Artificial Intelligence Argumentative Essay – With Outline
Artificial Intelligence Argumentative Essay Outline
In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become one of the rapidly developing fields and as its capabilities continue to expand, its potential impact on society has become a topic of intense debate. Different people have different views regqarding AI making this topic a bit challenging especially to students writing an argumentative essay on AI. However, with the help of a trustworthy research paper writing service, students can get guarentee themselves quality papers that will get them good grades.
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Thesis: Artificial Intelligence cannot replace human intelligence no matter how sophisticated it may get.
Supporting arguments
Paragraph 1:
AI lacks emotional intelligence.
- Emotional intelligence makes human beings perpetually relevant at work.
- Humans are social animals and they feel emotionally connected to other people.
- AI cannot imitate emotional intelligence.
Paragraph 2:
AI can only operate using the data it is given.
- The machine is useless if the data entered into it does not include a new field of work.
- AI does not automatically adapt to any circumstance.
- AI cannot easily mimic the capacity of the human brain to analyze, develop, innovate, maneuver, and collect information.
Paragraph 3:
AI is limited by its coding and its inability to think creatively.
- AI’s coding prevents them from coming up with original solutions to problems.
- Robots are designed to operate within their constraints.
- AI cannot analyze the context, consider complex events critically, or create intricate plans.
Paragraph 4:
AI lacks soft skills.
- Soft skills are a must for every employee.
- Soft skills are alien to artificially intelligent computers.
- Humans have an advantage over AI in the workplace thanks to soft skills.
Paragraph 5:
AI is a creation of humans and it is humans that make it work.
- Without human intelligence, artificial intelligence would not exist.
- The lines of code that are used to create AI are written by humans.
- Humans provide the data that AI machines use to operate.
Paragraph 6:
While humans can develop relationships, AI will never achieve that.
- Relationships are the foundation of many things.
- Humans have to communicate and work together with fellow humans.
- Machines cannot understand this emotional aspect of human behavior.
Paragraph 7:
AI will never express empathy, whereas humans can.
- Humans can express their emotions.
- AI cannot read other people’s emotions and display expressions.
- While AI-based devices can mimic human speech, they do not have empathy and the human touch.
Paragraph 8:
AI requires fact-checking.
- AI chatbots often make mistakes and need human moderators.
- While AI can learn incredibly quickly, it does not have common sense.
- AI cannot reason and challenge the truth to the same extent that humans can.
Paragraph 9:
AI cannot replace important human skills like critical thinking, time management, interpersonal skills, and analytical skills.
- Machines lack the human critical-thought ability.
- Machines are not as good at setting priorities or managing their time as humans.
- Machines lack the human ability to evaluate data and develop conclusions.
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Counterarguments and rebuttals
Paragraph 10:
Some people could argue that AI could soon catch up with and replace human intelligence.
- This is becausemachines can now perform cognitively complicated tasks.
- This could mean all work could be delegated to robots.
- However, this is not true because AI lacks intuition, emotion, or cultural sensitivity.
Paragraph 11:
Some people also argue that AI will push people out of jobs in a few years to come.
- AI use in the workplace is growing.
- Many current positions will be replaced by AI.
- However, the kind of work that AI can perform is often repetitious needing less sophisticated reasoning.
- AI will never replace human intelligence or humans in the workplace.
- Human intelligence is still far much superior to what AI can accomplish.
- AI’s abilities will enhance humanity rather than replace it.
- As AI technology advances, more jobs may be created.
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Artificial Intelligence Argumentative Essay
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the kind of intelligence displayed by machines. It is the capacity of a machine, specifically a computer, to replicate mental functions. The natural intelligence of people is in contrast to artificial intelligence. Numerous technologies are being created to educate computer systems on how to plan, understand, learn from experience, recognize objects, make judgments, and solve issues. Machines can carry out human-like tasks like driving a car or having a conversation by mimicking these abilities. AI has ingrained itself into humans’ daily lives and is here to stay. It is working alongside humans to efficiently and quickly meet societal needs, which is having a significant, beneficial impact on numerous industries and people’s lives. Some people feel that AI has become so efficient that it could replace humans in the future. However, Artificial Intelligence cannot replace human intelligence no matter how sophisticated it may get.
