Handling an English Assignment? Avoid These Common Mistakes
Learning English is important and can sometimes be a daunting task. This is regardless of whether you’re a native speaker or speaking English as a second language. Most often, people need to take an English course to understand the rules that govern the subject.
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Access Free Writing ToolsAnd since writing English assignment is a crucial component when studying, students (whether in high school, colleges, or universities) need to give much thought towards improving their writing skills.
Very few students can write an impressive and error-free English Assignment. But this shouldn’t always be the case. You can get help on english homework from online apps where you can connect with online tutors. Even so, it still makes a lot of sense if you’ll know the common English writing mistakes you should avoid.
Read along to learn the common mistakes you should avoid when handling English assignments:
1. Ignoring Instructions
Following the given instructions is key to any assignment’s success, and ensuring your English assignment is exceptional. Before you start working on your English assignment, be sure to read and understand all the given instructions.
This will ensure that you have a better idea of what is required of you, which will go a long way in determining your success. You surely don’t want to fail on your grades because you were unable to follow a simple instruction, do you?
2. Making Grammatical Errors
You can follow all the instructions given, but if the final assignment you present has grammatical errors, your grade will still be compromised. As a thumb of rule, always ensure that your English assignment is free from any grammatical errors. Ensure to use the proper nouns, tenses, and verbs throughout the context.
Avoiding grammatical errors is vital when handling an English assignment for several reasons. It can impede the effectiveness of your communication as such errors often change the meaning of a sentence. This might throw off the reader and may fail to understand what you are trying to explain.
Grammatical errors can also cost you a lot of time. For instance, you might be forced to go through your work again to make it clear, or you might be required to have a sit down with your professor to clarify your point.
3. Not Proofreading Before Submitting
Spelling words wrongly is another common mistake that English students make. We all agree that English is not an easy subject, but you should never present your assignment without checking for any grammatical errors. Do not be in a hurry to submit your assignment. That is why you should do it early enough to avoid the last-minute rush that will deny you even the time to go through your work.
Not only will proofreading help you point out spelling errors, poorly phrased words, and tone, but it will help you point out whether or not your writing is relevant to the topic of the assignment.
4. Use of Unfamiliar Words
Most students think that they will sound better if they use big words when writing their assignments. Well, this can only be true if you know the right words to use. However, most students end up using words they’re unfamiliar with an attempt to appear smarter.
This is a huge mistake and, in most cases, will make the paper appear bad. Instead, we would advise you only to use words that you’re familiar with in your English assignment. Also, note that you may not be familiar with some of these words, and you may use them in the wrong context. The use of large vocabulary impedes the readability of your assignment. No one wants to read an assignment with a dictionary on the side.
5. Ignoring Your Audience
Knowing who your audience is will go a long way in ensuring that you get your assignment right. Most students, however, still ignore this. Your target audience should always be at the back of your mind when writing your assignment. This way, you’re sure to craft an essay that is appealing to your audience, but one that is of value to them as well.
6. Poor Structure
Always ensure to follow the given instructions. This will, among other things, ensure that your ideas flow better, and your assignment has an impressive presentation.
In most cases, an English assignment should include the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. What’s more, ensure your assignment is informative and direct to the point.
7. Using Informal Words
An English assignment, just like any academic assignment, should be written in formal language. Even so, most students make the mistake of inappropriate words in their assignments. You should avoid this altogether. Instead, use an official language in your English assignments.
8. Using the Same Phrases and Words
Yes, your assignment has no grammatical errors, has the right structure, and is in the correct format, but if you’ve repeated the same ideas throughout, it will not impress the readers.
You can avoid this by adding new ideas to your text and use the word substitute. This way, you’re sure to have an impressive English assignment.
9. Plagiarism
Plagiarism is probably the greatest mistake that students can make when writing academic essays, including English assignment. Plagiarism merely is copying words or ideas from an academic source without attribution.
While you cannot avoid taking ideas from other sources, be sure to use your own words when explaining them. To check whether any part of the assignment is plagiarized, consider passing your essay through our online plagiarism checker.
10. Poor Presentation
Like you give much thought to the use of collected data for your English assignment, you should not neglect paper presentations. Always ensure to consider your assignment presentation before sending it for analysis. To that end, consider using highlighters or bold sentences to mark the critical points in your presentation.

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