Q & A: Social Workers and The LGBTQ Community
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Social Workers and the LGBTQ Population
To prepare: Consider the following statement:
NASW encourages the adoption of laws that recognize inheritance, insurance, same-sex marriage, child custody, property, and other rights in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender relationships. The Association firmly believes that all federal protections and responsibilities available to legally married people in the United States should be available to people who enter same sex unions (including domestic partnerships, civil unions, and same sex marriages).
By Day 5 of Week 7, submit your reaction to this statement of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). Describe what you think is the role of social workers in equal rights and access to LGBTQ populations. Advocacy, Internationally To prepare: Read the United Nations Address on Global LGBT Rights by Hilary Clinton.
By Day 7 of Week 7, submit a detailed explanation of your reaction to this essay. Then, explain why, in the context of practicing social work in North America, it is important for us to acknowledge and address sexual orientation and gender diversity of marginalized populations across the world. Explain the role of social workers on an international level in relation to the rights of the LGBTQ community. Identify specific skills and actions you would employ as advocate.
Describe what you think is the role of social workers in equal rights and access to LGBTQ populations
Despite the many campaigns and media sensitization, may people remain largely divided on their views of the LGBT community. Some of the population believe that they are just like every other individual and should have equal opportunities while others think otherwise.
The LGBT generally refers to the people in the community living as Lesbian, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender. This particular population of people still get to face a lot of discrimination, oppression and even marginalization that usually results to some poor physical, emotional and even social wellbeing (In O’Neill, In Swan & In Mulé, 2015).
The social workers are usually of great help in ensuring that the community is able to live just like every other member of the community. They usually assist in various ways from providing counselling to fighting for the equal laws for the members of the LGBT. In places such as the healthcare facilities where discrimination has been known to prevail among the LGBT’s, the social workers usually get to ensure that they receive the medical care equal to everyone else in the community.
Social workers could also be of great help in working towards some new laws that would give the LGBT the equal rights in things such as the parental custody, adoption or even marriage. The social workers should also get to ensure that the LGBT youth is living in safe home environments, and both them and their parents are provided with enough counselling on handling and accepting them as they are.
Explain the role of social workers on an international level in relation to the rights of the LGBTQ community. Identify specific skills and actions you would employ as advocate.
In her speech, Hillary Clinton tries to explain how the rights of the LGBT are just the same as the human rights. Her speech is quite a wonderful start in getting to sensitize the world on how to deal and respect everyone regardless of their sexual orientation. The speech is very heartening and allows the members of the LGBT community to live normal lives just like every other member of the community.
In context of getting to practice some social works in North America, it is essential to acknowledge the sexual orientation including the gender diversity of the marginalized community across the world because when the members of the community in North America get to accept and get in terms with everyone regardless of their sexual orientation, the rest of the will get to gradually follow the footsteps, therefore, allowing the rest of the world to come in terms with the marginalized communities.
Social workers have an important role internationally when it comes to the rights of the LGBT community as they are able to make the members of the community accept and come into terms with the LGBT communities, therefore, extending the territories where the LGBT can live comfortably without discrimination, which may also get to expand worldwide.
The particular skills and actions that would be essential in advocating for the rights of the LGBT as an advocate include such things as aggressiveness, where an advocate would be able to stand against everyone else in fighting for the rights of the LGBT. The advocate should also be quite conversant with the human rights in order to be able to include the law in his fight for the rights of the LGBT individuals (Zastrow, 2015).
In O’Neill, B., In Swan, T. A., & In Mulé, N. J. (2015). LGBTQ people and social work: Intersectional perspectives.
Zastrow, C. (2015). Social work with groups: A comprehensive worktext.
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