AI cannot replace human intelligence because it lacks emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is one distinctive quality that makes human beings perpetually relevant at work. The value of emotional intelligence in the workplace, particularly when working with clients, cannot be overstated. Humans are social animals, and one fundamental, indisputable desire that they have is to feel emotionally connected to other people. While AI tries to imitate human intelligence, emotional intelligence is more difficult to mimic than intellectual intelligence (Oluwaniyi, 2023). This is because emotional intelligence requires empathy and a profound understanding of the human condition, particularly suffering and pain (Oluwaniyi, 2023). AI is incapable of experiencing these feelings. Smart corporate executives and entrepreneurs are aware of the value of appealing to the emotions of their personnel and customers. Such degrees of human connection is impossible for machines to accomplish, but there are techniques for humans to develop their emotional intelligence. Systems with artificial intelligence are quick, logical, and precise. However, they lack intuition, empathy, and cultural awareness (Prajapat, 2022). It is these abilities that make humans more effective. Only a human being can read a person’s facial expression and know just what to say.
In the same breath, AI is only able to operate using the data it is given. Anything beyond that would be asking too much of it, and machines are not made that way. Therefore, the machine is useless if the data entered into it does not include a new field of work or if its algorithm does not account for unexpected events. These circumstances are frequent in the manufacturing and tech sectors, and AI builders are continuously looking for interim solutions (Oluwaniyi, 2023). One of the many prevalent misconceptions about artificial intelligence is the notion that technologies will automatically adapt to any circumstance. It follows that AI will never permeate every industry and reduce the need for human professional expertise (Oluwaniyi, 2023). AI cannot easily mimic human reasoning or the capacity of the human brain to analyze, develop, innovate, maneuver, and collect information.
AI is also limited by its coding and its inability to think creatively. AI’s coding prevents them from coming up with original solutions to a variety of developing issues. Robots are designed to operate within their constraints (Prajapat, 2022). A machine could think for itself someday. However, that will not happen anytime soon in the real world. Artificial intelligence cannot analyze the context, consider complex events critically, or create intricate plans (Prajapat, 2022). Teams and organizations connect with the outside world regularly. However, AI can only process information that has already been input into its system. It cannot account for the influence from outside, unlike humans. In real work environments, it is important to have the flexibility to distill a vision and plan while coping with abrupt changes and skewed information sharing (Prajapat, 2022). Human intuition, a crucial component of daily work, especially for high-level executives, drives this skill.
Further, AI lacks soft skills. In the workplace, soft skills are a must for every employee. To name just a few, they include collaboration, focus on detail, creative and critical thinking, excellent communication skills, and interpersonal skills (Larson, 2021). Every industry needs these soft skills, so one must acquire them if one wants to thrive in one’s career. These are skills that humans learn and are expected to have. Learning them is beneficial for everybody, regardless of position. Both business leaders and a group of field personnel in any industry depend on these skills to succeed. Consequently, humans have an advantage over AI in the workplace thanks to soft skills. Soft skills, however, are alien to artificially intelligent computers. These soft skills are essential for professional development and progress, but AI cannot create them (Larson, 2021). Higher levels of emotional intelligence and thinking are needed to develop the skills.
Additionally, it is general knowledge that AI is a creation of humans and it is humans that make it work. Without human intelligence, artificial intelligence would not exist. Artificial intelligence is intelligence created by humans. The lines of code that are used to create AI are written by humans. Humans provide the data that AI machines use to operate (Larson, 2021). Humans are also the ones who operate these machines. Human services will become more and more in demand as AI applications expand. These machines need to be built, run, and maintained by someone who also designs the AI systems (Larson, 2021). This can only be done by humans. These facts give one the confidence to refute any theories that AI will replace human intelligence.
Furthermore, while humans can develop relationships, AI will never achieve that. Relationships are the foundation of many things. Humans have to communicate and work together with fellow humans. Additionally, many people do better individually when working in teams. On the same note, teams produce better and more inventive results, according to numerous studies (Prajapat, 2022). The most crucial component of employee engagement is an emotional commitment and ties with teammates, which demonstrate how much humans care about their work and the organizations they work for. Because people prefer to work with like-minded individuals, relationships also aid in locating partners and clients (Prajapat, 2022). However, machines are unable to understand this emotional aspect of human behavior.
In addition, AI will never express empathy, whereas humans can. Humans can express their emotions, including joy, satisfaction, grief, thanksgiving, hope, goodness, and optimism (Prajapat, 2022). There are a virtually infinite number of different emotions that humans can feel and let out. Furthermore, it is impossible to imagine AI being able to read others’ emotions and display all expressions better than a human being can. Several work situations call for the establishment of trust and human-to-human connections in order to get workers to relax, open up, and communicate about themselves (Prajapat, 2022). While AI-based devices can mimic human speech, they do not have empathy and the human touch.
