ENG105 Week 2 Rhetorical Analysis Peer Review Forum latest 2017 may
Week 2 Rhetorical Analysis Peer Review Forum
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Begin by posting your Rhetorical Analysis Rough Draft by the deadline to TWO places: to the Module 2 Rhetorical Analysis Peer Review Forum AND to the Module 2 Rhetorical Analysis Rough Draft assignment box.
Answer: Crafting an effective message is not a simple task. It requires a great deal of thought and analysis in order to be successful. However, with practice, it is something that anyone can learn to do.
Step-by-Step explanation
- In order to be an effective rhetorician, one must be able to analyze the audience, purpose, and context of a given situation and then craft a message that is appropriate for those circumstances. This is no easy task, but with practice it can be done.
- The first step is to analyze the audience. Who will be receiving the message? What are their beliefs, values, and biases? What is their level of education? What is their level of knowledge about the subject matter? All of these factors must be taken into account in order to craft an effective message.
- The second step is to analyze the purpose. What is the goal of the message? Is it to inform, to persuade, or to entertain? Each of these purposes requires a different approach.
The third step is to analyze the context. What is the situation surrounding the message? What are the circumstances that the audience will be receiving it? All of these factors must be taken into account in order to deliver an effective message. - As we can see, crafting an effective message is not a simple task. It requires a great deal of thought and analysis in order to be successful. However, with practice, it is something that anyone can learn to do.
- When analyzing the audience, it is important to consider all of the factors that could affect their reception of the message. This includes their beliefs, values, and biases. It is also important to consider their level of education and knowledge about the subject matter. All of these factors must be taken into account in order to craft an effective message.
- The purpose of the message is also important to consider. Is the goal to inform, to persuade, or to entertain? Each of these purposes requires a different approach. For example, a message that is meant to inform will be different from one that is meant to entertain.
- The context of the message is also important to consider. What is the situation surrounding the message? What are the circumstances that the audience will be receiving it? All of these factors must be taken into account in order to deliver an effective message.
- In conclusion, we can see that there is a lot that goes into crafting an effective message. It is not a simple task, but with practice it is something that anyone can learn to do.
You will then need to post your completed Peer Review Worksheet to TWO places: to the Module 2 Rhetorical Analysis Peer Review Forum for your peer to view, as well as to the Module 2 Rhetorical Analysis Peer Review assignment box, so the instructor can grade your work.
Step-by-Step explanation
The study of rhetoric focuses on how speakers and authors use language to persuade an audience. An article that deconstructs a nonfiction piece into its component elements and then analyzes how those parts interact to have a certain effect—whether to convince, entertain, or inform—is known as a rhetorical analysis.
In this image, some information were missing for us to be able apprehend the statement and create best possible answer we could.
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