Liberty BIBL 104 Quiz 8 – James warns believers

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1. James warns believers about

Answer: friendship with the world

2.The traditional view of the Christian church has long held that John the apostle was the author of the Revelation as well as the Gospel and epistles that bear his name.


3. According to 1 Peter, Christ is the

Answer: foreordained to be the Redeemer.

4. In 1 his first letter, Peter argues that believers have been redeemed from an empty way of life and are transformed by the precious blood of Christ.

Answer: True

5. James gives five pictures to describe the dangers of the tongue.

Answer: False

6. James pictures the tongue as

Answer: a small fire that ignites a large forest

7. According to the textbook, Jude uniquely ties together doctrinal error with the immoral lifestyle of false teachers suggesting immorality leads to heresy.

Answer: True

8. The rock of refuge represents the church and believers everywhere and is one of the seven symbolic players in the eschatological drama of the book of Revelation.

Answer: False

9. In James’ discussion on hearing and doing he uses the example of

Answer: True

10. ___________ was the political church

Answer: Pergamum

11. ______________ was one of the three people in the inner circle of our Lord’s disciples

Answer:  Peter. James

12. According to 1 Peter, Christians viewed themselves “as God’s slaves.” This meant that they were truly free from the dominion of the world.


13. In 3 John, John commends “the elect lady and her children for their faithfulness in lovingly helping fellow Christians and strangers.

Answer: false

14. In the seven trumpets of judgment the oceans are polluted by a fireball.

Answer:  True.

15. In the seven seal judgments the black horse stands for bloodshed.

Answer: False

16. The author of Hebrews had a thorough knowledge of the Old Testament.

Answer: True.

17. The author of 2 John and 3 John calls himself

Answer: The Elder

18. The dragon, who represents Satan, the old serpent the Devil, is one of the seven symbolic players in the eschatological drama of the book of Revelation.

Answer: True

19. Eventually in the book of Revelation the seven-sealed scroll is open by the Lamb while the elders and angelic creatures fall down in worship, proclaiming, “You are worthy.

Answer: True

20. According to the author of Hebrews, In light of what Jesus has done, believers should:

Answer: B and C only

21. While we do not know who wrote Hebrews we are confident the letter was addressed to believers in Asia Minor.

Answer: False

22. In 1 John, John remind his audience what they already know, specifically that God hears and grants their prayer requests.

Answer: True

23. One challenge to Paul being the likely author of Hebrews is that Hebrews does not use the phrase “Christ Jesus” as Paul’s letters do.

Answer: True

24. In 2 John, John expresses the joy he felt when he learned that some members of the recipient’s church body were following the Father’s command to walk in truth.

Answer: True

25. According to the textbook, the book of Revelation ends with a dramatic postscript which describes the millennium in which Satan is bound in the abyss and Christ and His saints rule the world with a “rod of iron.

Answer: True

26. In 1 Peter, Peter makes it clear that true Christian believers are different from the rest of the world because they were “born again to a living hope.

Answer: True.

27. According to the author of Hebrews, the earthly tabernacle allowed limited access to God.

Answer: True.

28. Which of the following is not one of the seven churches addressed in the book of Revelation.

Answer:  thessalonica.

29. In 1 John, John remind his audience what they already know, namely that they have a relationship with God.

Answer: True

30. The author of Hebrews list several personal examples of faith. From this list select the one Biblical character that is not mentioned by the author of Hebrews in Hebrews 11:1-40.

Answer: Judah

31. According to the textbook, the emphasis of Revelation is to assure us that Jesus is indeed, coming again.

Answer: True

32. Hebrews begins by asserting that Jesus is greater than

Answer: Moses

33. The author of Hebrews explains what it means for Jesus to be the Mediator of a better covenant.

Answer: True

34. In 1 Peter believers are identified as

Answer: Living stone

35. In 1 John, John remind his audience what they already know, specifically that sin is not characteristic of someone in fellowship with God.

Answer: True

37. In 3 John, John commends Demetrius for his good testimony but has a stern rebuke for Diotrophes.

Answer: True

38. Almost half of the twenty-five verse in Jude share a similar thought, idea, or example with material from 2 Peter.

Answer: True

39. Jude directs his readers to “contend for the church that was instituted for the communion of the saints and the salvation of the world.

Answer: False

40. In the seven trumpets of judgment a rain of fire burns the vegetation.

Answer: True

41. One reason that Paul may have authored Hebrews is that both Hebrews and 2 Corinthians discuss the new covenant.

Answer: True

42. The book of Revelation is addressed to the seven churches in Africa.

Answer:  false

43. In light of the examples of faith presented by the author of Hebrews, he encourages his readers to fix their eyes on Jesus and

Answer:  endure discipline.

44. The book of Hebrews contains 5 warnings. One of these warnings is

Answer: don’t shrink back in your confession

45. ______________ was the putrid church.

Answer: Ephesus

46. Jude describes false teachers as

Answer: they are ungodly

47. According to the author of Hebrews, Jesus’ priestly duties were not performed in an earthly sanctuary, a mere copy of the heavenly, but in the heavenly sanctuary itself.

Answer: True

48. Jude’s reference to both Old Testament examples and those of Jewish non-canonical books indicate his readers were Jewish Christians.

Answer: True

49. 1 John affirms that a person’s assurance of eternal life is not something to be experienced only after death, but it begins at the moment of salvation.

Answer:  True

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