Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years medical school essay – sample answers
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Access Free Writing ToolsWhere do You See Yourself in 10 Years Medical School Essay
Sample Answer One
In 10 years, I aspire to be trained in the discipline of emergency medicine, which is unexpectedly a specialty that is scarce here in the U.S. in comparison to other similarly developed nations. To contribute towards providing thorough policy analyses and suggestions on how the country can once again be the global leader in healthcare provision, I hope to carry out investigations in the area of healthcare infrastructure and collaborate with lawmakers, federal agencies, and other stakeholders to find innovative ways to improve access to emergency health facilities in areas that are currently underserved in the country. Among the solutions, in my opinion, is to give less attention to cutting-edge facilities and more attention to the availability of primary healthcare. I opine this way knowing very well that the issues inherent in our healthcare system are multifaceted and call for a dynamic response. As a volunteer and first responder, a large portion of the care I offer is both highly efficient and reasonably priced. When dealing with a complicated political or social issue, more money is usually useful, but we also need to consider alternatives to more money and higher taxes. In ten years, I hope to play a significant role in the healthcare discourse in the United States by proposing creative ways to provide all of the people living in the country with high-quality, cost-effective healthcare, especially the rural folks and the underprivileged.
Sample college essay on what makes you unique.
Sample Answer Two
In ten years, I want to be in a position whereby all that I will do as a healthcare professional will result in the best care for my patients. I want my patients to give positive reviews about me as would be inspired by my care provision. I also see myself teaching in the medical field in ten years. I believe I will have gained adequate experience working in diverse healthcare settings and facilities by then. I also think I will have enhanced my medical education and I will be better placed to impart invaluable knowledge to aspiring healthcare professionals.
Moreover, teaching is something I am passionate about and that is why becoming a medical educator is among my ten-year plan goals. I additionally hope to use my medical knowledge to help underprivileged people. I hope to do this by for instance collaborating with healthcare-related nonprofits to offer free sensitization and community outreach programs in underserved areas across the United States. My experiences from these programs would enable me to achieve my other dream, that of publishing a book about community health and best practices. Again, this is in line with my plan of becoming a medical school teacher. By writing a book, I will have, in my opinion, significantly contributed to healthcare delivery in the country. Thus, my ten-year plan in the medical field is considerably ambitious but achievable as per my standards.
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Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years Medical School Essay
Sample Answer One
In five years, I hope to have been through with my BSN program and working in the medical industry for a reliable business or hospital that enables me to feel energized and motivated at the start and finish of each day. I see myself discharging my nursing services in a busy and intrinsically-rewarding environment that will enable me to apply my acquired knowledge in offering some of the best care services to patients. I also hope to learn a lot from my senior colleagues given that I will just have begun my nursing career. In that same spirit of continuous learning, I hope to start furthering my education in five years because my long-term goal is to become a nurse practitioner (NP) and more significantly impact the nursing profession. This means I will have to register for a two- or three-year NP program because I would have laid the necessary foundation by graduating from the BSN program. My ideals perfectly align with the collective goals or values of nurse practitioners, which revolve around three major work values: relationships, achievement, and independence. This profession allows NPs to discharge their services while working with their colleagues in a non-competitive and friendly environment. Therefore, my five-year plan is packed and just awaiting implementation.
Sample Answer Two
In five years, I want to be a registered nurse after completing my baccalaureate nursing course. I see myself starting a fantastic career after my first degree and getting my first paycheck. I will return and get my master’s after getting my nursing bachelor’s. One day, after receiving my master’s degree, I hope to go back to school to earn my nurse practitioner licensure. This area of study interests me. I already work full-time in the medical industry and am certified in the following: medicine administration technician, long-term care, and certified nursing assistant. This means I had my career plan figured out long ago and these are just the initial steps I have taken toward its realization. To ensure the plan is not compromised, I have to work extra hard to pass all my exams and practicums in the BSN program. Thus, I will spend the first four years acquiring my BSN by handling and submitting coursework and assignments as well as attending all the necessary practicums. Immediately after graduation, I will seek the status of a registered nurse and thereafter apply for jobs. Hopefully, I will be absorbed in a reputable healthcare facility as a fresh graduate so my dream may live on.
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