What was Byzantine history?

What was Byzantine history? The Byzantine history was the history of the Eastern Roman Empire from about 330 to 1453. It saw the rise of Christianity and its spread throughout Europe and Asia Minor, as well as various changes in empire leadership, organization, and culture.  Having difficulties learning about the Read more…

Which European country dominated international commerce in the early seventeenth century?

Which European country dominated international commerce in the early seventeenth century? a) France b) The Netherlands c) Britain d) Spain e) Portugal ANSWER (b) The Netherlands Step-by-Step explanation Dutch or The Netherlands dominated international commerce in the early seventeenth century. Why was promoting international commerce important to the Mongols? Their Read more…

What was the American Revolution?

What was the American Revolution? The American Revolution was a rebellion by American colonists against British control. The contest began with resistance to taxes and ended with reconciliation between the two countries, but Americans continued to resent British trade restrictions for decades. Do my case study homework service will tackle Read more…