You can manage stress through ignoring stress signals such as anxiety, fatigue, and hostility.
- Identifying the initial cause of stress, differentiating between positive and negative stress, and seeking assistance when stressed.
- Sometimes, stress can be managed through effective time management.
Paragraph 8:
Staying positive is key in managing stress.
- If you keep on looking for the negative in every situation, you will most likely end up stressed.
- Instead, as a student, you should always have the glass half full mentality and remain optimistic even when times are hard.
In conclusion, it is important to understand instances that lead to stress. Understanding the causes goes a long way in managing it. While understanding the causes of stress, it is important to understand the positive and negative stresses of life since all stress is not bad. Explore the best informative speech topics for college students.
Informative Speech on Stress Management among Students
The modern student is faced with numerous responsibilities and challenges that they have to overcome in order to be successful at school. If you ever feel nervous, moody, irritable or depressed, it could be as a result of stress. At any one time in your school life, you might have faced a stressful situation by ensuring you meet deadlines, perform well, or maintain positive interaction with peers. In essence, everyone experiences moments of stress, and it can break or make you based on how you handle it. In this regard, it is essential to learn everything about stress including its effects on students, both psychological and physical, and how one can efficiently cope with it.
Medically, stress is defined as physical, emotional or chemical processes that have a significant adverse impact leading to strain or physical illnesses. Psychologically, stress is considered as an emotional experience that is accompanied by predictable biochemical, psychological, and behavioral changes. Generally, stress is the body’s response to overwhelming situations that may either be positive or negative (Peterson, Duncan & Canady, 2009). Undoubtedly, stress is a natural occurrence in everybody’s life, and although one might run away from it, it is unavoidable (Schönfeld et al., 2016). Without it, one would tend to lose strength and ability to go through life since too much or too little of it tends to limit effectiveness.
There are two forms of stressors concerning stress, eustress and distress. Eustress refers to positive stress while distress refers to harmful stress. One is said to be going through positive stress when the stressful situation is likely to lead to positive outcomes. On the other hand, distress is when the stressor is a possible threat that might lead to a negative outcome (Jansen & Potters, 2017). Stress is said to be positive when it helps in facing or fixing situations that will finally yield positive results while negative stress leads to anxiety, depression, fear, and despair.
In many instances, students often face moments of positive stress. In this case, stress is not all bad since it might help learners perform a little better. When a student is stressed out, there is a release of adrenaline into the bloodstream that heightens their senses. The heightened senses help in making one more focused on the task at hand. Therefore, sometimes stress can help a student in accomplishing tasks and meeting deadlines. However, if such stress is not controlled, there is a general increase in tension that causes the brain to fight against itself rather than work on a particular task. In a study conducted by Jaworska et al., (2016), the findings showed that sometimes students are stressed to the extent that they cannot complete their assignments.
Most of the times, students are faced with moments of negative stress that impacts them physically and psychologically. The behavioral reactions to stress include muscle tension, hostility, reduced appetite, and memory loss. On muscle tension, the stress hormones activate the sympathetic nervous system of a student’s body leading to tension when they are in class (Peterson, Duncan & Canady, 2009). The tension might lead to disturbance within the student making them to lack concentration. On hostility, stress leads to irritation even at the slightest provocation whereby students lash out with frustration for self-defense. Stress is known to lead to appetite reduction, but if prolonged, it alleviates appetite leading to high consumption of unhealthy junk food.
On that note, there are three specific ways stress can impact the attitude and ability of a student to persevere through their educational pursuits. First, it can make the student so physically tired that they would find it hard to actively follow and be attentive during lessons. This is because high stress levels lead to poor sleep quality (Carlson, 2016). The student would not be able to meaningfully grasp the concepts taught during lessons if they are only half awake. Stress may also make a student resistant to abiding by school rules and regulations. The student would likely find themselves at odds with school authorities as a result of breaking laid-down rules. The situation could even be as worse as to see them lose respect for their lecturers. The third way would be a culmination of the two ways already discussed, and that would be the worsening of the student’s grades. It would not be easy for the student to maintain their good grades if they do not concentrate in class and respect their instructors.
Undoubtedly, students are the most common victims of stress. Therefore, managing stress is critical in the life of a student. You can manage stress by identifying the triggers and avoiding them. Some of the most common triggers are social ones, including balancing between academic and social life, adjusting to a new environment, and living without family members. By identifying the triggers, you can work towards eliminating negative stress and living a positive and fulfilling academic life.
After identifying the most common triggers of stress, you should learn the different ways of managing stress. You can manage stress by ignoring stress signals such as anxiety, fatigue, and hostility. Similarly, you can address stress by identifying its initial cause, differentiating between positive and negative stress, and seeking assistance when stressed. Sometimes, stress can be managed through effective time management. According to researchers, managing time is one of the best strategies for managing stress (Peterson, Duncan & Canady, 2009). The time used for relaxation, work, or study should be well utilized to avoid cases of stress.
Staying positive is another key factor in managing stress. If you keep on looking for the negative in every situation, you will most likely end up stressed. Instead, as a student, you should always have the half-full glass mentality and remain optimistic even when times are hard. For instance, rather than feeling upset over poor grades, you can maintain a positive attitude and decide to identify ways in which you can improve. Other approaches you can use in managing stress includes organizing your academic life, avoiding procrastination, and focusing on the things about which you have a passion.
In conclusion, it is essential to understand instances that lead to stress. Understanding the causes of stress goes a long way in managing it. While recognizing the causes, it is important to identify positive and negative stresses of life since all stress is not bad.
Carlson, D. (2016). “3 ways stress negatively affects student performance”. FosterEdu. Retrieved November 28, 2019 from
Jansen, M. A., & Potters, G. (2017). Stress: the way of life. In Plant stress physiology/Shabala, Sergey [edit.] (pp. IX-XIV).
Jaworska, N., De Somma, E., Fonseka, B., Heck, E., & MacQueen, G. M. (2016). Mental health services for students at postsecondary institutions: a national survey. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 61(12), 766-775.
Peterson, J., Duncan, N., & Canady, K. (2009). A longitudinal study of negative life events, stress, and school experiences of gifted youth. Gifted Child Quarterly, 53(1), 34-49.
Schönfeld, P., Brailovskaia, J., Bieda, A., Zhang, X. C., & Margraf, J. (2016). The effects of daily stress on positive and negative mental health: mediation through self-efficacy. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 16(1), 1-10.
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