How to Write an Argumentative Essay Step By Step
Why do some students write amazing, thought-provoking argumentative essay while others write utterly dubious pieces?
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Writing an excellent argumentative essay calls for the ability to present facts, provide supportive evidence, and use logical reasoning to illustrate points. You should never use personal emotions and experiences to demonstrate a point because it leads to a loss of credibility.
Writing an argumentative essay isn’t just about engaging in a debate. You have to prove that your stand is the best to take, with facts and rationale. Gudwriter has the best team of professionals crafting papers from scratch covering all the details provided in your instructions. Choose our English homework help online service and guarantee yourself an A+ paper.
How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay Step by Step
As a writer, you ought to come up with a plan on how to make your argumentative essay excellent. And what’s a better way to do that than to learn to write a killer argumentative essay step by step?
1. Research and make a stand
Research is the first step towards writing an effective persuasive, argumentative essay that will compel your audience to agree with you.
Do extensive research to know everything possible about the topic that you have decided to tackle. You can get the necessary information from books, magazines, websites, or any other reliable sources.
When you have chosen the subject, make a stand. Once you have picked the side that is easier for you to argue, know the facts. Keep in mind that some issues are one-sided.
2. Write an outline
This is where you organize your thoughts coherently and logically.
Do not ignore the importance of writing an outline; it defines the flow of your essay. At this stage, you should also know how to logically present your arguments.
Your outline should have the main ideas to support your stand and at least two refuting arguments. Choose a clear pattern to follow.
The opening section is the most critical part of your essay. This part captures the attention of the audience and triggers interest.
The majority of readers will decide whether to scan or deep-read your article based purely on introducing it. Your essay can have one introductory paragraph or many depending on the size of your argumentative essay.
Begin this paragraph with a hook. Explain the topic’s relevance that you have decided to tackle and let the reader know why you chose it.
Try to explain the opposing side’s stance on the issue and why. You can opt to include detailed background information on the topic.
You can also start your introduction using an anecdote that is relevant to the topic. Again, it can be a quotation or a fact. Your introduction should end with a thesis.
A thesis is an idea on which you build your paragraphs or consequent statements. You can formulate the thesis statement for your argumentative essay in various ways.
- Question and answer format
This is where you present your topic of interest as a question. It can be your essay’s title.
For example: What are the significant causes of divorce in our society?
- Roadmap
In this case, you explain what you will cover in a few words outlining some of your major points.
For Example: Lately, more couples have been divorcing. While there are different reasons why couples decide to part ways, some of the causes are unfaithfulness, age differences, and the fact that more women are becoming less dependent on their men.
- The three-part thesis
It is also advisable to avoid the three-part thesis. This format constricts and limits the shape that your ideas take so that they are contained in three significant body paragraphs.
If you choose a different format for your thesis, you get the chance to expand your ideas more freely, and you can even incorporate supportive ideas.
Learn how to write an explanatory essay.
The Body of Your Argumentative Essay
This section of the article contains your arguments to support the stand in your thesis. Provide a convincing explanation as to why your audience should agree with you. In the body of your essay, you should provide:
- Reasons and supporting facts
Why did you pick the side that you chose? Demonstrate your reasons. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence to draw the reader’s attention.
It is advisable to start with your most vital point. Logical and credible facts should provide support.
Again, quotations by experts in different scholarly fields can also be used to support your arguments. You may include examples and statistics.
- Objections and opposing positions
Make a point of illustrating any opposing positions that your audience might have. Use arguments or factual evidence to answer them. Do not forget to give reasons why you do not support those objections.
The body should be coherent and cohesive. All your thoughts must be presented consistently and easy-to-follow to avoid any disconnection with your audience.
You can also include a rebuttal to an opposing argument that has already been presented in the body. Choose one that is reliable and relevant.
Anything that is out of context will make you look like you are trying too hard to validate your thesis. In the end, it could end up implying that your argument is weak and unreliable. Read; How to write an information report.
Conclusion and Verdict
The closing paragraph (s) of the argumentative essay should be well structured, and it should merge perfectly with the body. Explain the possible impacts of adopting your argument.
Once again, remind them why you made your stand. If possible, illustrate how functional your ideas are using real-time examples and case studies.
Try to appeal to their emotions, reason, and even character! Use the most appropriate diction and employ a convincing tone.
3. Proof Reading
This is the final part of writing your argumentative essay. The majority of writers are so deeply immersed in their writing that they overlook obvious mistakes.
There is nothing as irritating as an unfocused and recklessly written literary piece. Avoid using sentence fragments since your audience might not understand what you are trying to communicate.
While it is essential to go through your work, it is also invaluable to ask a friend to go through it. Alternatively, you can hire a professional academic paper editing service.
It can turn out to be helpful if you take some time off and get back to your work once you are fresh. You might realize that you wrote something different from what you meant to say.
Individuals who write effective argumentative essays have no superpowers; they are ordinary beings. They only pay extra attention to detail.
In addition, they make a strong stand and use convincing and well-researched points to back it up. They also use a structure that is easy to follow and understand.
Next time you want to write a compelling essay fast, follow this procedure, and thank me later!
Pitfalls to Avoid in an Argumentative Essay
If it is the first time you are writing an argumentative essay, you will likely make the common mistakes most students make when crafting their argumentative paper.
Note that the essay is about talking about your side on a controversial subject. To not sound opinionated, you are advised to present facts to support your side on the matter.
Choosing a topic that is not controversial is yet another mistake that students make. For an argument to be able to build up, you must be discussing a controversial topic without proven evidence. You can also get more insights about argumentative research paper topics.
With the above in mind, nothing should stop you from getting an A+ Grade.
Which statement best describes the conclusion of an argumentative essay?
A. It acquaints readers with the topic and sets up the ideas that will be presented
B. It establishes the main point of the essay and tells readers what the writer’s position is
C. It ties the essay together and tells readers what they have learned and should take away
D. It fleshes out the argument and includes counterclaims and evidence from research
Answer: C). It ties the essay together and tells readers what they have learned and should take away.
Explanation: The conclusion brings the essay to a close and attempts to resolve the issue. The goal is to persuade the audience that the essay has explored all of the significant points on the topic and that the central thesis is the best one.
Which statement best describes the body paragraphs of an argumentative essay?
A. The body paragraphs acquaint readers with the topic and set up the ideas that will be presented.
B. The body paragraphs establish the focus of the essay and tell readers what the positions will be.
C. The body paragraphs tie the essay together and tell readers what they have learned and should take away.
D. The body paragraphs flesh out the argument and include counterclaims and evidence from research.
Answer: D. The body paragraphs flesh out the argument and include counterclaims and evidence from research.
The body paragraphs of an argumentative essay flesh out the argument and include counterclaims and evidence from research.
Writing an argumentative essay
- The introduction shows the claim.
- The body gives evidence to this claim as well as counterclaims.
- The conclusion rounds off the essay.
The body is therefore the place where the argument is given some evidential backing and flesh so that one can then decide how truthful the claim is.
Which best describes the thesis statement of an argumentative essay?
A. A sentence providing details, statistics, or other evidence
B. A sentence explaining an argument against the position
C. A sentence stating a reason supporting the position
D. A sentence establishing the position on the topic
Answer: D. A sentence establishing the position on the topic
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