Parts of an Introduction Paragraph you Should Know

The hook, background, topic statement, and thesis statement are the parts of an introduction paragraph that act as the pillars upon which it is built. The first paragraph is as crucial to an essay as the opening remarks are in a speech.
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Access Free Writing ToolsWhat is an Introduction Paragraph?
An introduction is the first paragraph that opens your essay and consists of a hook, background, topic sentence, and thesis statement. The opening paragraph grabs the reader’s attention and introduces the essay’s main idea.
When writing an introduction paragraph, think of a crowd with no knowledge or reason for a particular topic. The audience is bored and expects nothing important from your essay. So, you need to grab their attention and hook them into the story you will give them. Then, introduce your arguments and make them want to listen more to you by showing them why the topic is important and relevant to them.
However, the “attention-seeker” attitude should not overwhelm your introduction paragraph. While grabbing your readers’ attention should be the first aim of your opening paragraph, it cannot always apply to formal papers.
Therefore, an introduction paragraph’s primary objective should serve as an overview of the paper. Introduce the article to let the audience know what to expect.
Crucial Parts of an Introductory Paragraph for Essays
When writing an opening paragraph, draw a roadmap of 5 main parts to help you keep a logical structure. The structure ensures that your section is objective and straight to the point. Also, you will cover the main points without leaving out any of them.
The main parts of an introductory paragraph include:
- Hook
- Topic sentence
- The reference or background sentence
- Summary or overview of the essay
- The thesis statement
1. The Hook
The first sentence should always set the [pace and tone of your essay. How you open your article will determine whether your readers will be enthusiastic about reading the paper. So, you have to be creative enough to write a powerful, compelling hook.
The hook grabs the attention of your audience and runs away with it. And, when attracted, the people will likely stay with you throughout the essay.
Avoid the temptation to write long, complex sentences. Instead, keep it simple, straightforward, catchy, and exciting. Spark your reader’s curiosity and interest in the topic.
However, you must write an attention grabber relevant to the topic. Find an exciting statement that draws attention to the essay. So, avoid general claims or dry facts that no one takes seriously.
Grab attention using facts, statistics, analogies, rhetorical questions, or literary quotes. Think of a hook as your first impression to your readers, and make it count like you have no second chance!
An example of a good essay hook:
The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a new, unprecedented global technological revolution across all sectors, adding weight to the historical belief that the advancement of human growth revs up in times of calamities and disasters.
2. Topic Sentence
Now that your hook has grabbed your reader’s attention, it’s time to bring a topic sentence that will run away. The topic sentence introduces your readers to the essay. In short, this statement is the heart of your introduction paragraph because it technically explains your essay.
Concisely tell your readers about the topic and what your essay intends to cover. Set the tone of the piece by exploring and summarizing it. After your hook arouses the curiosity of your readers, use the topic sentence as a transition into the essay’s main points.
Here, you can provide enough background facts and statistics to envision what the audience expects in the body section. So, the information you provide in the topic statement will create a smooth transition to the main ideas in the body section.
3. Background Relevance Sentence
Your readers are now eager to listen to you, and they know what the essay is about. So, it’s time to show them that the topic is relevant. Here, you will need a sentence to contextualize the topic.
If the essay were a play, the relevance sentence would be the stage upon which the drama unfolds. So, place the essay in the context of the reader’s life so that they will find the information valuable and relevant.
The background information is sandwiched between the hook and the thesis statement. The data could be the definition of key terminologies, an outline of the argument and history, or a summary of the research findings.
However, save in-depth information for the body section. Instead, you can give a structure or an overview of the main points of your argument.
4. Outline or Structure
Just like a blueprint architectural prototype precedes the construction of a massive infrastructural project, so does an outline come before an essay. The structure provides a roadmap to give your reader’s a sense of direction.
500 word essay with outline to provide insights on how to draft an good outline for your essay.
5. The Thesis Statement
The thesis statement defines the main idea that you aim to focus on in your essay. In short, it is a direct answer to the question that prompted the essay question. If someone is looking for a quick response to the essay prompting question, they should find it in the thesis statement. If you are stuck coming up with an appropriate thesis for your essay Gudwriter has the best thesis generator tool that will help you generate a concise and relevant thesis statement.
Thesis statement should outline the main idea of the body paragraphs. However, it should be concise and coherent. If the essay was a submission to a debate panel, the thesis statement would be the central point of your position in the argument.
How To Write An Interesting Introduction For An Essay
Two of the most critical sections of an essay are the introduction and the conclusion. The introduction essay is your first impression, while the conclusion of a college essay is the footprint you leave in your readers’ mind.
When you want to write a sizzling intro that earns you top grades and cultic readership, you must follow these steps:
- Write a catchy hook.
- Include a written topic sentence
- Provide a deeply researched background information
- Establish your argument from the known abstract to the unknown specifics
- Draw up an essay structure that maps the blueprint of your essay
- Present your position on the topic or briefly summarize your points in the thesis statement
- Proffered and polish up your introduction paragraph
Mistakes To Avoid When Writing An Introduction
When you write a last-minute essay, you will likely work it up fast. But that will only accrue to many errors and mistakes. If you want to score a top grade or build up a huge readership for your essays, here are mistakes to avoid when writing an introduction:
- Lengthy introduction: The introduction section should never exceed 10% of the total word count of a paper.
- Filler words: Write nimble, concise, and useful words only.
- Overselling the introduction: Your introduction would rather underpromise and overdeliver in your boy section. Write a good opening paragraph whose cheque the essay’s body section can cash.
- Unfounded claims: Your intro is your first impression to your audience- you will not have a second chance. Untrue claims will eat into your credibility and authority for the rest of the essay.
Introduction Paragraph Examples
1. Argumentative essay on abortion introduction example
Every life is known to be essential regardless of whether it’s a fully grown or unborn person while in its mother’s womb. (Hook) Abortion rights do not support some of the human rights to life. Abortion is viewed as the act of murdering the innocent unborn baby, which, on the other hand, may lead to numerous complications to the mother, such as stunted growth and psychological damage of the number of some adopted babies by willing parents. (Background) Everyone should support the fact that abortion is illegal since it causes harm to women, society, and millions of unborn babies in the whole world. Abortion is the cruelest and inhuman action that an innocent unborn baby does not deserve. (topic/relevance sentence) Therefore, the paper will discuss some of the consequences and risks of abortion, which makes it a dangerous and harmful activity to the unborn baby and the mother. (Thesis Statement)
2. Video games essay introduction example
Video games have become increasingly popular among teenagers over the last few years. A significant portion of people in this age bracket use a computer, gaming console, or handheld devices like a cellphone to play video games. (Hook) Video games are typically among the best recreational activities for teenagers, and they are played for extended periods. (topic/relevance sentence) The majority of youngsters today prefer playing these games over any outside games since playing video games is now easier thanks to modern joysticks and controllers. (Background) It is, however, debatable whether playing video games is beneficial or harmful to an individual. This paper examines the positive and negative effects of video games. (Thesis Statement)
The intro of an essay is the sweet music that calls potential converts to the evangelical meeting. When weaved together, the parts of an introduction paragraph blend into a sizzling piece that creates an overview for the essay.
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