AI also falls short of the human intelligence level in that it requires fact-checking. The fact that AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT, often make mistakes and need human moderators to double-check their facts is a major issue. While AI can learn incredibly quickly, it does not have common sense and is simply unable to reason and challenge the truth to the same extent that humans can (Oluwaniyi, 2023). This is why technology users should probably refrain from asking AI chatbots certain questions. The lesson here is that fact-checking will probably become a serious career in the future since artificial intelligence cannot regulate itself and requires external supervision (Oluwaniyi, 2023). One might want to hone their research skills in the interim in anticipation of this potential future career path.
Further, AI cannot replace such important human skills as critical thinking, time management, interpersonal skills, and analytical skills. Machines are quite good at analyzing data, but they lack the human critical-thought ability. It is a skill that is required in many professions, such as commerce, law, and medicine. On the same note, while machines are capable of performing tasks quickly and efficiently, they are not as good at setting priorities or managing their time as humans are (Cremer, 2020). Time management is essential in many different industries, including healthcare, education, and project management. Similarly, interpersonal skills, such as dispute resolution, active listening, and empathy enable humans to develop important connections and interactions with fellow humans. These skills are required for many different professions, including human resource management, social work, and counseling. On another note, machines can analyze data and provide recommendations, but they do not have the human ability to evaluate the data and develop conclusions (Cremer, 2020). Analytical skills are essential in many different disciplines, including finance, engineering, and science.
Some people could argue that with the rate at which AI is evolving, it could soon catch up with and replace human intelligence. The practice of humans outsourcing their work to machines began with routine, repetitive physical jobs such as weaving. Machines have advanced to the point where they can now perform tasks that could be considered cognitively complicated, such as solving mathematical equations, understanding speech and language, and writing. So, it appears that machines are prepared to duplicate not just human physical work but also human’s mental work. In the twenty-first century, AI is improving to the point that it can perform many activities better than humans, making humans appear ready to delegate their intelligence to machines (Cremer & Kasparov, 2021). With this most recent trend, it appears as though everything will soon be automatable, which means that no work will be immune from being delegated to robots. This picture of the future of labor resembles a zero-sum contest in which there can be only one victor. However, this interpretation of how AI will affect the workplace is misleading. The contention of whether AI will replace human employees assumes that the two species share the same attributes and skills, yet this is untrue. AI-based systems are quicker, more precise, and always rational, but they lack intuition, emotion, or cultural sensitivity (Cremer & Kasparov, 2021). It is precisely these skills that humans have, which make them superior to machines.
Some people also argue that since AI may outperform humans in many different aspects, it will push people out of jobs in a few years to come. For instance, according to Larkin (2022), over 67 percent of American workers believe robots will take their jobs within fifty years. The use of artificial intelligence applications in the workplace is growing, and many current positions will be replaced by them. However, the kind of work that such applications can perform, is often repetitious ones needing less sophisticated reasoning. As the world transitions to a more connected information and communication technology ecosystem, new positions for people will also be created by changing workplace demands. According to an analysis by the World Economic Forum, while machines using AI will displace roughly 85 million jobs in 2025, AI will also create about 97 million new employment positions in the same year (“The Future of Jobs Report 2020,” 2020). Thus, the concern should be how humans can collaborate with AI rather than having it replace them. This is what people should concentrate on. Because, it will be difficult, even impossible, to survive in the modern era without AI. Similarly, AI will not survive without the input of humans.
No matter the level to which AI may advance, it will not replace human intelligence nor will it replace humans at the workplace. The human-like intelligence is still very distant from what the world’s AI technology can accomplish. Despite all the concerns, the majority of AI machines are built to be exceptionally good at tackling a specific problem in the setting of a certain data system. On the other hand, human imagination, wisdom, and contextual knowledge are essential to the success of AI. This is due to the straightforward fact that people will always be able to provide value that robots cannot. Thus, it can be summed up that AI’s abilities will enhance humanity rather than replace it. Because of this, top-tier and progressive firms have begun implementing AI to improve their experiences, productivity, and organizational agility. Overall, it can be seen that as AI technology advances, more jobs may be created.
Cremer, D. (2020). Leadership by algorithm: Who leads and who follows in the AI era? Harriman House.
Cremer, D., & Kasparov, G. (2021, March 18). AI should augment human intelligence, not replace it. Harvard Business Review.
Larkin, C. (2022, September 27). AI won’t replace human intuition. Forbes.
Larson, E. J. (2021). The myth of artificial intelligence: Why computers can’t think the way we do. Harvard University Press.
Oluwaniyi, R. (2023, March 15). 7 reasons why artificial intelligence can’t replace humans at work. MUO.,is%20vital%20for%20business%20growth.
Prajapat, J. (2022, May 17). Why A.I. artificial intelligence can’t replace humans? LinkedIn.
The Future of Jobs Report 2020. (2020, October 20). World Economic Forum. Retrieved May 2, 2023, from
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